Form a group of 2-3 people. Write a complete snake and ladder game (with additional features).
We have worked with Snake and Ladder game before in our class. At that time, the project is incompleted (We didn't write actual Snake class and Ladder class but only demonstrate other concepts). This time, your job is to create a playable Snake and Ladder game that can supports upto 4 players.
- The game should ask the number of the players at the start (2 to 4).
- The game follows the rules in this Gameplay section:
- Once the game ends, the players can restart the game to play again, or they can watch the game replay.
- Apart from Snake and Ladder, please add 2 special types of squares.
- Freeze Square : If a player lands on this square, he/she skips one turn.
- Backward Square : If a player lands on this square, he/she rolls a die and move backward according to the die's face.
You can develop the project for either desktop or android application. The project must be developed in Java.
- Domain Model
- UML Class Diagram
- Source code (Runnable JAR file or APK.)
- 30% Design Documentation
- 30% Completeness (Does the game fulfills all requirements?)
- 30% Knowledge Used (Design Patterns & Principles taught in class)
- 10% Coding convention (Pick any convention but please be consistent)
12th May 2018
The project is complicated enough to guarantee that all of your codes will be differ. I will not tolorate any plagiarisms.