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2023.2 OFS Release for oneAPI Accelerator Support Package (ofs-2023.2-1)

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@cohensus cohensus released this 15 Sep 23:20
· 138 commits to master since this release

OFS 2023.2

Summary: OFS 2023.2 Release for Intel® oneAPI Accelerator Support Package

Release notes:

oneAPI Accelerator Support Package is a collection of hardware and software components that enables oneAPI kernels to communicate with oneAPI runtime and other OFS hardware and software components.

Oneapi-asp repository contains the following reference ASPs:

  1. oneAPI ASP reference design targeting Intel® Agilex® FPGA device
  2. oneAPI ASP reference design targeting Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA device

The reference oneAPI ASPs use PCIe Attach reference FIMs. For more information about PCIe Attach FIMs, refer to OFS documentation page here. To get started with building oneAPI ASPs, please refer to the oneAPI ASP documentation here.

For more information about other OFS repositories, please visit the OFS Overview page and Discussions tab.

OFS 2023.2 Release Details:

  • oneapi-asp release tag: ofs-2023.2-1

  • For a full summary of OFS 2023.2 FIM release details refer to release notes linked below:
    * OFS 2023.2 Release for Intel® Agilex® 7 FPGA PCIe Attach shell targeting Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL Development Platform: Release Notes
    * OFS 2023.2 Release for Intel® Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Attach shell targeting Intel FPGA PAC D5005 Development Platform: Release Notes

  • Additional patch required for oneAPI ASP targeting Intel® Agilex® 7 FPGA device
    * Quartus Prime Pro Patch: Quartus 23.2 Patch 0.02. Download from assets here.

Reference oneAPI ASP Features:

  • Arm® AMBA® 4 AXI to Avalon® Protocol Translation
  • Contiguous global memory configuration (multiple memory banks configured as a single global memory) with burst interleaving support
  • DMA Engine for host to global memory data transfer
  • Support for Unified Shared Memory (USM)
  • I/O Pipes (available in reference ASP targeting Intel® Agilex® 7 FPGA device) - NEW in OFS 2023.2
  • Utilities to integrate into oneAPI runtime environment
  • Diagnose utility to detect oneAPI ASP initialization status, board temperature and run a simple diagnostic test

Known Issues:

ID Known Issue Workaround Status
13010786164, 14020143486 oneAPI compiler version 2023.2 does not support Intel Quartus Prime Pro version 23.2. Following error message is seen while compiling any oneAPI applications with oneAPI Base Toolkit version 2023.2 and Quartus Prime Pro version 23.2: The version found on the PATH/QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE, 23.2, is not supported. None Fixed in a future version of oneAPI Base Toolkit.
14020195965 oneapi-asp/Platform-Name/scripts/ clones to master branch by default. As described in oneAPI Accelerator Support Package (ASP): Getting Started User Guide, please set “OPAE_SDK_REPO_BRANCH“environment variable before building oneapi-asp. Fixed in a future version of oneapi-asp.
22019730669 AFU Simulation Flow (ASE) for oneapi-asp is not supported in this release None To be fixed in future release

Bug Fixes:

• Missing permissions in script fixed (14018513582)
• Resolved: the OneAPI Unified Shared Memory (USM) reference design is showing lower read bandwidth than expected (22016317880)
• Fixed diagnose utility failure when no BMC is present (22018519029)
• RTL code changes in hardware to remove hardcoded values, width fixes (14016777343, 14017664328)