Note: It's still under development (only supports arb1 blob submission tx now), not ready for public use.
Clone this repo:
git clone
cd go-batchhandler
Clone submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive --force
Enter nitro:
cd nitro
Build necessary libs:
make contracts
make build-node-deps
go build -o batchtool src/*
(Note: If you get this error link: invalid reference to runtime.stopTheWorld
when build the code, please refer to this pr to fix.)
./batchtool decodebatch --child-chain-id 42161 --parent-chain-node-url {ParentChain_Enpoint} --parent-chain-submission-tx-hash {Parent_Chain_Submission_Tx-Hash} --blob-client.beacon-url {Blob_Enpoint}
This repository may query incorrect transaction hashes. This can occur due to the potential for malicious behavior from the Sequencer.
Malicious Sequencer Behavior: If a malicious Sequencer exists on the network, it could include invalid transactions (e.g., transactions with incorrect nonces) within a batch.
Impact on different Hash querying: The inclusion of invalid transactions by a malicious Sequencer will result in a different hash results compared to the honest fullnode, because honest fullnode will simply ignore this transation that and you can't query it from their endpoint.
Since this util is stateless, so it can't retrieve every transaction types including: redeem transaction from retryables
redeem transaction from retryables
will show up only if the auto-redeem success, if it not, the tx will not be recorded on blockchain. So to check the tx can be executed successfully or not, we need to get the state of the blockchain to verify it.
But those tx can be retrieved by some walkaround ways and will be supported in this repo later.
For decodebatch
Usage of batchHandler:
--blob-client.authorization string Value to send with the HTTP Authorization: header for Beacon REST requests, must include both scheme and scheme parameters
--blob-client.beacon-url string Beacon Chain RPC URL to use for fetching blobs (normally on port 3500)
--blob-client.blob-directory string Full path of the directory to save fetched blobs
--blob-client.secondary-beacon-url string Backup beacon Chain RPC URL to use for fetching blobs (normally on port 3500) when unable to fetch from primary
--child-chain-id uint Child chain id
--parent-chain-node-url string URL for parent chain node
--parent-chain-submission-tx-hash string The batch submission transaction hash
For retrieveFromDAS
Not supported yet.