The current process is:
- The server takes the customers' order on paper. The order includes a table number and the size of party.
- The server gives the order to an operator who enters it into a NCR P1515 running Aloha on Windows XP connected to an Epson M244A which prints a reciept and a ticket.
- The ticket goes to the kitchen to be filled.
- The order comes back with the ticket.
- The reciept is given to the customers.
- The customers pay at another P1515 with a cash drawer.
The process that I like best is:
- The server takes the customers' order on a tablet or the customers enter their order themselves.
- A ticket prints in the kitchen.
- The ticket comes back with the order.
- The server prints a reciept which includes a QR code linking to a page for the meal.
- The cutomer receives a cost breakdown for their meal which they pay at their discrecion.
- Computed cost and actual payment are anonymized and available online.