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Releases: OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable


19 Mar 17:39
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v5.3.0-rc.0 Pre-release

Breaking Changes

  • Replace GovernorCountingOverridable.VoteReceipt struct parameter member names hasOverriden and overridenWeight for hasOverridden and overriddenWeight respectively.

Custom error changes

  • Replace GovernorAlreadyOverridenVote with GovernorAlreadyOverriddenVote.

Changes by category


  • ERC7579Utils: Add ABI decoding checks on calldata bounds within decodeBatch. (#5371)


  • IGovernor: Add the getProposalId function to the governor interface. (#5290)
  • GovernorProposalGuardian: Add a governance extension that defines a proposal guardian who can cancel proposals at any stage in their lifecycle. (#5303)
  • GovernorSequentialProposalId: Adds a Governor extension that sequentially numbers proposal ids instead of using the hash. (#5290)
  • GovernorSuperQuorum: Add a governance extension to support a super quorum. Proposals that meet the super quorum (and have a majority of for votes) advance to the Succeeded state before the proposal deadline. (#5526)
  • GovernorVotesSuperQuorumFraction: Add a variant of the GovernorSuperQuorum extensions where the super quorum is expressed as a fraction of the total supply. (#5526)
  • TimelockController: Receive function is now virtual. (#5509)


  • EnumerableSet: Add clear function to EnumerableSets which deletes all values in the set. (#5486)
  • EnumerableMap: Add clear function to EnumerableMaps which deletes all entries in the map. (#5486)
  • MerkleTree: Add an update function that replaces a previously inserted leaf with a new value, updating the tree root along the way. (#5526)


  • ERC4626: Use the asset getter in totalAssets, _deposit and _withdraw. (#5322)
  • IERC6909: Add the interface for ERC-6909. (#5343)
  • ERC6909: Add a standard implementation of ERC6909. (#5394)
  • ERC6909TokenSupply: Add an extension of ERC6909 which tracks total supply for each token id. (#5394)
  • ERC6909Metadata: Add an extension of ERC6909 which adds metadata functionality. (#5394)
  • ERC6909ContentURI: Add an extension of ERC6909 which adds content URI functionality. (#5394)
  • SafeERC20: Add trySafeTransfer and trySafeTransferFrom that do not revert and return false if the transfer is not successful. (#5483)


  • Address: bubble up revert data on sendValue failed call. (#5379)
  • Calldata: Library with emptyBytes and emptyString functions to generate empty bytes and string calldata types. (#5422)
  • ERC2771Forwarder: Expose the _isTrustedByTarget internal function to check whether a target trusts the forwarder. (#5416)
  • Hashes: Expose efficientKeccak256 for hashing non-commutative pairs of bytes32 without allocating extra memory. (#5442)
  • Initializable: Add _initializableStorageSlot function that returns a pointer to the storage struct. The function allows customizing with a custom storage slot with an override. (#5526)
  • Math: Add add512, mul512 and mulShr. (#5526)
  • Math: Add saturating arithmetic operations saturatingAdd, saturatingSub and saturatingMul. (#5526)
  • MessageHashUtils: Add toDataWithIntendedValidatorHash(address, bytes32). (#5526)
  • Pausable: Stop explicitly setting paused to false during construction. (#5448)
  • Strings: Add espaceJSON that escapes special characters in JSON strings. (#5526)


09 Jan 15:24
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Breaking Changes

Custom error changes

This version comes with changes to the custom error identifiers. Contracts previously depending on the following errors should be replaced accordingly:

  • Replace Errors.FailedCall with a bubbled-up revert reason in Address.sendValue.

Changes by category


  • Update some pragma directives to ensure that all file requirements match that of the files they import. (#5273)


  • ERC4337Utils: Add a reusable library to manipulate user operations and interact with ERC-4337 contracts (#5274)
  • ERC7579Utils: Add a reusable library to interact with ERC-7579 modular accounts (#5274)


  • GovernorCountingOverridable: Add a governor counting module that enables token holders to override the vote of their delegate. (#5192)
  • VotesExtended: Create an extension of Votes which checkpoints balances and delegates. (#5192)


  • Clones: Add cloneWithImmutableArgs and cloneDeterministicWithImmutableArgs variants that create clones with per-instance immutable arguments. The immutable arguments can be retrieved using fetchCloneArgs. The corresponding predictDeterministicWithImmutableArgs function is also included. (#5109)


  • ERC1363Utils: Add helper similar to the existing ERC721Utils and ERC1155Utils (#5133)


  • Address: bubble up revert data on sendValue failed call (#5418)
  • Bytes: Add a library of common operations that operate on bytes objects. (#5252)
  • CAIP2 and CAIP10: Add libraries for formatting and parsing CAIP-2 and CAIP-10 identifiers. (#5252)
  • NoncesKeyed: Add a variant of Nonces that implements the ERC-4337 entrypoint nonce system. (#5272)
  • Packing: Add variants for packing bytes10 and bytes22 (#5274)
  • Strings: Add parseUint, parseInt, parseHexUint and parseAddress to parse strings into numbers and addresses. Also provide variants of these functions that parse substrings, and tryXxx variants that do not revert on invalid input. (#5166)


16 Dec 20:49
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v5.2.0-rc.1 Pre-release
  • ERC7579Utils: Add ABI decoding checks on calldata bounds within decodeBatch (#5367)


05 Dec 15:25
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v5.2.0-rc.0 Pre-release

Changes by category


  • Update some pragma directives to ensure that all file requirements match that of the files they import. (#5273)


  • ERC4337Utils: Add a reusable library to manipulate user operations and interact with ERC-4337 contracts (#5274)
  • ERC7579Utils: Add a reusable library to interact with ERC-7579 modular accounts (#5274)


  • GovernorCountingOverridable: Add a governor counting module that enables token holders to override the vote of their delegate. (#5192)
  • VotesExtended: Create an extension of Votes which checkpoints balances and delegates. (#5192)


  • Clones: Add cloneWithImmutableArgs and cloneDeterministicWithImmutableArgs variants that create clones with per-instance immutable arguments. The immutable arguments can be retrieved using fetchCloneArgs. The corresponding predictDeterministicWithImmutableArgs function is also included. (#5109)


  • ERC1363Utils: Add helper similar to the existing ERC721Utils and ERC1155Utils (#5133)


  • Bytes: Add a library of common operation that operate on bytes objects. (#5252)
  • CAIP2 and CAIP10: Add libraries for formatting and parsing CAIP-2 and CAIP-10 identifiers. (#5252)
  • NoncesKeyed: Add a variant of Nonces that implements the ERC-4337 entrypoint nonce system. (#5272)
  • Packing: Add variants for packing bytes10 and bytes22 (#5274)
  • Strings: Add parseUint, parseInt, parseHexUint and parseAddress to parse strings into numbers and addresses. Also provide variants of these functions that parse substrings, and tryXxx variants that do not revert on invalid input. (#5166)


17 Oct 12:12
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Breaking changes

  • ERC1967Utils: Removed duplicate declaration of the Upgraded, AdminChanged and BeaconUpgraded events. These events are still available through the IERC1967 interface located under the contracts/interfaces/ directory. Minimum pragma version is now 0.8.21.
  • Governor, GovernorCountingSimple: The _countVote virtual function now returns an uint256 with the total votes casted. This change allows for more flexibility for partial and fractional voting. Upgrading users may get a compilation error that can be fixed by adding a return statement to the _countVote function.

Custom error changes

This version comes with changes to the custom error identifiers. Contracts previously depending on the following errors should be replaced accordingly:

  • Replace Address.FailedInnerCall with Errors.FailedCall
  • Replace Address.AddressInsufficientBalance with Errors.InsufficientBalance
  • Replace Clones.Create2InsufficientBalance with Errors.InsufficientBalance
  • Replace Clones.ERC1167FailedCreateClone with Errors.FailedDeployment
  • Replace Clones.Create2FailedDeployment with Errors.FailedDeployment
  • SafeERC20: Replace Address.AddressEmptyCode with SafeERC20FailedOperation if there is no code at the token's address.
  • SafeERC20: Replace generic Error(string) with SafeERC20FailedOperation if the returned data can't be decoded as bool.
  • SafeERC20: Replace generic SafeERC20FailedOperation with the revert message from the contract call if it fails.

Changes by category


  • AccessManager, VestingWallet, TimelockController and ERC2771Forwarder: Added a public initializer function in their corresponding upgradeable variants. (#5008)


  • AccessControlEnumerable: Add a getRoleMembers method to return all accounts that have role. (#4546)
  • AccessManager: Allow the onlyAuthorized modifier to restrict functions added to the manager. (#5014)


  • VestingWalletCliff: Add an extension of the VestingWallet contract with an added cliff. (#4870)


  • GovernorCountingFractional: Add a governor counting module that allows distributing voting power amongst 3 options (For, Against, Abstain). (#5045)
  • Votes: Set _moveDelegateVotes visibility to internal instead of private. (#5007)


  • Clones: Add version of clone and cloneDeterministic that support sending value at creation. (#4936)
  • TransparentUpgradeableProxy: Make internal _proxyAdmin() getter have view visibility. (#4688)
  • ProxyAdmin: Fixed documentation for UPGRADE_INTERFACE_VERSION getter. (#5031)


  • ERC1363: Add implementation of the token payable standard allowing execution of contract code after transfers and approvals. (#4631)
  • ERC20TemporaryApproval: Add an ERC-20 extension that implements temporary approval using transient storage, based on ERC7674 (draft). (#5071)
  • SafeERC20: Add "relaxed" function for interacting with ERC-1363 functions in a way that is compatible with EOAs. (#4631)
  • SafeERC20: Document risks of safeIncreaseAllowance and safeDecreaseAllowance when associated with ERC-7674. (#5262)
  • ERC721Utils and ERC1155Utils: Add reusable libraries with functions to perform acceptance checks on IERC721Receiver and IERC1155Receiver implementers. (#4845)
  • ERC1363Utils: Add helper similar to the existing ERC721Utils and ERC1155Utils. (#5133)


  • Arrays: add a sort functions for address[], bytes32[] and uint256[] memory arrays. (#4846)
  • Arrays: add new functions lowerBound, upperBound, lowerBoundMemory and upperBoundMemory for lookups in sorted arrays with potential duplicates. (#4842)
  • Arrays: deprecate findUpperBound in favor of the new lowerBound. (#4842)
  • Base64: Add encodeURL following section 5 of RFC4648 for URL encoding (#4822)
  • Comparator: A library of comparator functions, useful for customizing the behavior of the Heap structure. (#5084)
  • Create2: Bubbles up returndata from a deployed contract that reverted during construction. (#5052)
  • Create2, Clones: Mask computeAddress and cloneDeterministic outputs to produce a clean value for an address type (i.e. only use 20 bytes) (#4941)
  • Errors: New library of common custom errors. (#4936)
  • Hashes: A library with commonly used hash functions. (#3617)
  • Packing: Added a new utility for packing, extracting and replacing bytesXX values. (#4992)
  • Panic: Add a library for reverting with panic codes. (#3298)
  • ReentrancyGuardTransient: Added a variant of ReentrancyGuard that uses transient storage. (#4988)
  • Strings: Added a utility function for converting an address to checksummed string. (#5067)
  • SlotDerivation: Add a library of methods for derivating common storage slots. (#4975)
  • TransientSlot: Add primitives for operating on the transient storage space using a typed-slot representation. (#4980)
  • SignatureChecker: refactor isValidSignatureNow to avoid validating ECDSA signatures if there is code deployed at the signer's address. (#4951)
  • MerkleProof: Add variations of verify, processProof, multiProofVerify and processMultiProof (and equivalent calldata version) with support for custom hashing functions. (#4887)
  • P256: Library for verification and public key recovery of P256 (aka secp256r1) signatures. (#4881)
  • RSA: Library to verify signatures according to RFC 8017 Signature Verification Operation (#4952)


  • Math: add an invMod function to get the modular multiplicative inverse of a number in Z/nZ. (#4839)
  • Math: Add modExp function that exposes the EIP-198 precompile. Includes uint256 and bytes memory versions. (#3298)
  • Math: Custom errors replaced with native panic codes. (#3298)
  • Math, SignedMath: Add a branchless ternary function that computescond ? a : b in constant gas cost. (#4976)
  • SafeCast: Add toUint(bool) for operating on bool values as uint256. (#4878)


  • CircularBuffer: Add a data structure that stores the last N values pushed to it. (#4913)
  • DoubleEndedQueue: Custom errors replaced with native panic codes. (#4872)
  • EnumerableMap: add UintToBytes32Map, AddressToAddressMap, AddressToBytes32Map and Bytes32ToAddressMap. (#4843)
  • Heap: A data structure that implements a heap-based priority queue. (#5084)
  • MerkleTree: A data structure that allows inserting elements into a merkle tree and updating its root hash. (#3617)


03 Oct 15:15
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v5.1.0-rc.0 Pre-release

Breaking changes

  • ERC1967Utils: Removed duplicate declaration of the Upgraded, AdminChanged and BeaconUpgraded events. These events are still available through the IERC1967 interface located under the contracts/interfaces/ directory. Minimum pragma version is now 0.8.21.
  • Governor, GovernorCountingSimple: The _countVotes virtual function now returns an uint256 with the total votes casted. This change allows for more flexibility for partial and fractional voting. Upgrading users may get a compilation error that can be fixed by adding a return statement to the _countVotes function.

Custom error changes

This version comes with changes to the custom error identifiers. Contracts previously depending on the following errors should be replaced accordingly:

  • Replace Address.FailedInnerCall with Errors.FailedCall
  • Replace Address.AddressInsufficientBalance with Errors.InsufficientBalance
  • Replace Clones.Create2InsufficientBalance with Errors.InsufficientBalance
  • Replace Clones.ERC1167FailedCreateClone with Errors.FailedDeployment
  • Replace Clones.Create2FailedDeployment with Errors.FailedDeployment
  • SafeERC20: Replace Address.AddressEmptyCode with SafeERC20FailedOperation if there is no code at the token's address.
  • SafeERC20: Replace generic Error(string) with SafeERC20FailedOperation if the returned data can't be decoded as bool.
  • SafeERC20: Replace generic SafeERC20FailedOperation with the revert message from the contract call if it fails.

Changes by category


  • AccessManager, VestingWallet, TimelockController and ERC2771Forwarder: Added a public initializer function in their corresponding upgradeable variants. (#5008)


  • AccessControlEnumerable: Add a getRoleMembers method to return all accounts that have role. (#4546)
  • AccessManager: Allow the onlyAuthorized modifier to restrict functions added to the manager. (#5014)


  • VestingWalletCliff: Add an extension of the VestingWallet contract with an added cliff. (#4870)


  • GovernorCountingFractional: Add a governor counting module that allows distributing voting power amongst 3 options (For, Against, Abstain). (#5045)
  • Votes: Set _moveDelegateVotes visibility to internal instead of private. (#5007)


  • Clones: Add version of clone and cloneDeterministic that support sending value at creation. (#4936)
  • TransparentUpgradeableProxy: Make internal _proxyAdmin() getter have view visibility. (#4688)
  • ProxyAdmin: Fixed documentation for UPGRADE_INTERFACE_VERSION getter. (#5031)


  • ERC1363: Add implementation of the token payable standard allowing execution of contract code after transfers and approvals. (#4631)
  • ERC20TemporaryApproval: Add an ERC-20 extension that implements temporary approval using transient storage, based on ERC7674 (draft). (#5071)
  • SafeERC20: Add "relaxed" function for interacting with ERC-1363 functions in a way that is compatible with EOAs. (#4631)
  • ERC721Utils and ERC1155Utils: Add reusable libraries with functions to perform acceptance checks on IERC721Receiver and IERC1155Receiver implementers. (#4845)
  • ERC1363Utils: Add helper similar to the existing ERC721Utils and ERC1155Utils. (#5133)


  • Arrays: add a sort functions for address[], bytes32[] and uint256[] memory arrays. (#4846)
  • Arrays: add new functions lowerBound, upperBound, lowerBoundMemory and upperBoundMemory for lookups in sorted arrays with potential duplicates. (#4842)
  • Arrays: deprecate findUpperBound in favor of the new lowerBound. (#4842)
  • Base64: Add encodeURL following section 5 of RFC4648 for URL encoding (#4822)
  • Comparator: A library of comparator functions, useful for customizing the behavior of the Heap structure. (#5084)
  • Create2: Bubbles up returndata from a deployed contract that reverted during construction. (#5052)
  • Create2, Clones: Mask computeAddress and cloneDeterministic outputs to produce a clean value for an address type (i.e. only use 20 bytes) (#4941)
  • Errors: New library of common custom errors. (#4936)
  • Hashes: A library with commonly used hash functions. (#3617)
  • Packing: Added a new utility for packing, extracting and replacing bytesXX values. (#4992)
  • Panic: Add a library for reverting with panic codes. (#3298)
  • ReentrancyGuardTransient: Added a variant of ReentrancyGuard that uses transient storage. (#4988)
  • Strings: Added a utility function for converting an address to checksummed string. (#5067)
  • SlotDerivation: Add a library of methods for derivating common storage slots. (#4975)
  • StorageSlot: Add primitives for operating on the transient storage space using a typed-slot representation. (#4980)
  • SignatureChecker: refactor isValidSignatureNow to avoid validating ECDSA signatures if there is code deployed at the signer's address. (#4951)
  • MerkleProof: Add variations of verify, processProof, multiProofVerify and processMultiProof (and equivalent calldata version) with support for custom hashing functions. (#4887)
  • P256: Library for verification and public key recovery of P256 (aka secp256r1) signatures. (#4881)
  • RSA: Library to verify signatures according to RFC 8017 Signature Verification Operation (#4952)


  • Math: add an invMod function to get the modular multiplicative inverse of a number in Z/nZ. (#4839)
  • Math: Add modExp function that exposes the EIP-198 precompile. Includes uint256 and bytes memory versions. (#3298)
  • Math: Custom errors replaced with native panic codes. (#3298)
  • Math, SignedMath: Add a branchless ternary function that computescond ? a : b in constant gas cost. (#4976)
  • SafeCast: Add toUint(bool) for operating on bool values as uint256. (#4878)


  • CircularBuffer: Add a data structure that stores the last N values pushed to it. (#4913)
  • DoubleEndedQueue: Custom errors replaced with native panic codes. (#4872)
  • EnumerableMap: add UintToBytes32Map, AddressToAddressMap, AddressToBytes32Map and Bytes32ToAddressMap. (#4843)
  • Heap: A data structure that implements a heap-based priority queue. (#5084)
  • MerkleTree: A data structure that allows inserting elements into a merkle tree and updating its root hash. (#3617)


29 Feb 17:29
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  • Base64: Fix issue where dirty memory located just after the input buffer is affecting the result. (#4926)


29 Feb 17:38
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  • Base64: Fix issue where dirty memory located just after the input buffer is affecting the result. (#4926)


08 Dec 16:04
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  • Multicall: Patch duplicated Address.functionDelegateCall.


08 Dec 00:50
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  • ERC2771Context and Context: Introduce a _contextPrefixLength() getter, used to trim extra information appended to
  • Multicall: Make aware of non-canonical context (i.e. msg.sender is not _msgSender()), allowing compatibility with ERC2771Context.