OctoStyle is a simple .NET console application that automatically reviews GitHub pull requests using StyleCop.
OctoStyle.Console.exe -l [GitHub login] -p [Password] -d [local path to root Git directory] -o [Repository Owner] -r [Repository Name] -pr [Pull Request Number]
OctoStyle.Console.exe -l MyUserName -p MyPassword -d "C:\OctoStyleTest" -o OlegKleyman -r OctoStyleTest -pr 1
.NET Framework 4.6
You can grab the latest installer here.
You can install the latest binaries via nuget package manager
PM> Install-Package OctoStyle.Console
This nuget package contains the binaries needed to run the console application. Primarily created so installation on the build server would not be required
- Visual Studio 2013
- .NET Framework 4.6
An NUnit test runner is required.
- An NUnit test runner is required.
- A github account is required.
- OCTOSTYLE_LOGIN environment variable set to your GitHub username is required.
- OCTOSTYLE_PASSWORD environment variable set to your GitHub password is required.
- Text Editor
- At least .NET Framework 4.6
- Visual Studio 2013+
- Specflow Templates located here.