Tasks for internship
Step1:- Started reading the problem statment.
Step2:- Refered the given link 🔗 (https://blog.nucypher.com/an-engineers-guide-to-fully-homomorphic-encryption/)
Step3:- Again read the problem statement for understand the problem clearly since it is new topic
step4:- Then read some important topics regarding the problem statments in the given link
step5:- Then started looking at the libraries then i remembered that microsoft SEAL is having good documentation.
Step6:- Checked 🔗(https://github.com/Microsoft/SEAL) it is written in c++
step7:- Then searched in google how to use this SEAL in python then i didn't get much information required.
step8:- Then i started looking into libraries which are implemented in python that are mentioned in 🔗 (https://blog.nucypher.com/an-engineers-guide-to-fully-homomorphic-encryption/)
step9:- Didn't find any library implemented in python with proper documentation
step10:- Then i looked at date the blog was created it is around (Jul 2, 2020) it quite older one.
step11:- So i searched in google for any other FHE libraries which are implemented in python and with proper documentation.
step12:- Then in stackoverflow site i found this link (https://python-paillier.readthedocs.io/en/develop/installation.html)
Step13:- That site has all process needed to solve the problem including installation of library.
Step14:- End
Step1:- Started reading the problem statment.
Step2:- I am totally new to Elastic search library so i started searching on web what it is but after reading some random blogs i didn't understand anything.
Step3:- Then i searched for video reference then i got this link 🔗 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPx9nVvVrGE)
Step5:- The video refers Elastic Search with kibana. so i started viewing the playlist
Step6:- Then using video ref downloaded elastic lib from this link(https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch)
Step7:- After downloading Extract the zip folder the navigate to(elasticsearch-7.17.0/bin) and open it in command prompt then execute elasticsearch.bat cmd then elastic server starts
step7:- Then downloaded kibana from 🔗 (https://www.elastic.co/downloads/kibana)
Step8:- After downloading Extract the zip folder the navigate to(kibana-7.17.0-windows-x86_64/bin) and open it in command prompt then execute kibana.bat cmd then kibana server starts
Step9:- Using the above given video ref i statted implementing elastic search.
Step10:- But i have limited to RAM in my system so i am not able run the both(elastic search, kibana servers, my editor and browser)
Step11:- I have implemeted the code with the understanding i have over the topic as well as considering the limitations mentioned in step10.
Step12:- End