Welcome! By luck or misfortune you've found yourself in the OpenQ on-chain universe. Let's get you started.
OpenQ revolves around 4 core user actions, each with a corresponding Event which can be found in IOpenQ.sol.
Those actions are:
- Bounty Creation
- Bounty Funding (Tokens and NFTs)
- Bounty Claim
- Bounty Refund
All of these actions are triggered on the main current version of OpenQ, OpenQV1, via the OpenQProxy.
Bounty creation occurs when a user, through the frontend or directly to the contract, submits a GitHub issueUrl to the mintBounty method.
This emits a BountyCreated
event from the OpenQ Proxy address.
should only be callable through the OpenQProxy.
Bounties can be funded with:
- ERC20 tokens approved on the OpenQTokenWhitelist contract.
- NFTs
The atomic unit of funding is a deposit
which is timelocked until the expiration
date is reached, at which point it can be refunded.
Rather than use a struct, deposits are [decomposed mappings]](https://github.com/OpenQDev/OpenQ-Contracts/blob/production/contracts/Storage/BountyStorage.sol#L43) to keep things nice and primitive.
Bounty funding emits a TokenDepositReceived
event if funded with the fundBountyToken method from the OpenQ Proxy address.
Bounty funding emits a NFTDepositReceived
event if funded with the fundBountyNft method from the OpenQ Proxy address.
Funding is permissionless - anyone can fund a bounty from any address.
Since during claim we loop over all funded addresses, we do however whitelist tokens to prevent Out-of-Gas DOS Attacks
This limits loop iterations to:
20 Whitelisted ERC20 Token Addresses + 5 NFT Addresses = 25 array iterations
and fundBountyNft
should only be callable through the OpenQProxy.
Claiming is still a relatively centralized process.
A potential claimant uses GitHub OAuth to sign-in on OpenQ. This bestows them with a signed OAuth token.
This token, along with the desired payoutAddress
is sent to our oracle which runs as an Open Zeppelin Defender Autotask.
The oracle verifies that the authenticated claimant is indeed the author of the merged pull request on GitHub according to OpenQ's withdrawal criteria.
If they verified, then the oracle calls claimBounty(address) with the bountyId
(same as GitHub Issue Id) and the closer
first checks that the bounty is still open.
It then loops over the subset of the 20 whitelisted token addresses, calling transfer
on each to send funds to the payoutAddress
Each loop emits and event called TokenBalanceClaimed
After transferring all tokens, it then does the same for all NFTs. Here, rather than looping over NFT addresses, we loop over the NFT deposits so we know which tokenId to transfer.
Each loop emits and event called TokenBalanceClaimed
After all of this, claimBounty
finally calls bounty.close()
to toggles the status of an issue from 0 to 1, from open to closed.
This emits a BountyClosed
The claimBounty
method is only callable by the OpenQ Oracle. This is achieved with the Oraclize contract modeled off of the Open Zeppelin Ownable contract.
We needed to make a clone of the Ownable contract for this because OpenQ already inherits Ownable, which is used for upgrade admin purposes.
Successful refunds occur when the initial funder calls the refundDeposit method with the desired bountyId
and depositId
after that deposits expiration
escrow period has passed.
Refund should revert if the targeted deposits expiration
has not yet been reached as reflected by block.timestamp
Refunds should only be returned to the initial funder.
should only be callable through the OpenQProxy.
The four core OpenQ actions defined above are composed across five contracts.
OpenQV1 (Proxy) Deployed automatically by the hardhat-upgrades plugin. It is an ERC-1967 UUPSUpgradeable contract.
We will cover each of those five contracts below.
Each BountyV0 contract represent one bounty linked to one GitHub Issue.
The bountyId
is the Global Node Id of the issue linked to that bounty.
The one-to-one link between a bounty, a GitHub issue and a smart contract enables OpenQ to offboard much of the deposit accounting to the tried and true ERC-20 standard.
Any exploit against a BountyV0 contract could acquire at most all of the deposits on that one issue. The core contract OpenQV1 holds no deposits.
This flexiibility allows us to accept any ERC-20, and in the future ERC-721, as bounty.
Since only the runtime bytecode is available, which does not include the constructor the BountyV0 implementation only has an initialize method.
The initialize method is protected from being called mutiple times by OpenZeppelin's Initializable interface.
To prevent any calls which may trigger bounty state transitions without emitting an indexable event in the core OpenQ contract, we protect all methods on BountyV0 with the onlyOpenQ
modifier defined in Bounty.sol, an abstract contract inhereited by BountyV0.
The BountyFactory is responsible for minting new bounties using the ERC-1167 Minimal Proxy pattern to mint new bounties using the least gas possible.
The implementation contract hardcoded into the BountyFactory is BountyV0.
This is the core contract with which both the frontend and the OpenQ Oracle interacts.
It is hosted behind an ERC-1967 UUPSUpgradeable contract.
For that reason it does not have a constructor - it only has an initialize method.
Being behind an upgradable proxy, the five Events decalred in IOpenQ will continue to be emitted from the same proxy even after the implementation is upgraded.
The claimBounty
method is protected by the onlyOracle
modifier defined in Oraclize.
Oraclize is a contract based off of OpenZeppelin's Ownable contract. It exposes methods for updating the oracle's address which is allowed to call claim on the OpenQV1 contract.
The OpenQ Oracle private keys are held in a vault and transaction signer hosted on OpenZepplelin Defender Relay.
The OpenQ Oracle calls claimBounty
when the OpenZeppelin Defender Autotask confirms that the person authenticated by the GitHub OAuth token present in the X-Authorization header is indeed the person who closed the bounty with their pull request.
We do not want to allow users to maliciously or accidentally call the OpenQV1.sol contract directly. If they were to do so, the Event would be emitted from the implementation and not from the proxy. Since our subgraph is indexing only the proxy address, this would break our accounting.
is from the Open Zeppelin contract-upgradeable library on the UUPSUpgradable.sol contract.
requries that address(this)
(the caller) is NOT an immutable _self
set when the implementation contract is deployed.
provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('');artifact = require('./artifacts/contracts/OpenQ/Implementations/OpenQV1.sol/OpenQV1.json');openQ = new ethers.Contract('0xDc64a140Aa3E981100a9becA4E685f962f0cF6C9', artifact.abi, provider.getSigner());abiCoder = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder;abiEncodedParams = abiCoder.encode(["address", "uint256"], ['0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3', '100']);ongoingBountyInitOperation = [1, abiEncodedParams];txn = await openQ.mintBounty((Math.random(1)*100).toString(), 'abc', ongoingBountyInitOperation);receipt = await txn.wait();console.log(receipt);receipt.events.forEach(event => {console.log(event.eventSignature);console.log(event.args);});
Need to quickly test transactions and emit events?
Rather than booting the OpenQ-Fullstack and going through the frontend, you can directly send transactions to the contracts with the Hardhat Console.
In the root of OpenQ-Contracts
npx hardhat console --network localhost
This one-liner deploys:
- OpenQ
- DepositManager
- ClaimManager
provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('');artifact = require('./artifacts/contracts/OpenQ/Implementations/OpenQV1.sol/OpenQV1.json');openQ = new ethers.Contract('0xDc64a140Aa3E981100a9becA4E685f962f0cF6C9', artifact.abi, provider.getSigner());artifactDepositManager = require('./artifacts/contracts/DepositManager/DepositManagerV1.sol/DepositManagerV1.json');depositManager = new ethers.Contract('0x610178dA211FEF7D417bC0e6FeD39F05609AD788', artifactDepositManager.abi, provider.getSigner());artifactClaimManager = require('./artifacts/contracts/ClaimManager/Implementations/ClaimManagerV1.sol/ClaimManagerV1.json');claimManager = new ethers.Contract('0xa513E6E4b8f2a923D98304ec87F64353C4D5C853', artifactClaimManager.abi, provider.getSigner());
provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('');artifact = require('./artifacts/contracts/OpenQ/Implementations/OpenQV1.sol/OpenQV1.json');openQ = new ethers.Contract('0x5FC8d32690cc91D4c39d9d3abcBD16989F875707', artifact.abi, provider.getSigner());
artifactClaimManager = require('./artifacts/contracts/ClaimManager/Implementations/ClaimManagerV1.sol/ClaimManagerV1.json');claimManager = new ethers.Contract('0x2279B7A0a67DB372996a5FaB50D91eAA73d2eBe6', artifactClaimManager.abi, provider.getSigner());
artifactDepositManager = require('./artifacts/contracts/DepositManager/DepositManagerV1.sol/DepositManagerV1.json');depositManager = new ethers.Contract('0x610178dA211FEF7D417bC0e6FeD39F05609AD788', artifactDepositManager.abi, provider.getSigner());
artifactClaimManager = require('./artifacts/contracts/Bounty/Implementations/BountyV1.sol/BountyV1.json');bountyV1 = new ethers.Contract('0x001192fa1ea7a2816445ec2efd5843c1a60562aa', artifactClaimManager.abi, provider.getSigner());
abiCoder = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder;abiEncodedParams = abiCoder.encode(["bool", "address", "uint256", "bool", "bool"], [true, "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", '100', true, true]);bountyInitOperation = [0, abiEncodedParams];txn = await openQ.mintBounty(id = (Math.random(1)*100).toString(), 'abc', bountyInitOperation);receipt = await txn.wait();receipt.events.forEach(event => {console.log(event.eventSignature);console.log(event.args);});console.log(id);bountyCreatedEvent = receipt.events.find(eventObj => eventObj.event === 'BountyCreated');bountyAddress = bountyCreatedEvent.args.bountyAddress;console.log('Bounty Address:', bountyAddress.toLowerCase());
txn = await depositManager.fundBountyToken(bountyAddress, ethers.constants.AddressZero, 1000000, 1, { value: ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000000000000') });depositId = (await txn.wait()).events[0].args.depositId;
txn = await depositManager.refundDeposit(bountyAddress, depositId);
abiCoder = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder;closerParams=abiCoder.encode(['address','string','address','string'], [bountyAddress, "FlacoJones", "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", "https://github.com/OpenQDev/OpenQ-Frontend/pull/398"]);txn = await claimManager.claimBounty(bountyAddress, "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", closerParams);receipt = await txn.wait();receipt.events.forEach(event => {console.log(event.eventSignature);console.log(event.args);});claimEvent = receipt.events.find(eventObj => eventObj.event === 'ClaimSuccess');
This does everything from deploying contracts, to minting, to funding. Aurora.
provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('');artifact = require('./artifacts/contracts/OpenQ/Implementations/OpenQV1.sol/OpenQV1.json');openQ = new ethers.Contract('0xDc64a140Aa3E981100a9becA4E685f962f0cF6C9', artifact.abi, provider.getSigner());artifactClaimManager = require('./artifacts/contracts/ClaimManager/ClaimManager.sol/ClaimManager.json');claimManager = new ethers.Contract('0xa513E6E4b8f2a923D98304ec87F64353C4D5C853', artifactClaimManager.abi, provider.getSigner());artifactDepositManager = require('./artifacts/contracts/DepositManager/DepositManager.sol/DepositManager.json');depositManager = new ethers.Contract('0x610178dA211FEF7D417bC0e6FeD39F05609AD788', artifactDepositManager.abi, provider.getSigner());abiCoder = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder;abiEncodedParams = abiCoder.encode(["address", "uint256"], [ethers.constants.AddressZero, '100']);ongoingBountyInitOperation = [1, abiEncodedParams];txn = await openQ.mintBounty(id = (Math.random(1)*100).toString(), 'abc', ongoingBountyInitOperation);receipt = await txn.wait();receipt.events.forEach(event => {console.log(event.eventSignature);console.log(event.args);});console.log(id);bountyCreatedEvent = receipt.events.find(eventObj => eventObj.event === 'BountyCreated');bountyAddress = bountyCreatedEvent.args.bountyAddress;console.log('Bounty Address:', bountyAddress.toLowerCase());txn = await depositManager.fundBountyToken(id, ethers.constants.AddressZero, 1000000, 1, { value: ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000000000000') });depositId = (await txn.wait()).events[0].args.depositId;abiCoder = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder;closerParams=abiCoder.encode(["tuple(address,string,address,string)"], [[bountyAddress, "FlacoJones", "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", "https://github.com/OpenQDev/OpenQ-Frontend/pull/398"]]);txn = await claimManager.claimBounty(id, "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", closerParams);receipt = await txn.wait();receipt.events.forEach(event => {console.log(event.eventSignature);console.log(event.args);});claimEvent = receipt.events.find(eventObj => eventObj.event === 'ClaimSuccess');