This service is a final project for Cloud Computing Course in Afeka College of Engineering.
- Omri Shapira - Team Leader - 203554720
- Gal Odentz - 205892250
- Alon Bukai - 305347007
A simple Spring Boot service to give a user a way to manage and create a Wishlist of products she/he wishes to buy.
The service is not reactive, uses MongoDB as a Database and Spring Boot web.
- Run the MongoDB local database with the following command (using Docker):
docker run --name mongotest -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- in set kafka topic in the following attribute
- Run Kafka Environment from the Instructions written below.
- This service relies on other services (ShoppingCatalogService, UserManagementService, ProductCouponService):
- Download the required services
- unpack them
- run any other environment requirements that they require (database, other services)
- run these services
- in UserManagementService create a user using its required API (
) - in ShoppingCatalogService create a product and category using (
) - if there's no rating for specific product in ProductCouponService its rating will be -1
- in config the address and port of the services:
- ShoppingCatalogService -
- UserManagementService -
- ProductCouponService -
- ShoppingCatalogService -
- In IntelliJ:
- Open project in IntelliJ (Open project menu or import from git menu)
- After opening let gradle built and make the project.
- Run (Play button)
- In Eclipse:
- Open project in Eclipse (File -> Import -> Import existing Gradle Project menu)
- After opening let gradle built and make the project.
- Run (Run as Spring Boot App)
- Open http://localhost:{port you defined in}/swagger-ui.html in your browser.
- Use Kafka's quick guide from here: or
- Download From
- Open Terminal
- Type
tar -xzf kafka_2.13-2.7.0.tgz
- Type
cd kafka_2.13-2.7.0
- Start Zookeeper:
bin/ config/
- Open another tab of command line/ Windows Powershell/ Windows Terminal / Terminal (for mac or linux)
- Start Kafka server:
bin/ config/
- Open another tab of command line/ Windows Powershell/ Windows Terminal / Terminal (for mac or linux)
- To start sending events type
bin/ --topic t1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Then on the prompt ">" send the wishlist json like:
{"user": {"email":"[email protected]"}, "name":"My awesome things"}
- Use Kafka's quick guide from here: or
- Download From
- Open Command Prompt/ Windows Powershell/ Windows Terminal
- Type
tar -xzf kafka_2.13-2.7.0.tgz
- Type
cd kafka_2.13-2.7.0
- Start Zookeeper:
.\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\
- Open another tab of Command Prompt/ Windows Powershell/ Windows Terminal
- Start Kafka server:
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\
- Open another tab of command line/ Windows Powershell/ Windows Terminal
- To start sending events type
.\bin\windows\kafka-console-producer.bat --topic t1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Then on the prompt ">" send the wishlist json like:
{"user": {"email":"[email protected]"}, "name":"My awesome things"}
- Open Command Prompt/ Windows Powershell/ Windows Terminal / Terminal
- navigate to the WishlishService Root folder
- type:
docker-compose up
- Open another instance of Command Prompt/ Windows Powershell/ Windows Terminal / Terminal
- (Windows) To start sending events type
.\bin\windows\kafka-console-producer.bat --topic t1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- (macOS/ Linux) To start sending events type
bin/ --topic t1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Then on the prompt ">" send the wishlist json like:
{"user": {"email":"[email protected]"}, "name":"My awesome things"}
- List: user - represent the user that the list belongs to by id (email). name - the list name id - unique id for the list products - list of products in the wishlist
- Product: id - unique id for the list name - product name rating - how users rate the product (can be acheived from Products Reviews Management Service).
- List boundary when using GET methods
"name": "My Wishlist",
"user": {
"email":"[email protected]"
"products" : [
"id": "42",
"name": "Groot",
"rating": 9,
"price": 94,
"image": "groot.jpeg",
"details": {
"manufacturer": "Marvel",
"collectable": true
"category": {
"name": "Toys",
"description": "Super heros"
"id": "564",
"name": "Baby Yoda",
"rating": 3,
"price": 122,
"image": "grogu.jpeg",
"details": {
"manufacturer": "Star Wars",
"collectable": true
"category": {
"name": "Toys",
"description": "Super heros"
- List JSON when creating new list
"user": {
"email": "[email protected]"
"name": "My Awesome things"
- product JSON example for POST/PUT methods
"productId": 526
- product JSON example for GET methods
"id": "42",
"name": "Groot",
"rating": 9,
"price": 94,
"image": "groot.jpeg",
"details": {
"manufacturer": "Marvel",
"collectable": true
"category": {
"name": "Toys",
"description": "Super heros"
POST /wishlist
- Get new wishlist details and creates it in the DB if not exist already.
- If the user is not exist in UserManagementService the service will return status code 400.
GET /wishlist/{email}/{wishlistName}
- Get wishlist data by its name.
- If not exist will return status code 404.
PUT /wishlist/{email}/{wishlistName}
- Add new product to wishlist by its name and specific user.
- To get product rating we will interface the Products Reviews Management Service.
- If there's no rating the value will be -1.
- If there's no wishlist with the same name for the user it will return status code 404.
GET /wishlist?filterBy=productId&filterValue={productId}&sortBy={sortAttrEnum}&sortOrder={sortOrderEnum}&size={size}&page={page}
- Get all wishlist for the user specified by the email and ordered. Order details below.
GET /wishlist?filterBy=customerEmail&filterValue={customerEmail}&&sortBy={sortAttrEnum}&sortOrder={sortOrderEnum}&size={size}&page={page}
- Get all wishlist by specific order. Order details below.
DELETE /wishlist
- delete all wishlists in the database
sortAttrEnum can be:
- user - sort alphabetically by user email
- name - sort alphabetically by list name
sortOrderEnum can be:
- ASC - Ascending order
- DESC - Descending order
- ShoppingCatalogService -
- UserManagementService - +
- ProductCouponService