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This project is a minimal example that demonstrates how to use the jMIP framework to solve a mixed-integer program in Java.
It's just three lines of code to your optimal solution 😉:

Constants constants =
    new Constants(/*TODO: provide constants*/);

LinearSolver solver =
    LinearSolver.builder(Model.class, Solution.class).build();

Solution solution =

You can fork this project if you want to quickstart your own implementation of an executable MIP/LP model.

What is jMIP ?

jMIP is a Declarative Java API for Operations Research (OR) software.

jMIP's original purpose is to get rid of the often hard-to-avoid boilerplate code typically arising in applications that rely on solving OR models using (open-source or commercial) OR software packages. In addition, it follows a more declarative programming paradigm by encouraging you to compose your specific OR model in a structured way.

Long story short, it is designed to help making your code cleaner and less error-prone!

How to install jMIP ?

  • You can download jMIP manually from maven central repository
  • Alternatively add the dependency to your project's POM:

What do you find in the template project?

1. Optimization Problem

Slightly leaving the legal way, our idea is to forge EURO coins.

1.1 Problem Definition


Grabby as we are, we want to optimize our profit, namely the worth of EUROs produced.


Fortunately we found an easy DIY-recipe in the shallow parts of the darknet. Now we know the weight (grams) of the metals Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Aluminium (Al), Zinc (Zn) and Tin (Sn) needed for each coin type:

Cu Fe Ni Al Zn Sn
1 Cent 0.102 2.198 0 0 0 0
2 Cents 0.118 2.942 0 0 0 0
5 Cents 0.134 3.786 0 0 0 0
10 Cents 3.649 0 0 0.205 0.205 0.041
20 Cents 5.1086 0 0 0.287 0.287 0.0574
50 Cents 6.942 0 0 0.39 0.39 0.078
1 Euro 5.625 0 1.695 0 0.18 0
2 Euros 6.375 0 1.751 0 0.374 0


Not limited by our bad conscience, our only restriction is a given amount of the different metals:

  • Copper (Cu): 100grams
  • Iron (Fe): 80grams
  • Nickel (Ni): 10grams
  • Aluminium (Al): 4grams
  • Zinc (Zn): 10grams
  • Tin (Sn): 3grams

1.2 Mathematical Formulation

set of coins
set of metals
quantity available of metal m
profit of coin c
needed quantity of metal m for coin c
number of coins of type c to be forged

2. Implementation

2.1 Model org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.model.Model

jMIP provides a class for our model definition: LinearModel
Extending this abstract class requires you to provide:

  1. a type parameter defining your available constants (Section 2.2)
  2. a definition of your variables implementing generateVariables() method (Section 2.3)
  3. your definition of the objective by overriding generateObjective() method (Section 2.4)
  4. a list of constraints in generateConstraints() method (Section 2.5)

2.2 Constants org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.model.constants.Constants

First you have to define an object holding the input parameters of an instance of your optimization problem. We prefer using an immutable object for that purpose. (see Lombok's @Value).

Note: A different approach would be to define an interface for your constants. This is beneficial when you want use different implementations for your constants, for example when having different sources for your instance data.

We use our problem specific Constants to parameterize jMIP's LinearModel

public class Model extends LinearModel<Constants>

2.3 Variables org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.model.variables.Variables

jMIP lazily generates the needed variables based on their names. We recommend listing your variable group names in a dedicated class such as an enum or interface. This avoids misspellings and facilitates refactoring.

public interface Variables {

  String x = "x";

Using the builder of the LinearVariable you can define bounds for groups of variables or restrict them to integer values. Any lazily generated variable not restricted in the LinearVariable.Builder, will be unbounded and continous by default.

protected IVariable<? super Constants, MPSolver, MPVariable> generateVariables() {
      new LinearVariable.Builder()
          // x : int+
          .addLowerBound(Variables.x, 0.)


2.4 Objective org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.model.objective.MaximizeProfit

Extending jMIP's LinearObjective you can define the objective function of your optimization model. objective.setMaximization() or objective.setMinimization() sets the direction of enhancement.

protected void configureObjective(
    MPObjective objective,
    Constants constants,
    IVariableProvider<MPVariable> variables) throws Exception {
  //max sum_c:C[ P_c * x_c ]

  for (int c : constants.get_C()) {
        variables.getVar(Variables.x, c),

Finally provide an instance of your objective class in the generateObjective() method of your Model.

protected IObjective<
    ? super Constants, MPVariable, MPSolver> generateObjective() {
  return new MaximizeProfit();

2.5 Constraints org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.model.constraints.AvailableMetalQuantity

Implementation of constraint groups should be based on jMIP's LinearConstraint.

This requires three steps for each constraint group:

  • (I) Define constraint index structure
    In accordance with our mathematical model, we define the constraint group scoped index m:
public AvailableMetalQuantity() {
  //define constraint index m

Note: By providing multiple index names to the super constructor, you can define indexes of arbitrary dimension. Non-indexed constraint groups consisting of one single constraint do not need to define indexes.

  • (II) Generate constraint index keys
    ConstraintKey class represents the constraint index structure. You can define the constraint key values by overriding the createKeys() method.
protected Collection<ConstraintKey> createKeys(Constants constants) {
  //generate all indexes of constraint group:
  HashSet<ConstraintKey> indexes = new HashSet<>();
  for (int m : constants.get_M()) {
    indexes.add(new ConstraintKey(m));
  return indexes;
  • (III) Configure constraints
    Implementing the method configureConstraint() is obligatory. With help of constants and variables the bounds and coefficients of the constraint with given index has to be defined.
protected void configureConstraint(
    MPConstraint constraint,
    Constants constants,
    IVariableProvider<MPVariable> variables,
    ConstraintKey index) throws Exception {
  //configure constraint for index m:
  int m = index.get("m");

  //sum_c N_c_m * x_c <= Q_m

  for (int c : constants.get_C()) {
        variables.getVar(Variables.x, c),
        constants.get_N(c, m));

Finally stitch all defined constraint groups together:

Provide a collection of instances of each constraint group in the generateConstraints() method of your Model:

protected List<
        ? super Constants,
        MPSolver>> generateConstraints() {
  return List.of(
      new AvailableMetalQuantity());

3. Solving the Problem

3.1 Solution Definition org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.solver.Solution

jMIP can automatically extract solutions from the solved model. You simply need to define an interface describing the structure of your expected solution. This must be in accordance with the declared variables.

  • Basic solution information
    Every solution contains basic information such as SolutionState, ObjectiveValue, BestObjectiveBound and SolutionTime. jMIP's ISolution interface describes getters for these values. Just extend ISolution in your individual solution definition.

  • Values of variables
    To retrieve all values of a variable group, you simply need to define a method in your solution interface whose name starts with "get_" followed by a variable group name (e.g. get_x()). jMIP offers two options to access solution data. You must choose one of the two options by specifying the return type of your getter method:

    1. Access-by-index
      • specify return type as a single Double/Integer/Boolean according to the type of variable or as a multidimensional array (e.g., 1D: Integer[], 2D: Boolean[][])
      • example:
    public interface Solution extends ISolution {
      Integer[] get_x();
    //...  somewhere deep in your code
    Integer[] x = solution.get_x();
    // sum up all x_c values
    int total = 0;
    for (int c : constants.get_C()) {
      total += x[c];
    1. Access-by-name via map
      • return type:
        java.util.Map with
        • key type parameter: String because key objects represent variable names; a variable name is defined as a variable group name (e.g., "x") followed by an underscore-separated list of integer-valued indices (e.g., "_1" or "_1_8_7")
        • value type parameter: depends on the type of variable (Double/Integer/Boolean)
      • example:
    public interface Solution extends ISolution {
      Map<String, Integer> get_x();
    //...  somewhere deep in your code
    Map<String, Integer> x = solution.get_x();
    // sum up all x_c values
    int total = 0;
    for (int c : constants.get_C()) {
      String varName = "x_" + c;
      total += x.get(varName);

Note: In case your model has many variables with two or more indices, we recommend the access-by-name option. Otherwise, solution retrieval can become quite slow since jMIP makes heavily use of Java's reflection API under the hood... 😉

3.2 Solver Definition org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.tests.SolverParameterTests

A convenient way to set up a problem specific solver is to parameterize jMIP's LinearSolver by using its built-in Builder. Provide at least your Model-Definition Model.class and Solution-Interface Solution.class.

LinearSolver solver =
    LinearSolver.builder(Model.class, Solution.class).build();

3.2.1 Solver Engine

jMIP Framework is based on the well-known Google OR-Tools. The following solvers are prepackaged for Windows, Linux and MacOS:

  • MPSolver.OptimizationProblemType.CBC_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING: CBC from the CoinOR project (mixed-integer)
  • MPSolver.OptimizationProblemType.SCIP_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING: SCIP (mixed-integer)
  • MPSolver.OptimizationProblemType.GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING: GLOP (linear)
  • MPSolver.OptimizationProblemType.GUROBI_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING: GUROBI (mixed-integer) | Gurobi is not prepackaged! Gurobi must be installed under standard path on your machine!

Disclaimer: The usage of certain solver packages may be restricted by an appropriate licensing. Please ensure correct licensing in accordance with the solver provider's usage terms.

3.2.2 Enable Output

Enable detailed Output from the underlying solver-engine.

LinearSolver solver =
        .builder(Model.class, Solution.class)

3.2.2 Solver TimeLimit

Set a timelimit for the solution process.

LinearSolver solver =
        .builder(Model.class, Solution.class)

3.2.3 Solver Mip-Gap

Configure your preferred MIP-Gap.

LinearSolver solver =
        .builder(Model.class, Solution.class)

3.2.4 Solver Specific String Parameterization

Set a solver specific String Parameter.

LinearSolver solver =
        .builder(Model.class, Solution.class)
        .solverSpecificParameters("presolving/maxrounds = 0")

3.3 Generate Solutions org.optsol.jmip_pojo_template.tests.SolverTests

When calling the Solvers generateSolution-Method a new model will be generated from your Constants and an optimization will be started to find a Solution.

Now it is really just three lines of code to retrieve solutions:

Constants constants =
    new Constants(/*TODO: provide constants*/);

LinearSolver solver =
    LinearSolver.builder(Model.class, Solution.class).build();

Solution solution =

Additionally you may choose a different solver engine or customize some solver parameters such as timelimit, MIP-gap or detailed solver outputs.

LinearSolver solver =
        .builder(Model.class, Solution.class)        