This is a work-in-progress and in pre-alpha state at the moment
This is a project by the OCNS/INCF software working group, aiming to build an easy-to-use tool for finding a suitable computational neuroscience simulator. See OCNS/SoftwareWG#117 For more details, and announcements of the regular meetings.
The website is built with "vanilla JS" and uses the cytoscape.js library for graph visualisation. The full code runs in the browser, but in order to make it able to access the data, it needs to run in a local webserver. You can either use such a webserver as provided by your IDE (e.g. the Live Server extension) for VS Code, or use Python's built-in webserver:
python -m http.server
Python is also used to pre-process and validate the data when simulator descriptions are changed in one of the YAML files.
If you want to work on that part, we suggest a virtual environment for development:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
One can also use conda
and other tools to set up virtual environments.
To install the dependencies, you can use:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Please install the necessary linters/pre-commit hooks using the requirements-dev.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
To set up pre-commit, please run (only needed once):
pre-commit install
Now, the pre-commit checks will be run before each commit.
The website is hosted on