Work queue consumers for MessyDesk
Consumers are small applications that consumes messages from the main work-queue of MessyDesk. This is the layer that knows the details of how to call certain service that will eventually do all the work.
In other words, consumers translates request from MessyDesk to API in question. There are currently four consumers for different APIs:
- api-elg.mjs - European Language Grid api
- api-imagarinary.mjs
- api-replicate.mjs
- api-azure-ai.mjs
One must start right consumer for each service with the name of the service.
NAME=thumbnailer node api-imaginary.mjs
The service "thumbnailer" is defined in /services/thumbnailer in MessyDesk's root directory. This will start the service IF IT HAS nomad.hcl
MessyDesk consumer for imaginary service. Example:
NAME=md-imaginary node api-imaginary.mjs
ELG is public API of European Language Grid. This app implements minimal combability.
One need to set API key in environment variable called AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY
NAME=md-azure-ai node api-azure-ai.mjs
Work in progress!
NAME=md-replicate-image node api-replicate.mjs
Start imaginary
docker pull nextcloud/aio-imaginary
docker run --name md-imaginary -p 9000:9000 nextcloud/aio-imaginary
Start NATS:
docker run -d --name nats-main -p 4222:4222 -p 6222:6222 -p 8222:8222 nats -js -m 8222
Start consumer with DEV_URL (no need for Nomad)
DEV_URL="http://localhost:9000" node api_imaginary.mjs
Call publish.mjs from tests directory:
node tests/publisj.mjs
Start Nomad locally:
sudo nomad agent -dev