This repository contains the code for On Signal-to-Noise Ratio Issues in Variational Inference for Deep Gaussian Processes; Tim G. J. Rudner*, Oscar Key*, Yarin Gal, Tom Rainforth.
In particular, this code implements:
- Tools for sampling and analyzing the gradient estimates of the variational distribution over the latent variable
- A doubly reparameterized gradient (DReG) estimator for importance weighted variational inference in latent-variable deep Gaussian process models
This code is a derivative of the code for "Deep Gaussian Processes with Importance-Weighted Variational Inference"; Hugh Salimbeni, Vincent Dutordoir, James Hensman, Marc Peter Deisenroth. We have clearly marked the top of each file taken from the original code, and indicated if it has been modified.
The original Apache 2.0 license is included in LICENSE, and we release these modifications under the same license.
If you have Conda installed, you can set up an appropriate environment by running:
conda update env -f environment.yaml
conda activate dgp-snr
Datasets named with the prefix 'wilson_' are not downloaded automatically. Please run the script experiments/
, which provides instructions for how to download the datasets and will install the downloaded files.
To format the code: black --line-length 99
There are several main entry points:
Trains a DGP model, saves checkpoints, and logs statistics (ELBO, log-likelihood, etc.).experiments/
Loads a model checkpoint, samples, and saves gradient estimates. This is required to plot gradient histograms or to compute the SNR.experiments/
Loads a model checkpoint, computes the test log-likelihood or train-ELBO, and saves the results.experiments/
Reproduces figures from the paper.
To reproduce a figure from the paper, run experiments/ [figure_x]
Depending on the figure to reproduce,
may require checkpoints or data files created by
, or
For any given figure,
will print the appropriate commands to generate these data files.
title={On Signal-to-Noise Ratio Issues in Variational Inference for Deep Gaussian Processes},
author={Tim G. J. Rudner and Oscar Key and Yarin Gal and Tom Rainforth},