A bukkit plugin dependent of PlotSquared, that will allow you to restrict players from abusing their powers in their plots.
- Rapid redstone clocks
- Too much redstone at once
- Entity limits (supports different limits for different entites)
#Compilation Requirments: Install GitBash, Java and Apache Maven
- In the folder of your choice right click and select the option Git Bash here.
- In the command line that pops up type $ git clone https://github.com/UltraX3/PlotLimits.git
- Once all the files appear in the folder of your choice, make sure you are in the project base directory (the one that contains the pom.xml).
- Now in the command line type $ cd [path to the pom.xml] (put the path to your file in [path to your main file], this will most likely just be $ cd PlotLimits )
- Type $ mvn install
- Go into /target and you have your file