Releases: OpenFreeEnergy/openfe
What's Changed
- Move CLI README so that it's easier to find by @atravitz in #1009
- Add release checklist by @atravitz in #1007
- Temporarily pin openmm to < 8.2 by @IAlibay in #1015
- Edits to User Guide documentation by @atravitz in #995
- More user guide edits by @atravitz in #1018
- add example notebooks bump to task list by @atravitz in #1022
- detect if API breaks on PR by @mikemhenry in #727
- Remove macos12 ahead of brownout by @atravitz in #1025
- Compute selection: deviceIndex & enforce 1 thread in vacuum by @IAlibay in #752
- include gufe main and latest in ci matrix by @atravitz in #1036
- 986 input validation for directory names by @atravitz in #1024
- create test data for quickrun submitted in parallel by @atravitz in #1040
- Add gather docstrings by @atravitz in #1041
- Make MST network test deterministic by @jthorton in #1046
- Fix TYK2 example network tests by @jthorton in #1047
- switch ci matrix to test against gufe main again by @atravitz in #1050
- add warning for unsupported settings yaml parameters by @atravitz in #1051
- fix issue #1042 and also test openfecli for API breaks by @mikemhenry in #1054
- Fix CI- GUFE imports by @jthorton in #1060
- Make MD output settings optional by @hannahbaumann in #1058
- CLI adaptive settings for charge change transformations by @jthorton in #1053
- Simplify settings help message by @atravitz in #1052
- Add gather support for parallel dir structure by @atravitz in #1044
- Test cofactor networks generated with the CLI by @jthorton in #1048
- move import to speed up cli by @atravitz in #1066
- Support outdir created at runtime by @atravitz in #1072
- Write tests for position and velocity writing frequency by @hannahbaumann in #1086
- 1089 fix tests for missing gather data by @atravitz in #1090
- Update docs for parallel repeat file structure by @jthorton in #1092
- add support for one repeat per json by @atravitz in #1076
- Use MBAR bootstrap error by @jthorton in #1077
- gather - show all failed edges in error message by @atravitz in #1095
- Testing out what partial charges could look over the CLI by @IAlibay in #1068
- Add perses back in for testing, pin gufe, and fix bootstrap tests by @mikemhenry in #1108
- Add lomap network generator by @atravitz in #1082
- Fixes multistate structural analysis time storing & reading by @IAlibay in #1114
- Add support for variable position/velocity trajectory writing by @IAlibay in #1083
- updating news entry for clarity by @atravitz in #1118
- remove "easy_" prefix from cli output by @atravitz in #1121
- Add a note on charge generation during CLI workflows by @jthorton in #1117
- Add supported software versions by @atravitz in #1119
- Release prep v1.3.0 by @atravitz in #1124
- updating lomap and openfe analysis pins by @atravitz in #1125
- Fix issue 1128 & 1129 by @mikemhenry in #1135
- adding user message for --n-protocol-repeats transparency by @atravitz in #1137
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
This is a minor release with a few fixes and improvements. See here for details.
What's Changed
- Fix errant files being created during tests by @IAlibay in #945
- bump apptainer version by @mikemhenry in #949
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #950
- move slow import inside function call by @atravitz in #955
- Edits to cli guide by @atravitz in #966
- 'raw' gather report should output all PU repeats by @frannerin in #884
- Add bespokefit cookbook to the docs by @jthorton in #976
- remove index column from -raw output by @atravitz in #977
- use current ofe sphinx theme by @atravitz in #994
- Fix tests for issue 1004 by @IAlibay in #1005
New Contributors
- @atravitz made their first contribution in #955
- @frannerin made their first contribution in #884
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
v1.1.0 Release
This is a minor release of OpenFE which brings a few fixes and one new feature.
Supported Python versions: 3.10+
Supported OpenMM versions: 8.0, 8.1.1 and 8.1.2
Supported OpenFF toolkit versions: >=0.16 (0.16.x is recommended)
New Features
- Protocols now allow for solvation with dodecahedral and octahedral boxes. By default the box solvation type remains cubic. #673
API changes
- The RelativeHybridTopologyProtocol no longer stores all the structural analysis data in its results object. Instead the data is written to an NPZ format file and the file handle is provided under the
results key. - The PersesAtomMapper now accepts inputs using openff units rather than openmm units.
Other Fixes and Updates
- Added install instructions for conda-lock by @mikemhenry in #867
- Fixed 2D RMSD plotting for < 5 states and cases where states - 1 is not divisible by 4 #896
- Added missing authors to Zenodo CFF file.
- Added duecredit entries for PyMBAR #753
- The minimum Python version was increase to to 3.10 in #922
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
v1.0.1 Patch Release
This is a patch release of OpenFE which brings a few QOL improvements, including validation scripts
and test adjustments to work with the latest release of Lomap.
API stability: No known changes or deprecations to the API compared to v1.0
Supported Python versions: 3.9+
Supported OpenMM versions: 8.0, and 8.1.1
Supported OpenFF toolkit versions: >=0.13 (0.15.x is recommended)
Changelog for humans:
What's Changed
- fix installer by @mikemhenry in #838
- pin macos runners to macos-12 by @mikemhenry in #841
- Save the Rainforest by @mikemhenry in #839
- debug script for people to test openmm by @mikemhenry in #733
- Add GAFF test (and GAFF skips) to CI by @mikemhenry in #847
- add osx-arm64 py312 test by @mikemhenry in #853
- Test with main on Lomap dev branch by @IAlibay in #855
- Updated CHANGELOG for 1.0.1 by @mikemhenry in #860
Full Commit Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
v1.0.0 - First stable release
What's Changed
- Fix sing file installer by @mikemhenry in #667
- Protocol to run plain MD simulations by @hannahbaumann in #516
- Set cache to expire after a day by @mikemhenry in #676
- Remove flatten torsions from HTF by @IAlibay in #684
- Expand water virtual site tests by @IAlibay in #680
- Fix barostat frequency passing by @IAlibay in #669
- Properly set the cutoff distance in HTF nonbonded forces by @IAlibay in #675
- Add cookbook entry for user charges by @IAlibay in #687
- Tokenizable atom mappers by @richardjgowers in #690
- Add devtools for json results generation + replace old ones by @IAlibay in #691
- updates to some code & tests following upstream changes by @richardjgowers in #696
- Adding LambdaSettings object for AFE by @hannahbaumann in #681
- Fix typo in README by @mattwthompson in #698
- Renaming and moving some of the protocol settings by @hannahbaumann in #689
- Solvation settings prep by @IAlibay in #695
- Switch settings input to protocol units to creating protocol itself. by @IAlibay in #700
- consequences of gufe #260 change by @richardjgowers in #666
- Fix devtools for #666 changes by @IAlibay in #707
- Add base partial charge setting things by @IAlibay in #706
- Fix checkpointing by @IAlibay in #719
- Add try/except for forward_backward analysis by @hannahbaumann in #721
- fixup scope of try/except around forward/backwards analysis by @richardjgowers in #724
- Add charge backends by @IAlibay in #598
- Doc drive 2 by @richardjgowers in #725
- Changelog automation by @mikemhenry in #728
- Change some MD settings by @hannahbaumann in #729
- Add MD equilibration for AFE calculations by @IAlibay in #720
- Create OutputSettings baseclass by @hannahbaumann in #732
- Change default settings lambda_restraints by @hannahbaumann in #735
- Document cli settings by @richardjgowers in #736
- Codecov and pre-commit ci config by @mikemhenry in #738
- Issue 592 alt radial options by @richardjgowers in #737
- Just don't install espaloma charge by @IAlibay in #763
- Fix Issue 683 by @mikemhenry in #767
- Change changelog title name by @IAlibay in #764
- Fixing API settings things by @IAlibay in #766
- docs: update badge on front page by @richardjgowers in #755
- Add warnings & docs for forward and reverse analysis getters by @IAlibay in #749
- Fix ahfe integration tests - missing restraints lamdas by @IAlibay in #750
- Add
to top
by @IAlibay in #754 - Checkpoint itnterval by @IAlibay in #773
- Some docstring fixes by @IAlibay in #775
- Docs userguide by @richardjgowers in #760
- Update fetch results by @richardjgowers in #779
- update LomapAtomMapper default settings to established best practices by @richardjgowers in #730
- Add an MD tutorial by @hannahbaumann in #731
- Clean up tutorials by @IAlibay in #782
- docs ligand networks by @RiesBen in #780
- Update CLI help docs by @IAlibay in #797
- docs: working with individual results page by @richardjgowers in #783
- docs setup intro page changes by @hannahbaumann in #812
- Issue 801 execution quickrun by @richardjgowers in #814
- Add alchemical network creation userguide page by @IAlibay in #808
- docs: fix links from top of each notebook by @richardjgowers in #822
- including comments from #793 by @RiesBen in #815
- FIx overlap matrix label issue by @IAlibay in #811
- fix to Protocol keys after off v2.1.1 bump in gufe base settings by @richardjgowers in #823
- Docs protocol cycles results by @richardjgowers in #787
- Add protocol details (hybrid topology, etc) to docs by @hannahbaumann in #776
- docs: chemical system theory by @richardjgowers in #785
- Don't dump all results to std out by @mikemhenry in #824
- added min hardware specs to install doc by @mikemhenry in #821
- added note about the GUFE package by @mikemhenry in #828
- don't test openfecli, it is flaky for some reason by @mikemhenry in #831
- docs: refresh docs landing page by @richardjgowers in #832
- docs: clarify long tests slightly by @richardjgowers in #834
- docs: first pass at working with networks page by @richardjgowers in #830
New Contributors
- @mattwthompson made their first contribution in #698
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v1.0.0
Release 1.0.0rc1
What's Changed
- Document cli settings by @richardjgowers in #736
- Codecov and pre-commit ci config by @mikemhenry in #738
- Issue 592 alt radial options by @richardjgowers in #737
- Just don't install espaloma charge by @IAlibay in #763
- Fix Issue 683 by @mikemhenry in #767
- Change changelog title name by @IAlibay in #764
- Fixing API settings things by @IAlibay in #766
- docs: update badge on front page by @richardjgowers in #755
- Add warnings & docs for forward and reverse analysis getters by @IAlibay in #749
- Fix ahfe integration tests - missing restraints lamdas by @IAlibay in #750
- Add
to top
by @IAlibay in #754 - Checkpoint itnterval by @IAlibay in #773
- Some docstring fixes by @IAlibay in #775
- Docs userguide by @richardjgowers in #760
- Update fetch results by @richardjgowers in #779
- update LomapAtomMapper default settings to established best practices by @richardjgowers in #730
Full Changelog: v1.0.0rc0...v1.0.0rc1
Release candidate for first stable OpenFE release
What's Changed
- Fix sing file installer by @mikemhenry in #667
- Protocol to run plain MD simulations by @hannahbaumann in #516
- Set cache to expire after a day by @mikemhenry in #676
- Remove flatten torsions from HTF by @IAlibay in #684
- Expand water virtual site tests by @IAlibay in #680
- Fix barostat frequency passing by @IAlibay in #669
- Properly set the cutoff distance in HTF nonbonded forces by @IAlibay in #675
- Add cookbook entry for user charges by @IAlibay in #687
- Tokenizable atom mappers by @richardjgowers in #690
- Add devtools for json results generation + replace old ones by @IAlibay in #691
- updates to some code & tests following upstream changes by @richardjgowers in #696
- Adding LambdaSettings object for AFE by @hannahbaumann in #681
- Fix typo in README by @mattwthompson in #698
- Renaming and moving some of the protocol settings by @hannahbaumann in #689
- Solvation settings prep by @IAlibay in #695
- Switch settings input to protocol units to creating protocol itself. by @IAlibay in #700
- consequences of gufe #260 change by @richardjgowers in #666
- Fix devtools for #666 changes by @IAlibay in #707
- Add base partial charge setting things by @IAlibay in #706
- Fix checkpointing by @IAlibay in #719
- Add try/except for forward_backward analysis by @hannahbaumann in #721
- fixup scope of try/except around forward/backwards analysis by @richardjgowers in #724
- Add charge backends by @IAlibay in #598
- Doc drive 2 by @richardjgowers in #725
- Changelog automation by @mikemhenry in #728
- Change some MD settings by @hannahbaumann in #729
- Add MD equilibration for AFE calculations by @IAlibay in #720
- Create OutputSettings baseclass by @hannahbaumann in #732
- Change default settings lambda_restraints by @hannahbaumann in #735
New Contributors
- @mattwthompson made their first contribution in #698
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v1.0.0rc0
- The ability to do charge correction through alchemical waters has been added to the RBFE protocol.
- Structural analysis (using
) of the RBFE simulations is now provided as part of the results. - Addition of Kartograf bindings to
What's Changed
- Fix checkpoint name by @IAlibay in #594
- Create by @richardjgowers in #597
- [skip ci] Update by @richardjgowers in #599
- Add duecredit by @IAlibay in #601
- Charge correction via alchemical waters by @IAlibay in #569
- Add neutralize to system_creation's addSolvent by @IAlibay in #613
- use Lomap package's bindings by @richardjgowers in #478
- Remove replica states from results dictionary by @IAlibay in #603
- remove obsolete test data file by @richardjgowers in #621
- cli: gather raw option by @richardjgowers in #620
- Yaml format for CLI input by @richardjgowers in #583
- Kartograf integration by @RiesBen in #249
- Structural analysis by @richardjgowers in #571
- Fix docker image building + CI improvements by @mikemhenry in #641
- Allow Manual Running of Slow Tests by @mikemhenry in #649
- Change get_simsteps function to handle NVT equilibration in plain MD protocol by @hannahbaumann in #647
- emove duecredit.p file by @IAlibay in #655
- Use uuid for unit repeat ids for HFE protocol by @IAlibay in #650
- update to use openfe_analysis 0.2.0+ by @richardjgowers in #656
- Issue 335 float quantity in settings by @richardjgowers in #657
New Contributors
- @hannahbaumann made their first contribution in #647
Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0
- Fixes errors caused by conformer generation failing
- Addresses high variance in partial charge generation through Ambertools giving high variance to estimates
- By default the OpenMM_RFE protocol produces energetic analysis of the simulations
- Adds
for more robust ligand networks - Allows
CLI command to process partially finished/complete results
What's Changed
- test pydantic v2 by @mikemhenry in #541
- Analysing free energies by @IAlibay in #531
- fix forwards/backwards analysis for very small files by @richardjgowers in #545
- Fix Zenodo by @mikemhenry in #547
- Update CITATION.cff by @richardjgowers in #553
- ci: update to use setup-micromamba by @richardjgowers in #552
- don't include central ligand self edge in radial networks by @richardjgowers in #546
- Log system probe info by @dwhswenson in #513
- Update CITATION.cff by @richardjgowers in #554
- Add Zenodo badge to README by @richardjgowers in #555
- [WIP] Fix RTHP results serialization and test results load by @IAlibay in #550
- Fix energy results out by @richardjgowers in #556
- Added missing nc file by @mikemhenry in #562
- Tests: Test coverage for RFE ProtocolResult by @richardjgowers in #560
- Improve error message if missing one leg for ligand pair by @dwhswenson in #568
- Switch to a unified Sphinx theme by @Yoshanuikabundi in #563
- Fixup mypy matplotlib by @richardjgowers in #575
- add function to create a minimal network with redundancy for all nodes by @JenkeScheen in #559
- Combine installation guides and fix typos by @Yoshanuikabundi in #561
- Get ExampleNotebooks into docs by @Yoshanuikabundi in #538
- clear up language a bit for dg report help text by @mikemhenry in #549
- Absolute solvation free energies + base things for ABFEs by @IAlibay in #573
- rfe protocol: partial charges fix by @richardjgowers in #577
- Explicitly set navigation_keys to False to avoid warning by @IAlibay in #584
- Test AHFE user charges by @IAlibay in #586
- Enforce charges generated by input conformer by @IAlibay in #587
- Add
gather --allow-partial
, improve related error message by @dwhswenson in #588
New Contributors
- @JenkeScheen made their first contribution in #559
Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0
- Scores are now in line with other community efforts, 1.0 representing full agreement, 0.0 representing complete disagreement.
- the
command now performs a MLE to yield absolute binding free energies, there are also options for other breakdowns - includes many documentation improvements
What's Changed
- fixes implementation of transmuting_methyl_into_ring_score by @richardjgowers in #526
- Assert hybrid PDB contents by @IAlibay in #530
- Add optional path to sys probe by @mikemhenry in #519
- Remove softcore electrostatics entry by @IAlibay in #521
- Adds MLE estimates on gather command by @richardjgowers in #495
- Allow extra attributes in AlchemicalSettings by @richardjgowers in #535
- ci: print duration of 10 slowest tests by @richardjgowers in #534
- Use 1.0 for good AtomMapping scores, 0.0 for bad AtomMapping scores by @richardjgowers in #529
- annotate dry run many molecules test as slow by @richardjgowers in #533
- add flaky marker to test_dry_run_user_charges by @richardjgowers in #537
- Cookbook flowchart by @Yoshanuikabundi in #520
- remove LigandNetwork by @richardjgowers in #536
- rework handle_trajectories to use replicas by @richardjgowers in #539
- support pydantic v1 and v2 by @mikemhenry in #540
- Rejuvenate API refs by @Yoshanuikabundi in #527
- network_from_indices raises warning on disconnected network by @richardjgowers in #514
- docs: fixup typo in tutorial links by @richardjgowers in #542
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1