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Olganix edited this page May 24, 2018 · 43 revisions

This is a list of models found in the Windows version of the game.


Series "Amateur" (S1)

Name Stage planet Champion ModelStage ModelPresMap
0-Boonta Training Course Tatooine Sebulba 115 279
1-Mon Gazza Speedway Mon Gazza Teemto Pagalies 142 189
2-Beedo's Wild Ride Ando Prime Aldar Beedo 130 177
3-Aquilaris Classic Aquilaris Clegg Holdfast 133 180
4-Malastare 100 Malastare Dud Bolt 232 182
5-Vengeance Oovo IV Fud Sang 145 193
6-Spice Mine Run Mon Gazza Mars Guo/Jinn Reeso 143 190

Series "Semi-Pro" (S2)

Name Stage planet Champion ModelStage ModelPresMap
0-Sunken City Aquilaris "Bullseye" Navior / Cy Yunga 134 181
1-Howler Gorge Ando Prime Ratts Tyerell 131 178
2-Dug Derby Malastare Elan Mak 233 183
3-Scrapper's Run Ord Ibanna Wan Sandage 136 186
4-Zugga Challenge Mon Gazza Boles Roor 144 192
5-Baroo Coast Baroonda Neva Kee 139 236
6-Bumpy's Breakers Aquilaris Ark "Bumpy" Roose 135 185

Series "Galactic" (S3)

Name Stage planet Champion ModelStage ModelPresMap
0-Executioner Oovo IV Toy Dampner 148 194
1-Sebulba's Legacy Malastare Sebulba 315 184
2-Grabvine Gateway Baroonda Anakin Skywalker 140 249
3-Andobi Mountain Run Ando Prime Mawhonic 132 179
4-Dethro's Revenge Ord Ibanna Ody Mandrell 137 187
5-Fire Mountain Rally Baroonda Ebe Endocott 141 250
6-Boonta Classic Tatooine Sebulba 1 280

Series "Invitational" (S4)

Name Stage planet Champion ModelStage ModelPresMap
0-Ando Prime Centrum Ando Prime Slide Paramita 128 122
1-Abyss Ord Ibanna Bozzie Baranta 138 188
2-The Gauntlet Oovo IV Gasgano 231 195
3-Inferno Baroonda Ben Quadinaros 129 191

Characters / Pods

Name Character ModelPod Lod1 Lod2 Lod3 ModelCharacter ModForVideo
Aldar Beedo 10 9 259 207 105
Anakin Skywalker 0 2 256 208 87 153, 293
Ark "Bumpy" Roose 13 14 261 213 96
Ben Quadinaros 39 40 274 209 94
Boles Roor 33 34 271 210 107
Bozzie Baranta 31 32 270 211 106
"Bullseye" Navior 45 46 277 212 108
Clegg Holdfast 25 26 267 214 97
Cy Yunga ("Bullseye" Navior alternative)
Dud Bolt 21 22 265 215 98
Ebe Endocott 19 20 264 216 95
Elan Mak 27 28 268 217 100
Fud Sang 37 38 273 218 102
Gasgano 23 24 266 219 88
Jinn Reeso (Mars Guo alternative)
Mars Guo 16 18 263 221 92
Mawhonic 11 12 260 222 89
Neva Kee 29 30 269 223 103
Ody Mandrell 35 36 272 224 90
Ratts Tyerell 7 8 258 220 93
Sebulba 5 6 255 225 91 150
Slide Paramita 41 42 275 226 104
Teemto Pagalies 3 4 257 227 86
Toy Dampner 43 44 276 228 101
Wan Sandage 15 17 262 229 99

Series Lod ForVideo : from 298 to 303


Repair Rate

Name Model
Single Power Cell 234
Dual Power Cell 235
Quad Power Cell 237
Cluster Power Plug 238
Rotary Power Plug 239
Cluster 2 Power Plug 243

Cool Rate

Name Model
Coolant Radiator 163
Stack-3 Radiator 164
Stack-6 Radiator 165
Rod Coolant Pump 166
Dual Coolant Pump 167
Turbo Coolant Pump 168

Airbrake Inverse

Name Model
Mark II Air Brake 157
Mark III Air Brake 158
Mark IV Air Brake 159
Mark V Air Brake 160
Tri-Jet Air Brake 161
Quadrijet Air Brake 162

Maximum Speed

Name Model
Plug2 Thrust Coil 169
Plug3 Thrust Coil 170
Plug5 Thrust Coil 171
Plug8 Thrust Coil 172
Block5 Thrust Coil 173
Block6 Thrust Coil 174


Name Model
Dual 20 PCX Injector 198
44 PCX Injector 199
Dual 32 PCX Injector 200
Quad 32 PCX Injector 201
Quad 44 Injector 202
Mag 6 Injector 203

Turn Response

Name Model
Control Linkage 50
Control Shift Plate 51
Control Vectro-Jet 52
Control Coupling 53
Control Nozzle 54
Control Stabilizer 64, 240


Name Model
R-20 Repulsorgirp 204
R-60 Repulsorgirp 205
R-80 Repulsorgirp 206
R-100 Repulsorgirp 230
R-300 Repulsorgirp 241
R-600 Repulsorgirp 242


Race Objects

Name Model
RaceDirectionArrow 71
StartLineObject 310
ballonInSky 308
Flag 48
littleFlag (AndoPrime Signalisation) 196
littleFlag2 (same) 197
Flag First Blue 123
Flag Second Red 125
Flag Third White 126
coffer 60
double coffer 68
quad coffer 69
AnakinPod_LightningBolt 49
AnakinPod_LightningBolt 316
AnakinPod_LB_2plane 146
flames 294
flames 317
Machine from MonGazza 312

Cantina's Objects

Name Model textureIndex
Room 154
Barman 244
Robot With Tool 109
Holograme_Course_Menu 175
PlaneteA ? (may be a moon of Mon Gazza, 691 may be for a city) 76 690 & 691
PlaneteB ? (look like Clouds in video of Ord Ibanna) 77 118
PlaneteC ? (may be a moon of Ando Prime) 78 12
Tatooine 79 692
Baroonda 80 693
Moon 81 125
Ovoo IV (Asteroid) 82 694
Mon Gazza 116 955
Ando Prime 117 956
Aquilaris 118 957
Baroonda (2 ?) 119 959
Malastare 121 960
Ord Ibanna 253 1555

Breaker's yard

Name Model
Room 85

Watto's Store

Name Model
Room 84
Watto 110
JarJarBinks 246
Jawas 247
R2D2 248
Anakin 245
Qui_Gon_Jinn 319


Name Model
Room 83
CreatureA 111
CreatureB 112

Buildings/Scenes for track intro cutscene (N64)

Name Model
Logo LucasArt 287
StartOfTatooine 127
commentator_s_lodge 278
AquilarisStadium 281
StartOfOrdIbanna 282
StartOfBaronda 283
StartofMonGazza 284
Jabba's place 149
Jabba's place + racers 152
Jabba's place 286
Pods 156
Pods + Character 288
Pods + Character 290
Pods + Character 291
Pods + Character 292


Name Model screenshot
N64 Memory Expansion Pak 322


Name Model screenshot
Aquilaris Vehicle 47
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 55
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 56
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 57
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 58
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 59
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 61
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 62
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 63
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 65
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 66
Upgrade (no upgrade stats) 67
plane For Garage's Robot Fly 70
Jabba 113
Trugut 120
Mon Gazza Flag support 124
Ball For Explosion 147
For video 155
AndoPrime IceStub 176
Part Of Oovo_Iv ForVideo 285
Baroonda's Beach Animatedsea 297
texturedCircle 151
texturedCircle 320
for explosion AnakinPod 318
for explosion (for who) 251
for explosion (for who) 252
for explosion (for who) 295
for explosion (for who) 296
for explosion (for who) 306
for explosion (for who) 307
for explosion (for who) 309
for explosion (for who) 311
For Ice Explosion 254