While using this repo, please take a look at the wiki as well!
foss.crave.io account
This workflow assumes you know basics of android building and github actions. Please read the Readme thoroughly before asking questions.
Download crave.conf from API Keys of foss.crave.io dashboard
Fork this repo(please avoid importing it via the import menu or manually copying the workflow file. This hurts fork stats and makes it harder for you to update the repo to the latest version)
Go to (repo) Settings -> Security -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions
Create a Repository Secret called CRAVE_USERNAME, with username from crave.conf
Create a Repository Secret called CRAVE_TOKEN, with authentication token from crave.conf
Go to Settings -> Code and Automation -> Actions -> General
Set workflow Permissions to "Read and Write Permissions" and save.
If this is greyed out and you're building from a Github Organization,
go to Organization settings -> Code, planning, and automation -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions, set it to "Read and Write Permissions" and save
- Now you are ready to build! Go to "Crave Builder" workflow and start building
These runners sit in crave devspace CLI or your personal server and run the workflow on there. Use this if you need to bypass the 6 hours timeout limit.
Follow the above steps
On the top menu bar of the repository, click on Actions
Scroll down and copy the Runner Token(avoid closing this tab till the process is done)
Go back to Actions, select "Create Selfhosted Runner"
Run Workflow and enter your Runner token. Ensure you have no random spaces before or after
Start the workflow
After this is done, you are ready to build! Go to the "Crave Builder(self-hosted)" workflow and start building
(If the runner is offline still, trigger "Start/Restart Selfhosted Runner" workflow to force-restart the selfhosted runner)
This is the email you signed up to crave with
This is the Authorization part of the crave.conf. It should not contain :
, spaces, or ,
If this exists, the crave.yaml will be overridden while running the workflow
ignoreClientHostname: true
Arrow OS:
ignoreClientHostname: true
ignoreClientHostname: true
LOS 20:
ignoreClientHostname: true
LOS 21:
ignoreClientHostname: true
For more info, read the documentation here
If this exists, these files will be uploaded too. Remember to use relative path like out/target/product/devicename/file.something and seperate multiple files with spaces.
Bot token for telegram notifications
Chat id for telegram notifications
Extra flags for crave binary
Custom Upload limit for telegram-upload. Default is 2147483648
Custom Upload limit for github releases. Default is 2147483648
- These are the projects everyone can build, with a foss.crave.io account
- These are the ones officially added
- This is only for when you are initializing another ROM. When doing this, ensure you are initializing on top of closest cousin base project
- Don't initialize android 14 on top of android 13 projects
- If you just type 'skip', it will skip the compilation. This is useful for uploading and debugging
- When we resync another ROM on top, we are bound to get "cannot checkout" errors. To fix this, we add that folder to the Removals tab
- Add a space after .repo/local_manifests and add these folders. Don't change if you don't need to
- Almost defunct now, since /opt/crave/resync.sh script on crave handles everything for us
- Here you enter the git repo and branch for your local manifests, containing device specific repositories. These will be cloned to .repo/local_manifests
- Enter the device codename you want to build for inside DEVICE_NAME, like "oxygen".
- Enter the device codename inside PRODUCT_NAME, to be inserted into the breakfast command. If you enter makefile name(without the .mk, like "lineage_oxygen"), it will fallback to using the lunch command.
- eg. m updatepackage, mka bacon, make recoveryimage
- Choose the build type
user: Limited access; suited for production
userdebug: Like user but with root access and debug capability; very close to production performance
eng: Development configuration with faster build time; most suited for day-to-day development
- Uses fresh Base Project sources without any of your changes(use only for testing/debugging)
- You Tell Me :)
- For scheduled builds, it's better to remove the workflow dispatch stuff, check lineage_builder for reference.
- This Repo is a spiritual successor to azwhikaru's Action-TWRP-Builder
- AntoninoScordino for the recent rewrite
- azwhikaru's Action-TWRP-Builder Which I used as reference
- My Manifest tester (credits to AmogOS project for original logic)
- Other contributors
- The crave team for the build servers and helping us out when we get stuck
Q1. What is this Crave.io? How do I get an account?
A. Crave.io is a build accelerator capable of cutting down build time by quite a bit. They are providing free build servers, however: self signup is disabled.
Please contact either uvatbc
on telegram) or me on discord/telegram.
Remember to share the following:
- Name
- Git profile(preferably with your device sources or stuff you're proud of)
Q2. Hey, I get an error with this repository! Whom do i ask?
A. Please feel free to contact me through the crave.io discord or ROM Builders telegram. My username is sounddrill
Q3. This doesn't support XXnewrom2024XX! How do I build it?
A. Read this
Here, we enter our repo init command for a non-supported ROM. If we are building something that's supported by crave, we can leave the default as is.
Doing this is not recommended and is known to be troublesome. However, it doesn't break any crave rules yet.
Q4. How do I sign my builds?
A. Build signing can be done using Backblaze B2 Buckets to hold the private keys.
Follow this guide to generate, encrypt and upload your keys to Backblaze.
Create a actions secret called CUSTOM_YAML with the correct credentials as your environment variables. If this secret is set, the workflow will use this for crave.yaml, instead of the templates found in config/crave folder of this repository.
LOS 21:
ignoreClientHostname: true
BUCKET_NAME: your_bucket_name
KEY_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD: your_key_encryption_password
BKEY_ID: your_bkey_id
BAPP_KEY: your_bapp_key
Replace "LOS 21" with your base project's name. Remember to use the correct name, get it from crave clone list
Also remember to replace the placeholder credentials with actual values.
It is also recommended to set ignoreClientHostname to preserve workflow persistence. Read more about it here.
- Go to (repo) Settings -> Security -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions
- Set repository secret called CUSTOM_YAML
- Enter the contents of your crave.yaml from above
While building:
- Replace 'mka bacon' in the build command section of the workflow dispatch to:
mka target-files-package otatools; /opt/crave/crave_sign.sh