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Ansible module used by OSAS to manage a set of servers using Ansible.

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This role permit to install a trusted server that will deploy configurations and run playbooks safely without having to distribute ssh keys to every admin. It use for that 2 git repositories where a authorized user can push, triggering a automated deployment using a script to deploy only where it is needed ( ie, if you modify a role, only systems where the role is used will be targeted ).

The role use 2 git repositories, one named "public" and the other named "private". As the name imply, the public repository is meant to be public and usually will contain everything that is not deemed private such as passwords. The private repository is used mostly for passwords, and should usually only contains groups_vars/ or vars/ repository. A post commit hook will extract the 2 repositories in /etc/ansible, and run ansible if needed.

For increased security, ansible is run as a non privileged user to reduce potential attack vectors from the managed system ( see CVE-2014-3498 ). Others ideas are planned to be implemented.


A few variables have been added to configure the role, please look at defaults/main.yml

Pushing to remote repo

It is possible to push automatically the public repository to one or more distant git repository. To do that, please use the "remotes" variable like this:

- hosts:
  - role: bastion
    - { name: 'gitlab', url: '[email protected]:user/repo.git' }

You can specify multiple remotes in the list. A separate '_git_pusher' user is created for that task, and a ssh key is generated for it.

The playbook do not take care of setting the key on the other side, since that's typically used for various web services such as Github or Bitbucket, and that requires admin credentials.

System users and groups

Several users will be created, depending on the settings used.

  • ansible_admin, (variable: ansible_username). This user is the one connecting to remote servers. A separate user is used for that to properly separate the access and reduce the risk of stealing the ssh keys.

  • _git_pusher, (variable pusher_username). This user is used to sync the public repo to a external source.

  • git, (variable git_username). When using the git-shell based set, this is the shared user used by commiters to push modifications.

Directory layout

While everything should be configurable later, for now, the layout of the git repository need to follow a few set of rules:

  • all roles are in roles/
  • requirement.yml can be safely used to update the roles
  • all playbooks are in playbooks/ and the one to be used for automated deployment are named with this pattern: deploy.*.yml

Using git snapshot of Ansible

The role can also be used to install ansible right from git, using the HEAD of the devel branch by default.

To do that, you can use the use_ansible_git flag, along ansible_git_version if you want a different branch and/or version of ansible than the default of 'devel'. This variable is passed to the 'git' ansible module, so it accept everything the module accept.

Using git-shell

In order to not give full shell access to the deployment server, you may opt to use git-shell and a special git user, with the option use_git_shell. The addition of ssh keys to the git user is not handled by this role, but can be done rather trivially with the authorized_keys module of ansible.

The git-shell give access to a few commands to update the externals roles, give help and list commands. More will be added as pattern of usage will emerge.

You can also change the git_username variable to change the name of the user used to push. For example and if you want to confuse people, you can enable a cvs user to push on git repositories with git-shell like this:

- hosts
  - role: bastion
    use_git_shell: True
    git_username: cvs

Groups based ACL

In order to ease collaboration and increase security, the repositories can be configured to be writable by a specific group, with proper sudo configuration that avoid the need to use root user.

To enable this mode, you need to define the ansible_commiters_group variable like this:

- hosts:
  - role: bastion
    ansible_committers_group: committers

The group will be created if it doesn't already exist.

By default, committers can only push and trigger the hooks, and this mean everything they do will be properly audited in git, and run with verification.

If you want to be able to do more, you can also create a group for admins who will have more privileges such as running variables ansible commands, which would be equivalent to becoming root.

To do that, you can use the ansible_admins_group variables like this:

- hosts:
  - role: bastion
    ansible_committers_group: committers
    ansible_admins_group: admins

Like with ansible_committers_group, the group will be created if it doesn't exist. Due to the way group are currently done on Linux, people in the ansible_admins_group do not automatically inherit the access of ansible_committers_group for the moment.

The role will refuse to deploy anything if only ansible_admins_group is defined.

SSH Key type

By default, a RSA key is generated. If you wish to use another type of key, you can pass the option ssh_key_type to use a different type of key.

This however requires a bugfix on ansible for the automated size selection of the key, sent as a PR on ansible/ansible-modules-core#4074

Management of tor hidden services

Since ansible is using ssh and ssh can be used with tor hidden services, you can choose to enable the support for tor hidden services by using the enable_onion_support option like this:

- hosts:
  - role: bastion
    enable_onion_support: True

It will configure tor and ssh to use tor for accessing a .onion hostname.

It can be used like this in hosts file, to connect to a server whose hidden service is abcdefabcdef.onion:

server ansible_host=abcdefabcdef.onion


Using tor for outgoing connections

Alternatively, a way to hide the location of the management server is to use tor for all ssh outgoing connections. This can be done with the option use_tor_proxy.

This will install and start a tor client, and direct outgoing ssh connections in the tor network.

Local deployment

When you have one single server to deploy, you can also use a alternate mode of operation.

If a playbook named local.yml, or matching the hostname or the fqdn (ie, server.yml or, it will be executed locally with a custom wrapper as root, with the local connection plugin.

The naming convention of the playbook mimic the one of ansible-pull.

Adding a new host to be managed

If a new host is added to the hosts file, the system will automatically try to connect to it to add its ssh public key to the known_hosts file. This will by default generate a harmess error message for the time being.

If the option run_on_new_host is set, the playbook listed will also be run. This can be used to autoimatically add more ssh keys or automatically add the new server to FreeIPA.

It can be used like this:

- hosts:
  - role: bastion
    - deploy_base.yml
    - deploy_freeipa.yml

Installing collections from rpms

Using the rpm_collections variable, the role will install the given collection using rpm, following the convention used by Fedora.

- hosts:
  - role: bastion
    - community.general
    - ansible.posix 


Ansible module to deploy a ansible deployment bastion








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