Hi there This tool is a relatively simple tool, but it can be said that it is very accurate for testing and checking the ping of your website and web-based programs and servers.
You can check the ping of your Linux server with this tool
- completely free
- easy to use and install
- very carefully
- Use on Linux
- Use on wendows
- Use on macos
- Update in the future
- demo 1
- demo 2
To use, just follow the steps below carefully !
- 1 In the first step, download the executable file from the link below
2 Tap on the desired downloaded file to run in the CLI environment
3 Enter and use the information
! No other version has been placed
They share this service with their friends so that they can also use it
Developed by
- Linkdin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/bardia-samadi-aab77a2b9
- GitHub : https://github.com/bardiaspvtext
- Email : [email protected]