OS2BorgerPC is an open-source solution for computers made available in libraries, citizen service centers, or other public-facing spaces within Danish municipalities.
The system is designed to allow citizens to perform essential digital tasks, such as writing job applications, applying for benefits, paying bills, printing, and communicating with public authorities.
OS2BorgerPC is a cost-effective and operationally stable alternative to licensed software for publicly accessible workstations.
The web-based administration system provides a comprehensive overview of the operational status and security alerts for all connected BorgerPCs.
Operational information is logged and can be accessed via API.
The administration system is divided into sites, allowing the solution to meet the municipality's needs for distributing responsibilities between institutions or departments.
BorgerPCs can be assigned to groups that define script-policy packages. When a PC is added to a group, the group’s scripts are executed on it, ensuring that all BorgerPCs within the same sat of groups are in the same state.
The administration system also offers access to a global script catalog, with scripts for commonly needed adjustments to BorgerPCs.
For needs that go beyond the global scripts catalog, local scripts can be added through the GUI.
Read the documentation for the admin-site at os2borgerpc.github.io/os2borgerpc-docs/docs/admin-site/.
For more information about the OS2borgerPC project, please see the official home page:
and the offical Github project:
Main code contributor is Magenta Aps (https://www.magenta.dk).
All code is made available under Version 3 of the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.