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NFT Send with email Features (Airdrop or P2P)

Sébastien Palluel edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 1 revision


User1 one to send for free an OF Key (NFT) to User2. User2 can or cannot be referenced on the platform. User1 want an easy and secure way to send it to User2.

  1. User1 can send one or several NFTs via his social media (WhatsApp, Telegram, messenger, Instagram, TikTok, SMS) or if not possible copy a link to share.
  2. User2 receive the link and open it: a) He don't have an account yet => create account, next his asked to validate his email, once done we send back a notification to user1 and show on page that the sender will validate or not the transfer. b) He have an account, after user is signed in, or if he is already logged, check for email, if email already validated we send back a notification to user1 and show on page that the sender will validate or not the transfer.
  3. User1 receive the notification saying that User2 with $email received the transaction proposal (gift) a) can refuse if he doesn't recognise the email b) can accept, create a transaction with address (safe wallet) linked to the email so the NFT is then sent
  4. User2 receive the notification about the User1 action: a) User1 declined the transaction b) User2 accepted the transaction, you now have access to the Pass.

Airdrop with email

Company want to do a free attribution of OF Key to his existing customer base on Offline. The company only have a list of email and want an easy onboarding for it's customers.

  1. Company create a campaign: event, redeemable or lottery, marked as an airdrop (so no price or amount yet).
  2. Once it's created, the campaign can be used in the Perks section, airdrop. The company upload via a csv the list of email that it wants to attribute to the OF Key. So email, OF KEY #1 (number of pass >= 0), OF KEY #2 etc. Check on the table that every data is right otherwise can do CRUD operations. Have a total for each OK KEY that will be minted. Then confirm the creation of the airdrop.
  3. Each email will receive an unique invitation to receive the airdrop.
  4. User click on the link that show what's the airdrop about and from whom (Company details), then is invited to log in Offline.
  5. Email from the invitation must be verified for the airdrop to proceed: a) User don't have an email validated yet, so email from invitation is pre-filled and verified with Sumsub. b) User already have an email and the email match so nothing to do. c) User already have an email but it's not the one provided by the company. ?
  6. If everything match, the airdrop is sent
  7. Company can track that each user received the airdrop and confirmed his account on the platform.
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