- Deno runtime
- poppler-utils
.env needs to be configured on first use, simply duplicate .env.default and remove .default from the name then adjust environment variables accordingly.
Port is 8000 by default, can be adjusted in .env
There is an adjustable cron schedule which will clear the oldest items in cache above a customisable size threshold, all configurable inside .env
https://crontab.guru/ <- Useful for formulating cron expressions
Cache limiting is disabled by default
Deno users should import from "https://deno.land/x/pdf_to_jpg/index.ts" For standalone use of the converter, import "pdfImageConverter" For integrated use with Oak, import "pdfImageConverterOakRoute"
Run index.ts to start the converter which will then begin an Oak server on the configured port
To convert a page of a PDF document to JPG, a PDF URL and either the page number or one of the keywords ("first", "middle" and "end")
Syntax: http:// localhost:{port}/convert/?pdf={pdf url}&{page number or keyword}
Example URL: http://localhost:8000/convert/?pdf=https://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tests/xhtml/testfiles/resources/pdf/dummy.pdf&page=first