- Backend: ASP.Net Core
- Frontend: React
- Database: Postgres
MongoDB - Repo & Pipelines: Github
- Hosting: Heroku amd Azure
- DevOps: Azure DevOps
- .NET 9 SDK
- Postgres
- Docker (if run containerized)
- Seq (optional - Serilog Sink
- https://datalust.co/download)
seq service status
seq service start
seq config get -k api.listenUris
- PGAdmin (optional)
dotnet run
- Serilog Seq sink: http://localhost:5341/#/events
- App: https://localhost:7269/swagger/index.html or https://localhost:7019/swagger/index.html
docker-compose up
ordocker compose up --build
- App:
- PGAdmin: http://localhost:8002/browser/
- to get Host name/address:
docker inspect <database> | grep IPAddress
- name: velosaurus
- host: name / address: IPAddress
- Port: 5432
- username: postgres (as defined in docker-compose.yml)
- password: password (as defined in docker-compose.yml)
- to get Host name/address:
- Serilog Seq sink: http://localhost:5341/#/events (optional, has to be installed)
- TODO: seq in container ???
docker compose down -v
Linux postgres port problems: check port usage
sudo lsof -i :5434
andsudo kill -9 <PID>
- adapt docker-compose.yml:
velosaurusdb: ports: - "5434:5432"
Add-Migration MigrationDescription
docker exec -it velosaurus-db psql -U postgres
psql -U postgres
\c <dbname>
SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='Activities';
SELECT * from "Activities";
- Create Project and Solution
- CORS configuration Link
- Serilog and Seq
- ps script for checking and starting mongodb and seq service
- Database driver and configuration (Secrets for Credentials)
- Postgres
- Postgres
- File paths arerelative to the root of the repository (GitHub Actions workflows run in the context of your repository.)
- Github Secret and env vars for connectionstring
- main_velosaurus-api.yml adaption to substitute before deployment
location properties: name, summit, mountain range, subgroup
- e.g. Mutters, Saile, Stubai Alps, Kalkkögel
Environments Dev / Prod(Demo)
Github Pipeline cleanup and optimization
- Unit Of Work ?
- Repository Pattern ?
- CQRS ? (Probably complete overkill)
- Dockerfile / docker-compose.yml
docker build -t velo-image .
docker run --name velo-container -p 8000:80 velo-image
- http://localhost:8000/swagger
- Install seq and use Sink in
- Using RequestID in search to find all request related stuff:
RequestId = "0HMHQ499O1RPJ:0000001B"
NO Entityframework Core (best for relational databases!)
MongoDb.Driver nuget
Add configuration and configuration model
- settings class in
directory, to store appsettings properties Program.cs
- https://docs.divio.com/en/latest/reference/docker-docker-compose/
- https://devopscell.com/docker/docker-compose/volumes/2018/01/16/volumes-in-docker-compose.html
- https://www.mongodb.com/developer/languages/csharp/build-first-dotnet-core-application-mongodb-atlas/
- https://www.mongodb.com/languages/how-to-use-mongodb-with-dotnet
Deployment Links:
- https://velosaurus-api.azurewebsites.net/swagger/index.html
- https://velosaurus-api.azurewebsites.net/
- https://github.com/OliverZott/velosaurus-backend/actions
- https://portal.azure.com/
- https://cloud.mongodb.com/