The paper is now available as a preprint:
SphereUDE.jl is a Julia package for non-parametric regression of data supported in three-dimensional spheres. It implements a simple universal differential equation (UDE) that naturally constrains trajectories to lie on the surface of a sphere. This has an important application in Paleomagnetism, where the objective is to fit Apparent Polar Wander Paths (APWPs) to reconstruct continents' past motion. In addition to sphere regression, SphereUDE.jl implements a series of improvements over previous modeling methods, such as
- Explicit sphere constraint that allows for univesality of regression
- Regularization on the path to incorporate physical priors
We are further working in new features such as
- Incorporation of temporal and spatial uncertainties
- Uncertainty quantification capabilities
is available thought the Julia package manager.
To install SphereUDE
in a given environment, just do in the REPL:
julia> ] # enter Pkg mode
(@v1.10) pkg> activate MyEnvironment # or activate whatever path for the Julia environment
(MyEnvironment) pkg> add SphereUDE
If you are interested in using SphereUDE.jl
, we encourage you to take a look at our galery of examples.
Examples are included in the repository ODINN-SciML/SphereUDE-examples.
To train a model with new unobserved data, we need to define the data, parameters, and regularization we want to use.
Data objecs are defined with the SphereData
construct, which takes
data = SphereData(times=times, directions=X, kappas=kappas, L=nothing)
where times
correspond to an array of the sampled times where we observed the three-dimensional vectors in directions
We can further add an array kappa
to specify uncertainty in the directions according to the Fisher distribution in the sphere.
It is possible to add different types of regularizations at the same time by specifying an array of the type Regularization
, which specifies the type of regularization being used and the diff_mode
that specifies the underlying automatic differentiation machinery being used to compute the gradients.
For example, we can add regulazition using finite differences as
reg = [Regularization(order=1, power=2.0, λ=1e5, diff_mode=LuxNestedAD())]
Finally, the parameters include the regularization together with other customizable training parameters:
params = SphereParameters(tmin = 0, tmax = 100,
reg = reg,
pretrain = false,
u0 = [0.0, 0.0, -1.0], ωmax = 2.0,
reltol = 1e-6, abstol = 1e-6,
niter_ADAM = 5000, niter_LBFGS = 5000,
sensealg = InterpolatingAdjoint(autojacvec = ReverseDiffVJP(true)))
Training is finally being done with
using Random
rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, 613)
results = train(data, params, rng, nothing)
with rng
a random seed used for the initial setup of the neural network.
The architecture of the neural network can be customized and pass directy before training as follows:
init_bias(rng, in_dims) = LinRange(tspan[1], tspan[2], in_dims)
init_weight(rng, out_dims, in_dims) = 0.1 * ones(out_dims, in_dims)
# Customized neural network to similate weighted moving window in L
U = Lux.Chain(
Lux.Dense(1, 200, rbf, init_bias=init_bias, init_weight=init_weight, use_bias=true),
Lux.Dense(200,10, gelu),
Lux.Dense(10, 3, Base.Fix2(sigmoid_cap, params.ωmax), use_bias=false)
results = train(data, params, rng, nothing, U)
We can finally save and plot the data:
results_dict = convert2dict(data, results)
JLD2.@save "./results_dict.jld2" results_dict
plot_sphere(data, results, -30., 0., saveas="plot.png", title="Results")
📚 We are working in a more complete documentation. Feel free to reach out in the meanwhile if you have any questions!
To make plots using Matplotlib, Cartopy, and PMagPy, SphereUDE.jl
uses CondaPkg.jl
and PythonCall.jl
to execute Python code directly from Julia.
This is done automatically once you install SphereUDE.jl
, meaning that the first time you install SphereUDE.jl
a conda environment linked to your Julia environmnet will be created and
linked to your Julia session.
From there, SphereUDE.jl
will internally call the Python libraries without any further action.
We encourage you to contribute to this package. If you are interested in contributing, there are many ways in which you can help build this:
- 💥 Report bugs in the code. You can report problems with the code by oppening issues under the
tab in this repository. Please explain the problem you encounter and try to give a complete description of it so we can follow up on that. - 💡 Request new features and explanations. If there is an important topic or example that you feel falls under the scope of this review and you would like us to include it, please request it! We are looking for new insights into what the community wants to learn.
If you have any questions or want to reach out, feel free to send us an email to [email protected]