title | subtitle | author | date | ORCID |
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Journal *al-Ustādh |
Till Grallert |
2021-03-17 |
orcid.org/0000-0002-5739-8094 |
An open, collaborative, and scholarly digital edition of ʿAbd Allāh Nadīm al-Idrīsī's weekly journal al-Ustādh (Cairo, 1892--1893)
This digital edition of ʿAbd Allāh Nadīm al-Idrīsī's weekly journal al-Ustādh (Cairo, 1892--1893) is part of and follows the principles of Open Arabic Periodical Editions (OpenArabicPE) that were originally developped in the context of Digital Muqtabas. The full text of this edition has been transcribed by the anonymous transcribers at al-maktaba al-shamela. Digital imagery is available from arshīf al-majallāt ... and HathiTrust, which provides facsimiles of copies held at Harvard and Indiana University.
It appeared that the page breaks from al-maktaba al-shamela correspond to the printed copy. We have therefore added the relevant mark-up for page beginnings (<pb ed="print" n="123"/>
) and an <facsimile>
element containing links to the digital facsimiles at arshīf al-majallāt. The boilerplate view, therefore, displays both facsimiles and the digital text. We have added publication dates for the first three volumes based on the physical copies at the Orient-Institut Beirut's library.
If you just want to browse the edition in a more human-readable view, start here. All bibliographic metadata is available as part of OpenArabicPE's public Zotero group.
mark-up of sections
- باب الأدبيات
2021-03-17: I just saw that something went wrong with the automatic mark-up of dates on 17 May 2019. Some numbers got deleted. Searching commits for "contents:سنة", I was able to restore them.