This repo is a POC and is not meant to be used in production as-is.
This repository adds a custom WordPress template called OpenZaak
- Contains the permission logic for accessing the OpenZaak views
- Applies styling to the view and its blocks
At the time of writing, two custom routes have been added. These routes enable the following functionalities: displaying a single 'zaak' and downloading information objects attached to a 'zaak.'
The entity OWC\Zaaksysteem\Entities\Zaak includes a method called 'permalink', which is utilized in various custom Gutenberg blocks. These blocks primarily serve to provide logged-in users with an overview of the 'zaken.' The method 'permalink' returns an URL that is picked up by the added custom routing. (www.domain.extension/zaak/{identification}/{supplier})
This route requires the following conditions:
- A page with 'zaak' as the slug.
- The page should be connected with the 'template-single-zaak.'
- The page should be requested with a 'zaak' identification and a supplier in the URI.
The entity OWC\Zaaksysteem\Entities\Enkelvoudiginformatieobject includes a method called 'downloadUrl'. The method 'downloadUrl' returns an URL that is picked up by the added custom routing. (www.domain.extension/zaak-download/{download-identification}/{zaak-identification}/{supplier})
This route requires the following conditions:
- A page with the slug 'zaak-download.' In this case, there is no need for a connected template since there is no page to be opened. The download will initiate in a new tab but will close immediately after the download is completed.
- The page should be requested with an download identification, zaak identification and supplier in the URI.