Perform font classification and text recognition (in one step) on historic documents.
> Open and deserialize PAGE input files and their respective images,
> iterating over the element hierarchy down to the text line level.
> Then for each line, retrieve the raw image and feed it to the font
> classifier and/or the OCR.
> Annotate font predictions by name and score as a comma-separated
> list under ``./TextStyle/@fontFamily``, if any.
> Annotate the text prediction as a string under ``./TextEquiv``.
> If ``method`` is `adaptive`, then use `SelOCR` if font classification is confident
> enough, otherwise use `COCR`.
> Finally, produce a new PAGE output file by serialising the resulting hierarchy.
The default.froc model is composed of a SelOCR network and a COCR architecture, and is trained to classify and OCR textlines on the following 12 classes:
Greek *
Hebrew *
Manuscript *
No class/Ignore
* Greek, Hebrew and Manuscript font groups do not currently provide good results due to a lack of training data.
OCR-D processor interface ocrd-froc
To be used with PAGE-XML documents in an OCR-D annotation workflow.
"ocr_method" [string - "none"]
The method to use for text recognition
Possible values: ["none", "SelOCR", "COCR", "adaptive"]
"replace_textstyle" [bool - true]
Whether to replace existing textStyle
"network" [string]
The file name of the neural network to use, including sufficient path
information. Defaults to the model bundled with ocrd_froc.
"fast_cocr" [boolean - true]
Whether to use optimization steps on the COCR strategy
"adaptive_threshold" [number - 95]
Threshold of certitude needed to use SelOCR when using the adaptive
"font_class_priors" [array - []]
List of font classes which are known to be present on the data when
using the adaptive/SelOCR strategies. If this option is specified,
any font classes not included are ignored. If 'other' is
included in the list, no font classification is output and
a generic model is used for transcriptions.