Version 1.8.0
The OpenBAS 1.8.0 is out ! Hope you will enjoy it! 🚀
📒 Customizable Debrief
Feeling like sharing the results of your simulation to enhance collaboration ? You can now generate a customizable report page and export it into nicely formatted and shareable PDFs, along with an overall summary to receive insights in a clear and accessible format.
⛓️ Conditional Inject Chaining
Building on version 1.7, seamlessly condition injects launch based on the expectations of previous ones, creating more dynamic simulations with multiple inject paths.
🏗️ Payload Categorization by Architecture
In need of precision regarding your architecture for your payloads ? We organized and categorized your payloads by binary architecture to facilitate the selection of your injects.
👓 Advanced Player and Asset Filtering
We added filters on the players and asset groups pages to streamline your analysis and focus on the most relevant data.
And we also solved a lot of bugs, made some UI improvements and updated our documentation.
- #1582 Improve latency on page: admin/scenarios/:id
- #1580 Improve latency on page: admin/scenarios/:id/injects
- #1555 Add filters to Players page
- #1554 Add filters to Asset group page
- #1487 [ Unit testing - simulation scope ] - lessons learned surveys
- #1485 [ Unit testing - simulation scope ] - inject creation/update
- #1385 Conditional inject chaining
- #1189 Categorize payload by architecture
- #1080 Create customizable debrief page - generate a report page with a global note
Bug Fixes:
- #1704 Message "internal error" + Error 500 occurring when creating a technical scenario
- #1701 Scenario & Simulation full reload when refetching
- #1699 Remove double fetch organizations in Groups
- #1682 Remove duplicate requests for pagination & filters
- #1678 Fix deprecated local method to start frontend
- #1670 MITRE ATT&CK matrix dashboard results is not working
- #1668 When deleting an endpoint in an inject, line is not removed but becomes empty
- #1666 Default value of payload argument is not taken into account when creating an atomic testing
- #1660 Images (logos) of security systems uploaded by collectors should not be deletable
- #1658 Mouse cursor is disappearing when mouse is going to the result by target in inject
- #1655 Putting expectation with the security platform is broken
- #1633 Import injects: Pagination hides injects over 100 + action only works if the user refreshes
- #1632 Labels in select inputs look broken
- #1610 Tags are not displayed in simulation overview
- #1603 Score max value on the scalebar is not coherent with default value or set value
- #1600 Can't update an inject without filling all mandatory fields
- #1586 Simulations never ends if no inject / disabled injects / deleted injects
- #1521 Removing a team from the context doesn't work
- #1473 [ UI improvement ] to display uri of a media pressure in an email inject
Pull Requests:
- Update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v7.18.0 by @renovate in #1537
- Update dependency esbuild to v0.24.0 by @renovate in #1542
- Update dependency chokidar to v4 by @renovate in #1560
- Update dependency date-fns to v4 by @renovate in #1561
- Update dependency vitest to v2 by @renovate in #1563
- Update maven Docker tag to v3.9.9 by @renovate in #1576
- Update dependency slack to v5 by @renovate in #1579
- Update eclipse-temurin Docker tag to v21.0.4_7-jre by @renovate in #1574
- Update docker/build-push-action action to v6 by @renovate in #1564
- [backend/frontend] Add filters on player page by @RomuDeuxfois in #1605
- [frontend/backend] add inject result inside report by @MarineLeM in #1519
- Improve latency on endpoint teams by @RomuDeuxfois in #1584
- Update dependency zustand to v4.5.5 by @renovate in #1598
- [backend] Add ID on expectation type by @RomuDeuxfois in #1613
- Update dependency http-proxy-middleware to v3 by @renovate in #1562
- Update dependency @types/react to v18.3.11 by @renovate in #1597
- Update dependency @types/node to v20.16.10 by @renovate in #1596
- Update eslint monorepo to v8.57.1 by @renovate in #1575
- [backend] Fix 401 when user not admin and go to page with filters by @damgouj in #1620
- [backend] Fix call to the management plugin not working when using ssl by @Dimfacion in #1622
- Bugfix/1478 fix filter order by @savacano28 in #1623
- [backend/frontend] fix bulk update injects by @savacano28 in #1628
- [backend] Use join map to avoid duplicate join by @RomuDeuxfois in #1619
- [frontend] Documents are not duplicated when an inject is duplicated by @isselparra in #1641
- [backend/frontend] Categorize payload by architecture by @isselparra in #1612
- [backend] Fix latency scenarioId by @savacano28 in #1606
- [backend/frontend] Add filters to Asset group page by @RomuDeuxfois in #1646
- Update dependency @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs to v7.25.7 by @renovate in #1595
- [frontend] Fix deprecated start method to start frontend (#1678) by @guillaumejparis in #1679
- [frontend] Remove duplicate requests for pagination & filters by @guillaumejparis in #1683
- [frontend] fix import icon by @MarineLeM in #1695
- [backend/frontend] Fix removing a team from the context doesn't work by @RomuDeuxfois in #1544
- [backend] Inject creation/update in a simulation (#1485) by @johanah29 in #1636
- [frontend] Fix tags displayed and links to item exercises lists (#1610) by @damgouj in #1689
- [frontend] Improve scalebar component by @savacano28 in #1703
- [frontend] fix import openbas logo in pdf by @MarineLeM in #1705
- [frontend] avoid full reload of scenario & simulation when refetching… by @guillaumejparis in #1702
- [frontend] delete double fetch in groups (#1699) by @guillaumejparis in #1700
- [backend] Fix param to retrieve asset groups from a raw map by @savacano28 in #1710
- Update dependency http-proxy-middleware to v3.0.3 [SECURITY] by @renovate in #1724
- [backend] Fix raw teams request (#1704) by @guillaumejparis in #1721
- [backend] Add obfuscator base64 on expectation signature for OpenBAS agent by @RomuDeuxfois in #1712
- [frontend] create reportComment component by @MarineLeM in #1717
- [frontend] add pagination on simulation inject list + update list whe… by @MarineLeM in #1709
- [backend] Small fix on filters when filtering on an enum by @Dimfacion in #1728
- [frontend/backend] Chaining injects logically by @Dimfacion in #1551
- [backend/frontend] Improv team performance by @RomuDeuxfois in #1693
- [frontend] Allow update inject without mandatory fields by @savacano28 in #1708
- [backend] Simulations never ends if no inject / disabled injects / deleted injects (#1586) by @isselparra in #1711
- [backend/frontend] Prevent users from deleting SP logos (#1660) by @Dimfacion in #1676
- [frontend] Small fix on adding a new parent using the tab by @Dimfacion in #1732
- [backend] Update an atomic testing is not working by @isselparra in #1737
- [backend] Add validation for default score value by @savacano28 in #1740
- [frontend] Setting edges to a bezier curve in timeline by @Dimfacion in #1749
- [frontend] Fix mitre matrix expectation color (#1670) by @guillaumejparis in #1753
Full Changelog: 1.7.3...1.8.0