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HEPPA: hyvin edistynyt perjantaipiirretty applikaatio. Web-app that allows approval voting (with veto), intended for selecting the Gurula friday cartoon. Started as a database application project over winter break 2018-2019.
Make sure that you have these dependencies installed on your machine:
- Python 3 and its dev packages
- Python 3 venv
- PostgreSQL and its dev packages (may also work without)
On Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-venv postgresql libpq-dev
Run these in the root directory to launch the app at
> python3 -m venv venv
> source venv/bin/activate
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> python3
You can then open the app in your browser at
Install Docker and add your user to the docker group.
Run this command to build the docker image
docker build -t heppa .
This command will then start the application in docker
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 heppa
You can then open the app in your browser at
Install Docker and Docker Compose.
Define POSTGRES_PASSWORD env variable.
Run this command to start the app
docker compose up
It should now be available at
Simply make sure the application name in the command below is unique
heroku create example-heppa
You should then be able to open the app in <example-heppa>
If you've forked this on GitHub, you may want to use Heroku's GitHub integration.
NB: this application is not secure in any way. Any user can log in with your username.
Before voting, you need to register an account.
After registering, you can add candidates and vote on them. The electoral system is approval voting with the addition of an unrestricted veto right for everyone. Voting is not anonymous so that the veto cannot be abused.