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clean up symbolic testing
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oameye committed Oct 13, 2024
1 parent ac0e383 commit 818d844
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Showing 4 changed files with 134 additions and 74 deletions.
50 changes: 0 additions & 50 deletions test/fourier.jl

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11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions test/harmonics.jl

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13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions test/powers.jl

This file was deleted.

134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions test/symbolics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
using Test
using Symbolics
using HarmonicBalance
using SymbolicUtils: Fixpoint, Prewalk, PassThrough

macro eqtest(expr)
@assert expr.head == :call && expr.args[1] in [:(==), :(!=)]
if expr.args[1] == :(==)
:(@test isequal($(expr.args[2]), $(expr.args[3])))
:(@test !isequal($(expr.args[2]), $(expr.args[3])))
end |> esc

@testset "exp(x)^n => exp(x*n)" begin
using HarmonicBalance: expand_all
@variables a n

@eqtest simplify(exp(a)^3) == exp(3 * a)
@eqtest simplify(exp(a)^n) == exp(n * a)
@eqtest expand_all(exp(a)^3) == exp(3 * a)
@eqtest expand_all(exp(a)^3) == exp(3 * a)
@eqtest expand_all(im * exp(a)^5) == im * exp(5 * a)

@testset "exp(a)*exp(b) => exp(a+b)" begin
using HarmonicBalance: simplify_exp_products
@variables a b

@eqtest simplify_exp_products(exp(a) * exp(b)) == exp(a + b)
@eqtest simplify_exp_products(exp(3a) * exp(4b)) == exp(3a + 4b)
@eqtest simplify_exp_products(im * exp(3a) * exp(4b)) == im * exp(3a+4b)

@testset "euler" begin
@variables a b
@eqtest cos(a) + im*sin(a) == exp(im*a)
@eqtest exp(a)*cos(b) + im*sin(b)*exp(a) == exp(a + im*b)

@testset "powers" begin
using HarmonicBalance: drop_powers, max_power
using HarmonicBalance.Symbolics: expand

@variables a, b, c

@eqtest max_power(a^2 + b, a) == 2
@eqtest max_power(a * ((a + b)^4)^2 + a, a) == 9

@eqtest drop_powers(a^2 + b, a, 1) == b
@eqtest drop_powers((a + b)^2, a, 1) == b^2
@eqtest drop_powers((a + b)^2, [a, b], 1) == 0
@eqtest drop_powers((a + b)^3 + (a + b)^5, [a, b], 4) == expand((a + b)^3)

@testset "trig_to_exp and trig_to_exp" begin
using HarmonicBalance: expand_all, trig_to_exp, exp_to_trig
@variables f t
cos_euler(x) = (exp(im * x) + exp(-im * x)) / 2
sin_euler(x) = (exp(im * x) - exp(-im * x)) / (2 * im)

trigs = [cos(f * t), sin(f * t)]
for (i, trig) in pairs(trigs)
z = trig_to_exp(trig)
@eqtest expand(exp_to_trig(z)) == trig

@testset "harmonic" begin
using HarmonicBalance: is_harmonic

@variables a, b, c, t, x(t), f, y(t)

@test is_harmonic(cos(f * t), t)
@test is_harmonic(1, t)
@test !is_harmonic(cos(f * t^2 + a), t)
@test !is_harmonic(a + t, t)

dEOM = DifferentialEquation([a + x, t^2 + cos(t)], [x, y])
@test !is_harmonic(dEOM, t)

@testset "fourier" begin
using HarmonicBalance: fourier_cos_term, fourier_sin_term
using HarmonicBalance.Symbolics: expand

@variables f t θ a b

@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(cos(f * t)^2, f, t), 0)
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(sin(f * t)^2, f, t), 0)

@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(cos(f * t)^2, 2 * f, t), 1//2)
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(cos(f * t)^2, 2 * f, t), 0)
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(sin(f * t)^2, 2 * f, t), -1//2)
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(sin(f * t)^2, 2 * f, t), 0)

@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(cos(f * t), f, t), 1)
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(sin(f * t), f, t), 1)

@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(cos(f * t + θ), f, t), cos(θ))
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(cos(f * t + θ), f, t), -sin(θ))

term =
(a * sin(f * t) + b * cos(f * t)) *
(a * sin(2 * f * t) + b * cos(2 * f * t)) *
(a * sin(3 * f * t) + b * cos(3 * f * t))
fourier_cos_term(term, 2 * f, t)
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(term, 2 * f, t), expand(1//4 * (a^2 * b + b^3)))
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(term, 4 * f, t), expand(1//4 * (a^2 * b + b^3)))
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(term, 6 * f, t), expand(1//4 * (-3 * a^2 * b + b^3)))
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(term, 2 * f, t), expand(1//4 * (a^3 + a * b^2)))
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(term, 4 * f, t), expand(1//4 * (a^3 + a * b^2)))
@test isequal(fourier_sin_term(term, 6 * f, t), expand(1//4 * (-a^3 + 3 * a * b^2)))

# try something harder!
term = (a + b * cos(f * t + θ)^2)^3 * sin(f * t)
@test isequal(
fourier_sin_term(term, f, t),
a^3 + a^2 * b * 3//2 + 9//8 * a * b^2 + 5//16 * b^3 -
3//64 * b * (16 * a^2 + 16 * a * b + 5 * b^2) * cos(2 * θ),
@test isequal(
fourier_cos_term(term, f, t),
expand(-3//64 * b * (16 * a^2 + 16 * a * b + 5 * b^2) * sin(2 * θ)),

# FTing at zero : picking out constant terms
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(cos(f * t), 0, t), 0)
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(cos(f * t)^3 + 1, 0, t), 1)
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term(cos(f * t)^2 + 1, 0, t), 3//2)
@test isequal(fourier_cos_term((cos(f * t)^2 + cos(f * t))^3, 0, t), 23//16)

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