tool to prepare sidewalk data for OSM staging with Open Sidewalks schema
- aquire appropriate files (streets network with sidewalk left and right data) and boundary specification file
- fill out sources.json with information about your data and the type of tasks you are trying to create
- download the packages not on pip. These are currently these packages
download them from github and then locally run command: pip3 install [path to local package folder] or run this command in your terminal to directly install them to pip.
pip3 install git+git://
pip3 install git+git://
This package needs to be installed with the first method since we want to insatall it's sub backage.
for this final package we need to download a sub folder of accessmap-database-bootup called data_manager so the pip command will be pip3 install [path to downloaded reop]/data_manager
- download all remaing used packages with pip. The latest versions used are specified in requirements.txt. command is pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- run with python 3
if you get an error about libspatialindex, you need to 'brew install spatialindex' then run
- streets center line data set with sidewalk left and right data
- sources.json file in source_json_examples folder edited to have appropriate parameter information
- bondary of data to stage like a nighborhood to stage
- osm.xml files split into tasks (by intersection or block) to be uploaded to Open Sidewalks tasking manager
Look at examples in sources_json_examples
- Example: "city": "Seattle"
- The name of the folder where the resulting osm.xml are found
- Example: "import_name": "University District"
- Give details of the boundary of the data you want staged
- Example: "path": "./source_data/seattle/neighborhoods.shp"
- Specify if you want a slection of your data staged (True) or all of it (False).
- Example "selection": "True"
- Example "attribute_selector": "name",
- Example "attribute_selector_value": "University District",
- If you are trying to create a boundary a cetain distance around a point, then the selected feature above must be a point, and here you select how large of a buffer. If your above selection is a polygon then set this value to zero.
- Example "buffer_distance_meters": 850
- decides if sidewalks and crossing data are staged together or in separate tasks
- Also give type of tasking for blocks and crossing data. "blocks_type": "block" and "crossings_type": "voronoi"
- Also give type of joined tasking either "type": "voronoi" or "type": "block"
- Example: "path": "./source_data/seattle/streets.shp"
- Description of where the data is from
- Example: "source": "King County GIS Data Portal Streets Network"
Sidewalk coding is used to understand what the sidewalk values represent.
In the absent["code"] field, you specify all values that represent that there is no sidewalk. A value of zero means anything less than or equal to zero.
In the offset["type"] field, you specify what offset coresponds to each sidewalk code. The optional values are "feet", "meter", and "category". "feet" and "meter" values are interpreted to be the offset distance in that unit. "category" values are translated using the way type. The way type code is translated to one of five waytypes using the categorymap of the way type column and then each waytype is translated to an offset distance using "category_offset".
Example: "swk_coding": {
"absent": {
"code": [0, 2]
"offset": {
"type": "category", "category_offset": { "freeway": 0, "primary_arterial": 20, "minor_arterial": 11, "colector_arterial": 8, "local": 6.25 }
- primary key
- colum name
- null value
- sidewalk left value
- column name
- sidewalk right value
- column name
- way type (if category used as offset type)
- column name
- category map (translate each category key to associated type)