Releases: NxNiki/nwbPipeline
neuralynx config fix
- wave_clus:
add more features to the UI
refactor wave_clus
refactor, optimize analysis pipeline, and bug fix on stimuli with identical file names.
montage config:
bug fix on neuralynx config files on skipped micro channels -
sleep score:
add Maya's code for ripple and slow wave detection.
What's Changed
- Wave clus dev by @NxNiki in #51
- Wave clus dev by @NxNiki in #52
- Wave clus dev by @NxNiki in #53
- [feat] add cross correlogram UI by @NxNiki in #54
- bug fix on cross correlogram on wave_clus_aux by @NxNiki in #55
- Wave clus dev by @NxNiki in #56
- rebase on to main branch by @NxNiki in #57
- Wave clus dev by @NxNiki in #58
- Wave clus dev by @NxNiki in #59
- [fix] get fix button index correctly by @NxNiki in #60
- fix typo minclus by @NxNiki in #61
- Wave clus dev by @NxNiki in #62
- [fix] fix saving and aux1 by @NxNiki in #64
- plot spike amplitudes by @NxNiki in #65
- get commits from main to dev-wave_clus by @NxNiki in #67
- Dev wave clus by @NxNiki in #66
- bug fix by @NxNiki in #68
- [fix] fix load data by @NxNiki in #69
- [fix] show oppositive spikes in manual curated results by @NxNiki in #70
- Dev sleep score by @NxNiki in #71
- [fix] fix toml file by @NxNiki in #72
- [feat] add timestampsStart to times_manual file by @NxNiki in #74
- Dev sleep score by @NxNiki in #73
- [BUG] fix config issues in skipped micro channels by @NxNiki in #75
Full Changelog: v0.1.17...v.0.1.18
screening bug fix and sleep stage
Add Maya's code for sleep stage detection and bug fixes in screening analysis (raster plots).
Refactor raster_by_unit for image and video
Fix the screening issue of short raster plots on some videos.
Fix the screening issue of images with the same tag name shown in one raster plot.
Fix bug images not shown if with the same name as the video.
Fix bug position of rasters by image not correct.
Fix bug in spike sorting when no spikes are detected and spikeCode is empty.
unpack UI update:
Add the experiment name popup menu and change the output path accordingly.
bug fix in extract LFP
check the index of spike in the signal
some bug fixed (nargin check, return values, downsample TS irregular check)
Timestamp issue fixed
When the raw .ncs file has large fluctuations in timestamps, this will cause non-monotonic imputed timestamps. This is fixed by using dynamic sampling intervals calculated for each data chunk (512 samples).
Full Changelog: v0.1.15...v0.1.16
bug fix on montageUI
fix bug in read and write json file
new montageConfig UI
separate macro and misc channels
fix the bug of not skipping the microchannel correctly by setting the number of channels to 0.
Optimzied memory usage
use single precision on filtered data (xf, and xf_detect).
set unused variables to empty in spike sorting.
calculate the sum of hasSpike and HasSpikePrecise in the for loop instead of saving them for all channels in the cell array and sum afterwards.
track .ncs and .mat files with LFS.
[fix] wave_clus temperature plot
fix issue temperature plot is not correct
add support for Apple silicon ship on run_cluster
cleaning unnecessary code in wave_clus
add a script to make times_manual file if it is skipped in wave_clus
add removePLI and rename PDM unpacked files
add feature to remove PLI (useful when data is noisy)
rename PDM unpacked file (CSC[+d].mat) to run nwbPipeline (in case raw .ncs files are lost)
[Bug fix] automatic clustering
Previous updates on wave_clus introduce a bug in automatic clustering in cluster permutation (permuteClu).
number of spikes is not correctly calculated.