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Merge pull request #342 from OpenChemistry/release-docs
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Add documentation for the release process
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psavery authored Mar 1, 2023
2 parents 1812683 + d2c1d7b commit ead301b
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Showing 5 changed files with 388 additions and 0 deletions.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions docs/release/
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Update Tomviz Version in CMake

In the OpenChemistry/tomviz repository, update the hard-coded version
numbers in the root `CMakeLists.txt` file labeled `tomviz_version_major`,
`tomviz_version_minor`, and `tomviz_version_patch`. These are used by
the source tarball to correctly identify the version.

Create the Git Tag

In the OpenChemistry/tomviz repository, create a signed git tag for the
release/release candidate, and then push it. For instance:

git tag -s 2.0.0-rc1 -m "Tag 2.0.0 release candidate 1"
git push --tags origin

Never delete a tag once pushed. If a mistake is made, make a new tag.

Build the Binaries

In the OpenChemistry/tomviz-superbuild repository, trigger a manual "build"
workflow in order to generate the release binaries. To do so, follow these

1. Go to the [build workflow]( on the tomviz-superbuild GitHub page.
2. On the right side of the web page at the top of the table, there should be
a `Run workflow` button. Click this, selecting the master branch, and then
type in the Tomviz tag that should be used for the release. Start the workflow.
3. Once the workflow finishes, a new tag and release should have automatically
been created in the OpenChemistry/tomviz-superbuild repository that matches the
Tomviz tag that was used for the build. The attached assets should be as follows:

* Tomviz-<tag>.dmg (macOS DMG binary)
* Tomviz-<tag>.msi (Windows installer binary)
* tomviz-<tag>.tar.gz (the release source)
* Tomviz-<tag>.zip (Windows zip binary)
* Tomviz-<tag>-Linux.tar.gz (the Linux binary)

Do some testing on each of these to verify that they work properly

Windows Signing

You will need to use [Microsoft's code signing]( with the `.msi` file
in order for it to be opened without warnings.

macOS Notarization

See the [notarization directory](notarization/

After notarization, double-check again that the binary works properly
(sometimes, notarization can cause issues with the binary itself).

Create the SHAs

After the Windows and Mac binaries have been signed/notarized, replace their
respective unsigned/unnotarized binaries located in the
OpenChemistry/tomviz-superbuild release with the signed/notarized versions.

A [helper script]( located in this directory can then
be used to create the SHAs file, like so:

./ <tag>

This will automatically download all of the release files and create the
SHAs file from them. It will also print a command to make a GPG signature.
Upload the SHAs file along with the GPG signature to the release directory.

Final Steps

With this, the binaries and source are done. We can now proceed to create
release notes, create a copy of the `OpenChemistry/tomviz-superbuild` release
on the `OpenChemistry/tomviz` repository (by uploading the same assets), and
then editing the links on the tomviz website to point to the new release.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions docs/release/
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pathlib import Path
import urllib.request
import subprocess
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit('Usage: <script> <release_tag>')

release_tag = sys.argv[1]

filenames = [

print('Downloading files...')
for filename in filenames:
repo_url = ''
release_url = f'{repo_url}/releases/download/{release_tag}/{filename}'

print(f'Downloading "{filename}"...')
urllib.request.urlretrieve(release_url, filename)

output_file_name = f'Tomviz-{release_tag}-SHAs.txt'

print('Generating shas...')
with open(output_file_name, 'w') as wf:
sum_methods = {
'SHA-256': 'sha256sum',
'SHA-512': 'sha512sum',

last_label = list(sum_methods)[-1]

for sum_label, sum_exec in sum_methods.items():
for filename in filenames:
cmd = [sum_exec, filename]
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd)

# Write a newline if it isn't the last one
if sum_label != last_label:

print(f'SHAs written out to "{output_file_name}"')

print('Cleaning up...')
for filename in filenames:

print('All done. Now use GPG to create a signature, like so:')
print(f'$ gpg --armor --output Tomviz-{release_tag}-SHAs.txt.asc --detach-sig Tomviz-{release_tag}-SHAs.txt')

print(f'Then, upload both "Tomviz-{release_tag}-SHAs.txt"',
f'and "Tomviz-{release_tag}-SHAs.txt.asc" to GitHub!')
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions docs/release/notarization/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@

Notarization on macOS requires several steps, and can be somewhat tedious to
work through. The benefit, however, is that it guarantees a high level of
security for the software.

See [here]( for more information.


1. Create an Apple ID if you don't already have one
2. Get added to an authorized provider
3. Create an app-specific password for your application from your Apple ID
a) Sign in at
b) Scroll down to Security and generate an app-specific password
4. Sign into the computer that is set up for notarization. Set the environment
variables `MY_APPLE_ID` and `MY_APPLE_PASSWORD` (the app-specific password).
You will likely want to remove `MY_APPLE_PASSWORD` from your `~/.bash_history`
5. Run `bash sign.bash.tomviz` with an argument of the `.dmg` file to sign.
This will sign the contents of the bundle, create a zip file, and upload it to
Apple servers for Apple's blessing. In 15-20 minutes, you will receive an
email indicating success/failure of the notarization process. If it fails,
see the `Troubleshooting` section below.
6. On success, type `done`, and the next phase of notarization begins. This
"staples" the notarization results onto the `.dmg` file.

If all of the above succeeds, you will now have a notarized `.dmg` file.
You can test it by opening it and double-clicking the application icon.
It should open without prompting or complaining about missing signatures.


Chances are, your notarization will fail the first few times. You'll need
to use a command-line tool to get specifics to help debug why, but usually
it's because you didn't sign a .dylib or other executables in the packaging
executable needs to be signed.

From the command line (the script will print the UUID once notarization has been requested):

xcrun altool --notarization-info <uuid> -u <username>

You may need to modify the entitlements.xml file generated by the script
to allow the binaries to do certain things. Tomviz requires two. It can
be hard to figure out which entitlements you need, but if your application
fails with weird bugs involving Apples Guardian, you might need to add an
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions docs/release/notarization/post-notarization.tomviz
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Anything that starts with FIXME_ needs to be filled in

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/file.dmg"
exit 1

if [ -z "$MY_APPLE_ID" ]
echo "Please set MY_APPLE_ID environment variable and run again."
exit 1

if [ -z "$MY_APPLE_PASSWORD" ]
echo "Please set MY_APPLE_PASSWORD environment variable and run again. It should be a Tomviz-specific password created for your account at"
exit 1

umask 022

pkg_base="$(basename ${pkg} .dmg)"
vers="$(echo ${pkg_base} | sed -E -n 's|tomviz-([^-]*(-RC[^-]*)?).*|\1|p')"
cert_name_app='Developer ID Application: FIXME_DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION'
cert_name_inst='Developer ID Installer: FIXME_DEVELOPER_ID_INSTALLER'
readonly sla_xml="sla.xml"

echo "Stapling"
xcrun stapler staple -v "${app_dir}"

echo "Verifying .app is signed and notarized"
spctl -a -vvv -t install ${app_dir}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "app is not notarized"
exit 1

# This section does not yet work
#echo "Insert SLA into PKG with productbuild"
#curl > paraview.license.txt

#echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
#<installer-gui-script minSpecVersion="1">
# <pkg-ref id="org.paraview.ParaView"/>
# <license file="paraview.license.txt" />
# <options customize="never" require-scripts="false"/>
# <choices-outline>
# <line choice="default">
# <line choice="org.paraview.ParaView"/>
# </line>
# </choices-outline>
# <choice id="default"/>
# <choice id="org.paraview.ParaView" visible="false">
# <pkg-ref id="org.paraview.ParaView"/>
# </choice>
# <pkg-ref id="org.paraview.ParaView" version="'${vers}'" onConclusion="none">'${pkg_base}'.pkg</pkg-ref>
#</installer-gui-script>' > distribution.dist
# NOTE - the following is needed to add a license, but signing the package with producebuild doesn't work (keychain access error)
#productbuild --sign "${cert_name_inst}" --distribution distribution.dist --resources . --package-path ${pkg_base}.pkg tmp.pkg
#mv tmp.pkg ${pkg_base}.pkg

echo "Convert to intermediate format needed for rez tool."
hdiutil detach "${vol_name}"
hdiutil resize -size min tmp-udrw.dmg

# Re-compress
hdiutil convert tmp-udrw.dmg -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -ov -o ${pkg_base}.dmg
rm tmp-udrw.dmg

echo "Inserting SLA into new image"
hdiutil udifrez -xml "${sla_xml}" 'WHY_IS_THIS_ARGUMENT_NEEDED' "${pkg_base}.dmg"
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions docs/release/notarization/sign.bash.tomviz
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Anything that starts with FIXME_ needs to be filled in

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/file.dmg"
exit 1

if [ -z "$MY_APPLE_ID" ]
echo "Please set MY_APPLE_ID environment variable and run again."
exit 1

if [ -z "$MY_APPLE_PASSWORD" ]
echo "Please set MY_APPLE_PASSWORD environment variable and run again. It should be a Tomviz-specific password created for your account at"
exit 1

umask 022
rm -f tmp-*.dmg

pkg_base="$(basename ${pkg} .dmg)"
vers="$(echo ${pkg_base} | sed -E -n 's|tomviz-([^-]*(-RC[^-]*)?).*|\1|p')"
cert_name_app='Developer ID Application: FIXME_DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION'
cert_name_inst='Developer ID Installer: FIXME_DEVELOPER_ID_INSTALLER'
readonly sla_xml="sla.xml"

echo "Backing up the original unsigned dmg"
cp -v ${pkg} ${pkg/.dmg/.unsigned.dmg}

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
</plist>' > entitlements.xml

echo "Extract SLA"
hdiutil udifderez -xml "$pkg" > "$sla_xml"
# Prune unneeded sections
plutil -remove 'blkx' "$sla_xml"
plutil -remove 'plst' "$sla_xml"

echo "Convert from read-only original image to read-write"
hdiutil convert ${pkg} -format UDRW -o tmp-udrw.dmg

echo "Making image bigger to avoid running out of space when signing"
hdiutil resize -size 10G tmp-udrw.dmg

echo "Mount"
hdiutil attach tmp-udrw.dmg

echo "Collect python executables"
python_exes=`find "${app_dir}" -name "python*" -type f`

echo "Collect tomviz executables"
tomviz_exes=`find "${app_dir}" -name "tomviz*" -type f`

echo "Cleanup frameworks"
for D in ${app_dir}/Contents/Frameworks/*.framework
echo " $(basename ${D})"
rm -f ${D}/*.prl
mkdir -p ${D}/Versions/Current/Resources
if [ -e ${D}/Contents/Info.plist ]
mv ${D}/Contents/Info.plist ${D}/Versions/Current/Resources
rm -rf ${D}/Contents
chmod -R ugo+rX ${app_dir}

echo "Collecting binaries"
so_files=`find "${app_dir}" -name "*.so" -type f`
echo "Collected so files:"
echo "${so_files}"
dylib_files=`find "${app_dir}" -name "*.dylib" -type f`
echo "Collected dylib files:"
echo "${dylib_files}"

echo "Signing App ${app_dir}"
echo codesign --verify --force --timestamp --options=runtime --verbose --deep -s "${cert_name_app}" --entitlements entitlements.xml "${app_dir}"
# Important: .app bundle needs to be signed last here
codesign --verify --force --timestamp --options=runtime --verbose --deep -s "${cert_name_app}" --entitlements entitlements.xml \
${so_files} ${dylib_files} ${python_exes} ${tomviz_exes} "${app_dir}"

echo "Creating temporary App zip"
ditto -c -k --keepParent "${app_dir}/" ""

echo "Requesting notarization"
xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "org.tomviz.Tomviz" --username "${MY_APPLE_ID}" --password "${MY_APPLE_PASSWORD}" --asc-provider "FIXME_ASC_PROVIDER" --file ""

echo "Notarization requested. Type 'done' when notarization email arrives."
while read line; do test "$line" == "done" && break; done

bash post-notarization.tomviz $1

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