Advanced Settings 4.0.0
Please use version 4.0.1 here for a bug fix
We are putting this link here temporarily for people updating via a direct link to 4.0.0. A new version 4.0.1 is out now.
- Fixed a bug using old settings value, causing some systems when upgrading to be at 1% gain values instead of 100% resulting in a very dimmed screen
Download 4.0.1 Here instead of below
4.0.0 Patch Notes:
New Features:
- Version Check OVRAS will now check github and inform you if your version is out of date. - kung
- Color Control via gain for Index, vive and vive pro? This should be higher performing than old "overlay method" (still available) - ykeara
- Added Icons to tabs to allow better accessibility - username223
- Added Offset Profiles - kung
- Added chaperone auto-profiles for recovery - kung
- Camera Options now accessible via SteamVR tab - ykeara
- Added enable system button binding, allow multiple drivers, do-not-disturb, and no-fade to grid now in Misc. in SteamVR tab - ykeara
- Added buttons to Utilities tab for the custom keyboard Macros (same ones that can be bound as action) - ykeara
- Added a new binding button to take you to bindings for the app - kung/ykeara
- Increased max color gain to 9999% (textbox input only) - kung
- Added New actions to simulate clicking. (perfect for extra clicking on joysticks)) - kung
Stuff that has moved:
- SuperSampling, video profiles, advanced SS filtering, Motion smoothing have all been moved to the "Video" Tab from the "steamVR" tab - ykeara
- Overlay Color Method (for all headsets) is now toggle-able (from gain option) in Video Tab - ykeara
Re-enabled/Fixed Features:
- New Fix for motion, it should now work across all headsets w/o issues or odd resets - kung
- updated to New Audio API keys to prevent failures/spam - kung/ykeara
- Re-Enabled/Fixed Space fix revert- kung
- Re-Enabled/Fixed Chaperone Height Slider - kung
- Removed Velocity Fade Dependent Chaperone Warnings Feature, it was causing massive issues on Linux, and stealth issues on Windows, the api can not handle the amount of required synch calls - username223
Disabled and removed Features:
- Disabled audio Profiles until issues with new api calls in 1.8.19 can be resolved - ykeara
- Removed Reset button in SteamVR tab, out of date, and confusing to end-user as the behavior, may bring back later in Settings tab - ykeara
- Added Safeguards for new 40km chaperone limit in OpenVR/SteamVR - kung
- TabControllers will now update their update rate based on headset refresh rate, reducing cpu usage for high refresh rate HMD's - ykeara
- somelogic moved to
that only runs while dashboard is active decreasing cpu time while using VR. - ykeara - Disable Vsync option custom tick rate - allows users to configure their tick rate instead of being tied to headset refresh rate. - kung
Bug Fixes:
- fixed a bug with chaperone toggle allowing it be in the wrong state on start-up - ykeara
- limit space drag to 100m per frame - This is to help with new behavior around 40k chaperone limit. - kung
- fixed a bug that allowed commiting an uninitialized chaperone - kung
- Re-work Seated motion to prevent "snap-backs" - kung
- fixed and clarified requirements of adjusting Super-sampling - ykeara
- Updated to OVR 1.8.19 files
- Updated Input guide to reflect changed port - username223
- Changed all motion to operate in
- kung - Added error message for non-zero chaperone profile offsets - kung
- Added Discord badge to github - username223
- Improvements to Linux appimage build pipeline - username223
- lots of little things. is anyone still reading by this point? - all
If you just scrolled down here quickly, don't use the download links below, instead download 4.0.1
(This is a temporary message here in case people followed a direct link to 4.0.0. Get 4.0.1 instead)