New features
CALLIOPE: implemented and adopted blocks and codegeneration for calli:bot
CALIIOPE/SIM: new calliope plugin for the new sim execution
MICROBIT: serial write implemented
NAO: NAO update process supports NAO v5 and v6
SENSEBOX: changed code generation to show plot axis and title
ALL: robertalab repository moved to openroberta-lab
General improvements
ALL: deployment, testing scripting improvements
ALL: integration tests, logging init.
ALL: refactoring for containerised deployments
ALL: configuration block names now correctly work with upper/lower case names
CALLIOPE: improved codegeneration for calli:bot
Bug fixes
EV3: if in java code generation now surrounded with parens
BOB3: fixed rgb function
SENSEBOX: for plotting the plot is cleared and not the display (axes are not removed anymore when using clear plot block, but plot data is)
SENSEBOX: added missing RobertaFunctions header for code generation
CALLIOPE: serial write fixed
ARDUINO: swapped "RST" and "SDA" in the code generation and in tests
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