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Unimplemented features and improvement ideas

Timo Järvenpää edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 7 revisions

Unimplemented features and improvement ideas

University login

A feature that could be implemented for the application, is Helsinki University or Haka login. This way University of Helsinki users would be able to use their university credentials to log into the game. This feature might make using the game as a part of the course credit easier, as it would be directly linked to the student. However, we ended up not implementing this feature. The reason was that there could have been GDPR-related issues or issues for non-university users wanting to play the game. The client was also happy with the current login system.

Feedback form

During development, we considered adding a feedback form to the app. Users could have then used this form to make suggestions or report problems related to the game. We ended up deciding not to implement this feature, because the client already had their own feedback form for the course that touched on the game. Therefore, we decided that a separate form in the application was not needed.

Mass deletion of user accounts

The application currently has a feature that allows administrator level users (teachers) to delete user accounts. However, only one account can be deleted at a time. If the need arises for deletion of multiple accounts at once, there is no feature to support that. All the accounts need to be deleted one by one. For this, mass deletion of user accounts would be useful. We did not implement this feature, because we believed that this kind of scenario would be unlikely.

Other potential improvements

Unifying the presentation of validation messages/notifications

E.g. the validation error messages concerning the terms of use and the privacy policy differ from the other validation messages found in the same registration form. All validation related messages should probably look somewhat similar.

Improving the validation criteria for certain fields

E.g. the use of whitespaces could be restricted in certain text input fields like the username or the name of a case. Currently the names have to be at least two characters long, but for example three consecutive whitespaces fulfill this criteria and could actually cause some confusion when encountered in the UI.