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Added +di command line argument
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Oleksandr-Zhabenko committed Oct 13, 2024
1 parent 73c00e3 commit 47aca98
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Showing 7 changed files with 134 additions and 72 deletions.
58 changes: 55 additions & 3 deletions Aftovolio/General/Distance.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Aftovolio.General.Distance where

Expand All @@ -7,7 +9,9 @@ import GHC.Real (Integral,Fractional(..),Real(..),gcd,quot,(/),fromIntegral,toIn
import GHC.Float (Floating(..),sqrt)
import GHC.List
import Data.List (replicate)
import GHC.Num ((*),(-),subtract,abs)
import GHC.Num ((*),(-),subtract,abs,Integer)
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Int

-- | 'toEqLength' changes two given lists into two lists of equal
-- minimal lengths and also returs its new length and initial lengths of the lists given.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,12 +40,24 @@ toEqLengthL lx ly xs ys
vs = concatMap (replicate (lx `quot` dc)) $ ys

-- | Is also a simplified distance between the lists. Intended to be used with 'Word8'.
sumAbsDistNorm :: (Integral a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> a
sumAbsDistNorm :: (Integral a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Integer
sumAbsDistNorm xs ys
| lc == 0 = 0
| otherwise = fromIntegral . sum . zipWith (\x y -> toInteger (if x > y then x-y else y-x)) ts $ vs
| otherwise = sum . zipWith (\x y -> toInteger (if x > y then x-y else y-x)) ts $ vs
where (ts, vs, lc, lx, ly) = toEqLength xs ys

-- | Intended to be used with 'Compards' of the same constructor in both arguments of the function. Otherwise returns -1.
sumAbsDistNormComp :: Compards -> Compards -> Integer
sumAbsDistNormComp x1s@(C1 xs) y1s@(C1 ys)
| lc == 0 = 0
| otherwise = sum . zipWith (\x y -> toInteger (if x > y then x-y else y-x)) ts $ vs
where (ts, vs, lc, lx, ly) = toEqLength xs ys
sumAbsDistNormComp x1s@(C2 xs) y1s@(C2 ys)
| lc == 0 = 0
| otherwise = sum . zipWith (\x y -> toInteger (if x > y then x-y else y-x)) ts $ vs
where (ts, vs, lc, lx, ly) = toEqLength xs ys
sumAbsDistNormComp _ _ = -1

sumSqrDistNorm :: (Real a, Fractional a) => [a] -> [a] -> a
sumSqrDistNorm xs ys
| lc == 0 = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,3 +101,39 @@ distanceSqrG2 lc xs ys = sqrt (sum (zipWith (\x y -> (x - y) * (x - y)) xs qs) /
qs = concatMap (replicate dc) rs
{-# INLINE distanceSqrG2 #-}

data Compards = C1 [Word8] | C2 [Int8] deriving (Eq)

isWord8Based :: Compards -> Bool
isWord8Based (C1 _) = True
isWord8Based _ = False

isInt8Based :: Compards -> Bool
isInt8Based (C2 _) = True
isInt8Based _ = False

{-| The elements in the first argument must not be greater than 127 though it is not checked. -}
fromSmallWord8toInt8Diff :: [Word8] -> [Int8]
fromSmallWord8toInt8Diff xs@(_:ys) = zipWith (\t u -> fromIntegral u - fromIntegral t) xs ys
fromSmallWord8toInt8Diff [] = []
{-# INLINE fromSmallWord8toInt8Diff #-}

class DoubleFunc a b c d where
doubleFunc :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> d -> c

instance (DoubleFunc [Word8] [Int8] Int) Compards where
doubleFunc f g (C1 xs) = f xs
doubleFunc f g (C2 ys) = g ys

instance (DoubleFunc [Word8] [Int8] Compards) Compards where
doubleFunc f g (C1 xs) = f xs
doubleFunc f g (C2 ys) = g ys

instance (DoubleFunc [Word8] [Int8] Bool) Compards where
doubleFunc f g (C1 xs) = f xs
doubleFunc f g (C2 ys) = g ys

instance (DoubleFunc [Word8] [Int8] Integer) Compards where
doubleFunc f g (C1 xs) = f xs
doubleFunc f g (C2 ys) = g ys

67 changes: 34 additions & 33 deletions Aftovolio/General/Simple.hs

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions Aftovolio/Ukrainian/IO.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import Data.Ord (Down(..))
import Data.Char (isDigit,toLower,isSpace)
import System.IO (putStrLn, FilePath,stdout,hSetNewlineMode,universalNewlineMode,getLine,appendFile,writeFile,putStr,readFile)
import qualified Rhythmicity.MarkerSeqs as R --hiding (id)
import Data.List hiding (foldr)
import Data.List hiding (foldr,null)
import qualified Data.List as L (null)
import Data.Foldable (mapM_)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing,fromJust,fromMaybe)
import Data.Tuple (fst,snd)
Expand All @@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
:: Int -- ^ A power of 10. The distance value is quoted by 10 in this power if the next ['Word8'] argument is not empty. The default one is 0. The right values are in the range [0..4].
-> Int -- ^ A 'length' of the next argument here.
-> [Word8] -- ^ A list of positive values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works as for version without this newly-introduced argument since the version The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of \'_digits\' groups) to work correctly. Is not used when the next 'FilePath' and 'String' arguments are not null.
-> Compards -- ^ A value that the different options are compared with. If no command line argument \"+di\" was added, then this is a `C1` applied to the list of positive values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works without comparison. The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of \'_digits\' groups) to work correctly. Is not used when the next 'FilePath' and 'String' arguments are not null. If \"+di\" command line argument was provided, then this corresponds to the case of differentiation.
-> Bool -- ^ If 'True' then adds \"<br>\" to line endings for double column output
-> FilePath -- ^ A path to the file to save double columns output to. If empty then just prints to 'stdout'.
-> String -- ^ If not null than instead of rhythmicity evaluation using hashes and and feets, there is computed a diversity property for the specified 'String' here using the 'selectSounds' function. For more information, see: ''
Expand All @@ -66,18 +67,18 @@ generalF power10 ldc compards html dcfile selStr (prestr, poststr) lineNmb file
syllableDurationsDs <- readSyllableDurations file
let syllN = countSyll initstr
f ldc compards syllableDurationsDs grps mxms -- Since the version, has a possibility to evaluate diversity property.
| null selStr = (if null compards then (sum . R.countHashes2G hashStep hc grps mxms) else ((`quot` 10^power10) . fromIntegral . sumAbsDistNorm compards)) . read3 (not . null . filter (not . isSpace)) 1.0 (mconcat . (if null file then case k of { 1 -> syllableDurationsD; 2 -> syllableDurationsD2; 3 -> syllableDurationsD3; 4 -> syllableDurationsD4}
| L.null selStr = (if doubleFunc (L.null::[Word8]->Bool) (L.null::[Int8]-> Bool) compards then (sum . R.countHashes2G hashStep hc grps mxms) else (`quot` 10^power10) . fromIntegral . sumAbsDistNormComp compards . (if isWord8Based compards then C1 else C2 . fromSmallWord8toInt8Diff)) . read3 (not . L.null . filter (not . isSpace)) 1.0 (mconcat . (if L.null file then case k of { 1 -> syllableDurationsD; 2 -> syllableDurationsD2; 3 -> syllableDurationsD3; 4 -> syllableDurationsD4}
else if length syllableDurationsDs >= k then syllableDurationsDs !! (k - 1) else syllableDurationsD2) . createSyllablesUkrS)
| otherwise = fromIntegral . diverse2GGL (selectSounds selStr) [100,101] . convertToProperUkrainianI8 . filter (\c -> not (isDigit c) && c /= '_' && c/= '=')
hSetNewlineMode stdout universalNewlineMode
if numTest >= 0 && numTest <= 179 && numTest /= 1 && null compards then testsOutput concurrently syllN f ldc syllableDurationsDs numTest universalSet
if numTest >= 0 && numTest <= 179 && numTest /= 1 && doubleFunc (L.null::[Word8]->Bool) (L.null::[Int8]-> Bool) compards then testsOutput concurrently syllN f ldc syllableDurationsDs numTest universalSet
else let sRepresent = zipWith (\k (x, ys) -> S k x ys) [1..] .
(if descending then sortOn (\(u,w) -> (Down u, w)) else sortOn id) . map (\xss -> (f ldc compards syllableDurationsDs grps mxms xss, xss)) $ universalSet
strOutput = force . (:[]) . halfsplit1G (\(S _ y _) -> y) (if html then "<br>" else "") (jjj splitting) $ sRepresent
in do
let lns1 = unlines strOutput
putStrLn lns1
if null dcfile then putStr ""
if L.null dcfile then putStr ""
else do
exist <- doesFileExist dcfile
if exist then do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,14 +127,14 @@ instance Show AftovolioUkr where

countSyll :: String -> Int
countSyll xs = numUnderscoresSyll + (fromEnum . foldr (\x y -> if isVowel1 x then y + 1 else y) 0 . convertToProperUkrainianI8 $ xs)
where numUnderscoresSyll = length . filter (\xs -> let (ys,ts) = splitAt 1 xs in ys == "_" && all isDigit ts && not (null ts)) . groupBy (\x y -> x=='_' && isDigit y) $ xs
where numUnderscoresSyll = length . filter (\xs -> let (ys,ts) = splitAt 1 xs in ys == "_" && all isDigit ts && not (L.null ts)) . groupBy (\x y -> x=='_' && isDigit y) $ xs

stat1 :: Int -> (Int8,[Int8]) -> Int
stat1 n (k, ks) = fst (n `quotRemInt` fromEnum k) * length ks

parseHelp :: [String] -> (String,[String])
parseHelp xss
| null xss = ([],[])
| L.null xss = ([],[])
| otherwise = (unwords rss, uss `mappend` qss)
where (yss,tss) = break (== "-b") xss
(uss,wss) = break (== "+b") yss
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,8 +173,8 @@ testsOutput
:: (Show a1, Integral a1) =>
Bool -- ^ Whether to run tests concurrently or not. 'True' corresponds to concurrent execution that can speed up the getting results but use more resources.
-> Int
-> (p1 -> [a2] -> p2 -> Int8 -> [Int8] -> String -> a1)
-> p1
-> (Int -> Compards -> p2 -> Int8 -> [Int8] -> String -> a1)
-> Int
-> p2
-> Int
-> [String]
Expand All @@ -184,36 +185,35 @@ testsOutput concurrently syllN f ldc syllableDurationsDs numTest universalSet =
then mapConcurrently
else mapM) (\(q,qs) ->
let m = stat1 syllN (q,qs)
(min1, max1) = force . fromJust . minMax11By (comparing (f ldc [] syllableDurationsDs q qs)) $ universalSet
mx = f ldc [] syllableDurationsDs q qs max1
(min1, max1) = force . fromJust . minMax11By (comparing (f ldc (C1 []) syllableDurationsDs q qs)) $ universalSet
mx = f ldc (C1 []) syllableDurationsDs q qs max1
strTest = (show (fromEnum q) `mappend` " | " `mappend` show mx `mappend` " " `mappend` show m `mappend` " -> " `mappend`
showFFloat (Just 3) (100 * fromIntegral mx / fromIntegral m) "%" `mappend` (if rem numTest 10 >= 4
then ("\n" `mappend` min1 `mappend` "\n" `mappend` max1 `mappend` "\n")
else "")) in putStrLn strTest >> return strTest) . zip (sel2 numTest) $ (sel numTest)

-- | Part of 'generalF' for processment with a file.
:: (Eq a1, Num a1) =>
String -- ^ If not null than instead of rhythmicity evaluation using hashes and and feets, there is computed a diversity property for the specified 'String' here using the 'selectSounds' function. For more information, see: ''
-> [Word8] -- ^ A list of non-negative values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works as for version without this newly-introduced argument since the version The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of \'_digits\' groups) to work correctly.
:: String -- ^ If not null than instead of rhythmicity evaluation using hashes and and feets, there is computed a diversity property for the specified 'String' here using the 'selectSounds' function. For more information, see: ''
-> Compards -- ^ A value that the different options are compared with. If no command line argument \"+di\" was added, then this is a `C1` applied to the list of positive values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works without comparison. The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of \'_digits\' groups) to work correctly. Is not used when the next 'FilePath' and 'String' arguments are not null. If \"+di\" command line argument was provided, then this corresponds to the case of differentiation.
-> [AftovolioUkr]
-> FilePath -- ^ The file to read the sound representation durations from.
-> [[[[Sound8]]] -> [[Word8]]]
-> Int
-> a1
-> Int8
-> Int
-> FilePath -- ^ A file to be probably added output parts to.
-> Int
-> IO ()
outputWithFile selStr compards sRepresent file syllableDurationsDs code grps k fs num
| mBool && code >= 10 && code <= 19 && grps == 2 = putStrLn (mconcat [textP, "\n", breaks, "\n", show rs]) >> appendF ((if code >= 15 then mconcat [show rs, "\n", breaks, "\n"] else "") `mappend` outputS)
| otherwise = appendF outputS
where mBool = null selStr && null compards
where mBool = L.null selStr && doubleFunc (L.null::[Word8]->Bool) (L.null::[Int8]-> Bool) compards
appendF = appendFile fs
lineOption = head . filter (\(S k _ _) -> k == num) $ sRepresent
textP = (\(S _ _ ts) -> ts) lineOption
-- sylls = createSyllablesUkrS textP
outputS = outputSel lineOption code
qqs = readEq4 (mconcat . (if null file then case k of { 1 -> syllableDurationsD; 2 -> syllableDurationsD2; 3 -> syllableDurationsD3; 4 -> syllableDurationsD4} else if length syllableDurationsDs >= k then syllableDurationsDs !! (k - 1) else syllableDurationsD2) . createSyllablesUkrS) (map showFS . mconcat . createSyllablesUkrS) . basicSplit $ textP
qqs = readEq4 (mconcat . (if L.null file then case k of { 1 -> syllableDurationsD; 2 -> syllableDurationsD2; 3 -> syllableDurationsD3; 4 -> syllableDurationsD4} else if length syllableDurationsDs >= k then syllableDurationsDs !! (k - 1) else syllableDurationsD2) . createSyllablesUkrS) (map showFS . mconcat . createSyllablesUkrS) . basicSplit $ textP
(breaks, rs) = R.showZerosFor2PeriodMusic qqs

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,3 +12,6 @@

* Second version revised A. Updated dependencies. Some minor code usability improvements.

## -- 2024-10-13

* Third version, Added a new possibility to compare lines using the "+di" command line argument. If present implies the "differentiation" mode of computation for the comparing options with the line in +l2 or +ln groups of command line arguments. Is useful mostly in case of the line to compare with has approximately the same number of syllables as the option lines.

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