Fixed the 500 when client reached the limit. #7128
maven_test_report_orcid-api-common ✅
18 tests were completed in 232ms with 18 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
---|---|---|---|---| | 18✅ | 232ms |
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForGetRequestWithUnknownAcceptHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForAnonymous
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForGetRequestWithXmlAcceptHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForGetRequestWithJsonAcceptHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForGetRequestWithJsonContentTypeHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForGetRequestWithXmlContentTypeHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForGetRequestWithRdfXmlContentTypeHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForIPv6
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForMemberClient
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForPublicClientWithAmpersand
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForGetRequestWithJsonLdContentTypeHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForPublicClient
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForPostRequestWithUnknownContentTypeHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForPostRequestWithXmlContentTypeHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessWithNoContentType
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForPostRequestWithJsonContentTypeHeader
✅ testAnalyticsProcessForNoSpecifiedCategory
✅ testSchemeCorrection
9 tests were completed in 539ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
---|---|---|---|---| | 9✅ | 539ms |
✅ testAPIEndpointParserWithApiVersionWithoutOrcid
✅ testAPIEndpointParserNoCategoryV1
✅ testAPIEndpointParserNoCategoryV2
✅ testAPIEndpointParserNoCategoryV3
✅ testAPIEndpointParserNoCategoryOrVersion
✅ testAPIEndpointParserWithApiVersionAndOrcid
✅ testAPIEndpointParserWithoutApiVersionWithOrcid
✅ testInvalidEventCategory
✅ testAPIEndpointParserWithoutApiVersionOrOrcid
2 tests were completed in 402ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
---|---|---|---|---| | 2✅ | 402ms |
✅ testSendAnalyticsDataNoTrackingCode
✅ testSendAnalyticsData
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.filter.ApiVersionCheckFilterTest.xml
8 tests were completed in 64ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.filter.ApiVersionCheckFilterTest | 8✅ | 64ms |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.filter.ApiVersionCheckFilterTest
✅ apiV2SchemeTest
✅ api2_0VersionTest
✅ webhooksShouldWorkWithoutVersionTest
✅ apiOauthTokenTest
✅ apiV2HeaderTest
✅ apiV2BlockHttpTest
✅ apiDefaultVersionTest
✅ invalidWebhooksShouldNotWork
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.filter.TokenTargetFilterTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 209ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.filter.TokenTargetFilterTest | 5✅ | 209ms |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.filter.TokenTargetFilterTest
✅ readPublicTokenTest
✅ tokenUsedOnTheRightUserTest
✅ tokenUsedOnTheWrongUser20ApiTest
✅ filterInvokedOnNoOrcidEndpointTest
✅ tokenUsedOnTheWrongUser12ApiTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.oauth.OrcidClientCredentialEndPointDelegatorTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 28s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.oauth.OrcidClientCredentialEndPointDelegatorTest | 7✅ | 28s |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.oauth.OrcidClientCredentialEndPointDelegatorTest
✅ generateRefreshTokenThatExpireAfterParentTokenTest
✅ generateClientCredentialsAccessTokenWithInvalidTokenTest
✅ generateAccessTokenTest
✅ obtainOauth2TokenSkipCacheTest
✅ generateRefreshTokenTest
✅ generateClientCredentialsAccessTokenTest
✅ obtainOauth2TokenSetCacheTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.util.ActivityUtilsTest.xml
15 tests were completed in 3ms with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.util.ActivityUtilsTest | 15✅ | 3ms |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.util.ActivityUtilsTest
✅ cleanWorkTest
✅ setPathToFundingsTest
✅ setPathToActivitiesSummaryTest
✅ setPathToWorksTest
✅ setPathToPeerReviewsTest
✅ setPathToActivityTest
✅ cleanBulkWorkTest
✅ cleanFundingTest
✅ cleanEmptyActivitiesSummaryTest
✅ setPathToEmploymentsTest
✅ cleanWorksTest
✅ cleanBulkElementTest
✅ cleanOrganizationTest
✅ cleanWorkSummaryTest
✅ setPathToEducationsTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.util.v3.ActivityUtilsTest.xml
20 tests were completed in 4ms with 20 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.util.v3.ActivityUtilsTest | 20✅ | 4ms |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.util.v3.ActivityUtilsTest
✅ cleanWorkTest
✅ setPathToFundingsTest
✅ setPathToInvitedPositionsTest
✅ setPathToActivitiesSummaryTest
✅ setPathToServicesTest
✅ setPathToDistinctionsTest
✅ setPathToWorksTest
✅ setPathToPeerReviewsTest
✅ setPathToActivityTest
✅ setPathToMembershipsTest
✅ setPathToQualificationTest
✅ cleanBulkWorkTest
✅ cleanFundingTest
✅ cleanEmptyActivitiesSummaryTest
✅ setPathToEmploymentsTest
✅ cleanWorksTest
✅ cleanBulkElementTest
✅ cleanOrganizationTest
✅ cleanWorkSummaryTest
✅ setPathToEducationsTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.writer.citeproc.WorkToCiteprocTranslatorTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 356ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.writer.citeproc.WorkToCiteprocTranslatorTest | 4✅ | 356ms |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.writer.citeproc.WorkToCiteprocTranslatorTest
✅ testUnicode
✅ testBibtexWorkTranslationHyperAuthorNoAbrev
✅ testBibtexWorkTranslationHyperAuthor
✅ testBibtexWorkTranslationHyperAuthorLiteralAndMissingDOI
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.writer.rdf.RDFWriterTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 804ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.writer.rdf.RDFWriterTest | 5✅ | 804ms |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.writer.rdf.RDFWriterTest
✅ writeTurte
✅ writeNtriples
✅ missingCreditName
✅ writeJsonLD
✅ writeRdfXML
✅ TEST-org.orcid.api.common.writer.SchemaOrgDocumentTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 31ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.api.common.writer.SchemaOrgDocumentTest | 1✅ | 31ms |
✅ org.orcid.api.common.writer.SchemaOrgDocumentTest
✅ testSerialisation