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Merge pull request #15 from ArrogantGao/jg/polish-interface
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Polish interfaces in OptimalBranchingCore
  • Loading branch information
ArrogantGao authored Dec 2, 2024
2 parents 1b425ea + 4bb25c8 commit 0f4efe1
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Showing 12 changed files with 225 additions and 141 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ SolverConfig

# the result shows that the size of the maximum independent set is 9
julia> reduce_and_branch(problem, config)
julia> branch_and_reduce(problem, config)

# we can also use the EliminateGraphs package to verify the result
Expand All @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Furthermore, one can check the count of branches in the following way:
julia> config = SolverConfig(MISReducer(), branching_strategy, MISCount)
SolverConfig{MISReducer, BranchingStrategy{TensorNetworkSolver, IPSolver, EnvFilter, MinBoundarySelector, D3Measure}, MISCount}(MISReducer(), BranchingStrategy{TensorNetworkSolver, IPSolver, EnvFilter, MinBoundarySelector, D3Measure}(TensorNetworkSolver(), IPSolver(10), EnvFilter(), MinBoundarySelector(2), D3Measure()), MISCount)

julia> reduce_and_branch(problem, config)
julia> branch_and_reduce(problem, config)
MISCount(9, 1)
which shows that it takes only one branch to find the maximum independent set of size 9.
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29 changes: 19 additions & 10 deletions lib/OptimalBranchingCore/src/OptimalBranchingCore.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,23 +3,32 @@ module OptimalBranchingCore
using JuMP, HiGHS, SCIP
using BitBasis

export complexity_bv
export Clause, BranchingTable, CandidateClause, DNF, Branch
export BranchingStrategy
export AbstractProblem, AbstractMeasure, AbstractReducer, AbstractSelector, AbstractTableSolver, AbstractSetCoverSolver
export LPSolver, IPSolver
export NoReducer
# logic expressions
export Clause, BranchingTable, DNF, booleans, , , ¬, covered_by, literals, is_true_literal, is_false_literal
# weighted minimum set cover solvers and optimal branching rule
export weighted_minimum_set_cover, AbstractSetCoverSolver, LPSolver, IPSolver
export minimize_γ, optimal_branching_rule, OptimalBranchingResult

export MaxSize, MaxSizeBranchCount
##### interfaces #####
# high-level interface
export AbstractProblem, branch_and_reduce, BranchingStrategy

export apply_branch, measure, reduce_problem, select, branching_table, weighted_minimum_set_cover
export reduce_and_branch, optimal_branching_rule
# variable selector interface
export select_variable, AbstractSelector
# branching table solver interface
export branching_table, AbstractTableSolver
# measure interface
export measure, AbstractMeasure
# reducer interface
export reduce_problem, AbstractReducer, NoReducer
# return type
export MaxSize, MaxSizeBranchCount


18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions lib/OptimalBranchingCore/src/bitbasis.jl
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Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,24 @@ function BitBasis.bdistance(c::Clause{INT}, b::INT) where INT <: Integer
c1 = c.val & c.mask
return bdistance(b1, c1)
Return all literals in the clause.
literals(c::Clause) = [Clause(readbit(c.mask, i), readbit(c.val, i)) for i=1:bsizeof(c.mask) if readbit(c.mask, i) == 1]
Check if the clause is a true literal.
is_true_literal(c::Clause) = count_ones(c.mask) == 1 && all(i->readbit(c.val, i) == readbit(c.mask, i), 1:bsizeof(c.mask))
Check if the clause is a false literal.
is_false_literal(c::Clause) = count_ones(c.mask) == 1 && iszero(c.val)

# Flip all bits in `b`, `n` is the number of bits
function flip_all(n::Int, b::INT) where INT <: Integer
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74 changes: 11 additions & 63 deletions lib/OptimalBranchingCore/src/branch.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
optimal_branching_rule(table::BranchingTable, variables::Vector, problem::AbstractProblem, measure::AbstractMeasure, solver::AbstractSetCoverSolver)::DNF
optimal_branching_rule(table::BranchingTable, variables::Vector, problem::AbstractProblem, measure::AbstractMeasure, solver::AbstractSetCoverSolver)::OptimalBranchingResult
Generate an optimal branching rule from a given branching table.
Expand All @@ -11,64 +11,12 @@ Generate an optimal branching rule from a given branching table.
- `solver`: The solver used for the weighted minimum set cover problem, which can be either [`LPSolver`](@ref) or [`IPSolver`](@ref).
### Returns
A [`DNF`](@ref) object representing the optimal branching rule.
A [`OptimalBranchingResult`](@ref) object representing the optimal branching rule.
function optimal_branching_rule(table::BranchingTable, variables::Vector, problem::AbstractProblem, m::AbstractMeasure, solver::AbstractSetCoverSolver)
candidates = candidate_clauses(table)
size_reductions = [measure(problem, m) - measure(first(apply_branch(problem, candidate.clause, variables)), m) for candidate in candidates]
selection, _ = minimize_γ(length(table.table), candidates, size_reductions, solver; γ0=2.0)
return DNF(map(i->candidates[i].clause, selection))

# TODO: we need to extend this function to trim the candidate clauses
candidate_clauses(tbl::BranchingTable{INT}) where {INT}
Generates candidate clauses from a branching table.
### Arguments
- `tbl::BranchingTable{INT}`: The branching table containing bit strings.
### Returns
- `Vector{CandidateClause{INT}}`: A vector of `CandidateClause` objects generated from the branching table.
function candidate_clauses(tbl::BranchingTable{INT}) where {INT}
n, bss = tbl.bit_length, tbl.table
bs = vcat(bss...)
all_clauses = Set{Clause{INT}}()
temp_clauses = [Clause(bmask(INT, 1:n), bs[i]) for i in 1:length(bs)]
while !isempty(temp_clauses)
c = pop!(temp_clauses)
if !(c in all_clauses)
push!(all_clauses, c)
idc = Set(covered_items(bss, c))
for i in 1:length(bss)
if i idc
for b in bss[i]
c_new = gather2(n, c, Clause(bmask(INT, 1:n), b))
if (c_new != c) && c_new.mask != 0
push!(temp_clauses, c_new)

allcovers = [CandidateClause(covered_items(bss, c), c) for c in all_clauses]
return allcovers
# Returns the indices of the bit strings that are covered by the clause.
function covered_items(bitstrings, clause::Clause)
return findall(bs -> any(x->covered_by(x, clause), bs), bitstrings)
# merge two clauses, i.e. generate a new clause covering both
function gather2(n::Int, c1::Clause{INT}, c2::Clause{INT}) where INT
b1 = c1.val & c1.mask
b2 = c2.val & c2.mask
mask = (b1 flip_all(n, b2)) & c1.mask & c2.mask
val = b1 & mask
return Clause(mask, val)
candidates = collect(candidate_clauses(table))
size_reductions = [measure(problem, m) - measure(first(apply_branch(problem, candidate, variables)), m) for candidate in candidates]
return minimize_γ(table, candidates, size_reductions, solver; γ0=2.0)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +47,7 @@ BranchingStrategy

reduce_and_branch(problem::AbstractProblem, config::BranchingStrategy; reducer::AbstractReducer=NoReducer(), result_type=Int)
branch_and_reduce(problem::AbstractProblem, config::BranchingStrategy; reducer::AbstractReducer=NoReducer(), result_type=Int)
Branch the given problem using the specified solver configuration.
Expand All @@ -114,18 +62,18 @@ Branch the given problem using the specified solver configuration.
### Returns
The resulting value, which may have different type depending on the `result_type`.
function reduce_and_branch(problem::AbstractProblem, config::BranchingStrategy, reducer::AbstractReducer, result_type)
function branch_and_reduce(problem::AbstractProblem, config::BranchingStrategy, reducer::AbstractReducer, result_type)
isempty(problem) && return zero(result_type)
# reduce the problem
rp, reducedvalue = reduce_problem(result_type, problem, reducer)
rp !== problem && return reduce_and_branch(rp, config, reducer, result_type) * reducedvalue
rp !== problem && return branch_and_reduce(rp, config, reducer, result_type) * reducedvalue

# branch the problem
variables = select_variables(rp, config.measure, config.selector) # select a subset of variables
tbl = branching_table(rp, config.table_solver, variables) # compute the BranchingTable
rule = optimal_branching_rule(tbl, variables, rp, config.measure, config.set_cover_solver) # compute the optimal branching rule
return sum(rule.clauses) do branch # branch and recurse
result = optimal_branching_rule(tbl, variables, rp, config.measure, config.set_cover_solver) # compute the optimal branching rule
return sum(result.optimal_rule.clauses) do branch # branch and recurse
subproblem, localvalue = apply_branch(rp, branch, variables)
reduce_and_branch(subproblem, config, reducer, result_type) * result_type(localvalue) * reducedvalue
branch_and_reduce(subproblem, config, reducer, result_type) * result_type(localvalue) * reducedvalue
124 changes: 98 additions & 26 deletions lib/OptimalBranchingCore/src/setcovering.jl
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Expand Up @@ -92,64 +92,136 @@ function bisect_solve(f, a, fa, b, fb)

minimize_γ(candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}, Δρ::Vector{TF}, solver) where{INT, TF}
OptimalBranchingResult{INT <: Integer}
The result type for the optimal branching rule.
### Fields
- `selected_ids::Vector{Int}`: The indices of the selected rows in the branching table.
- `optimal_rule::DNF{INT}`: The optimal branching rule.
- `branching_vector::Vector{T<:Real}`: The branching vector that records the size reduction in each subproblem.
- `γ::Float64`: The optimal γ value (the complexity of the branching rule).
struct OptimalBranchingResult{INT <: Integer, T <: Real}

minimize_γ(table::BranchingTable, candidates::Vector{Clause}, Δρ::Vector, solver)
Finds the optimal cover based on the provided vector of problem size reduction.
This function implements a cover selection algorithm using an iterative process.
It utilizes an integer programming solver to optimize the selection of sub-covers based on their complexity.
### Arguments
- `candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}`: A vector of CandidateClause structures.
- `Δρ::Vector{TF}`: A vector of problem size reduction for each CandidateClause.
- `table::BranchingTable`: A branching table containing clauses that need to be covered, a table entry is covered by a clause if one of its bit strings satisfies the clause. Please refer to [`covered_by`](@ref) for more details.
- `candidates::Vector{Clause}`: A vector of candidate clauses to form the branching rule (in the form of [`DNF`](@ref)).
- `Δρ::Vector`: A vector of problem size reduction for each candidate clause.
- `solver`: The solver to be used. It can be an instance of `LPSolver` or `IPSolver`.
### Keyword Arguments
- `γ0::Float64`: The initial γ value.
### Returns
A tuple of two elements: (indices of selected clauses, γ)
A tuple of two elements: (indices of selected subsets, γ)
function minimize_γ(num_items::Int, candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}, Δρ::Vector{TF}, solver::AbstractSetCoverSolver; γ0::Float64 = 2.0) where{INT, TF}
@debug "solver = $(solver), sets = $(candidate_clauses), γ0 = $γ0"
function minimize_γ(table::BranchingTable, candidates::Vector{Clause{INT}}, Δρ::Vector, solver::AbstractSetCoverSolver; γ0::Float64 = 2.0) where {INT}
@debug "solver = $(solver), subsets = $(subsets), γ0 = $γ0"
subsets = [covered_items(table.table, c) for c in candidates]
num_items = length(table.table)

# Note: the following instance is captured for time saving, and also for it may cause IP solver to fail
for (k, clause) in enumerate(candidate_clauses)
(length(clause.covered_items) == num_items) && return [k], 1.0
for (k, subset) in enumerate(subsets)
(length(subset) == num_items) && return OptimalBranchingResult([k], DNF([candidates[k]]), [Δρ[k]], 1.0)

cx_old = cx = γ0
local picked_scs
for i = 1:solver.max_itr
weights = 1 ./ cx_old .^ Δρ
picked_scs = weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver, weights, candidate_clauses, num_items)
picked_scs = weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver, weights, subsets, num_items)
cx = complexity_bv(Δρ[picked_scs])
@debug "Iteration $i, picked indices = $(picked_scs), clauses = $(candidate_clauses[picked_scs]), branching_vector = $(Δρ[picked_scs]), γ = $cx"
@debug "Iteration $i, picked indices = $(picked_scs), subsets = $(subsets[picked_scs]), branching_vector = $(Δρ[picked_scs]), γ = $cx"
cx cx_old && break # convergence
cx_old = cx
return picked_scs, cx
return OptimalBranchingResult(picked_scs, DNF([candidates[i] for i in picked_scs]), Δρ[picked_scs], cx)

# TODO: we need to extend this function to trim the candidate clauses
candidate_clauses(tbl::BranchingTable{INT}) where {INT}
Generates candidate clauses from a branching table.
### Arguments
- `tbl::BranchingTable{INT}`: The branching table containing bit strings.
### Returns
- `Vector{Clause{INT}}`: A vector of `Clause` objects generated from the branching table.
function candidate_clauses(tbl::BranchingTable{INT}) where {INT}
n, bss = tbl.bit_length, tbl.table
bs = vcat(bss...)
all_clauses = Set{Clause{INT}}()
temp_clauses = [Clause(bmask(INT, 1:n), bs[i]) for i in 1:length(bs)]
while !isempty(temp_clauses)
c = pop!(temp_clauses)
if !(c in all_clauses)
push!(all_clauses, c)
idc = Set(covered_items(bss, c))
for i in 1:length(bss)
if i idc
for b in bss[i]
c_new = gather2(n, c, Clause(bmask(INT, 1:n), b))
if (c_new != c) && c_new.mask != 0
push!(temp_clauses, c_new)
return all_clauses
# Returns the indices of the bit strings that are covered by the clause.
function covered_items(bitstrings, clause::Clause)
return findall(bs -> any(x->covered_by(x, clause), bs), bitstrings)
# merge two clauses, i.e. generate a new clause covering both
function gather2(n::Int, c1::Clause{INT}, c2::Clause{INT}) where INT
b1 = c1.val & c1.mask
b2 = c2.val & c2.mask
mask = (b1 flip_all(n, b2)) & c1.mask & c2.mask
val = b1 & mask
return Clause(mask, val)

weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver, weights::AbstractVector, candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}, num_items::Int) where{INT, TF, T}
weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver, weights::AbstractVector, subsets::Vector{Vector{Int}}, num_items::Int)
Solves the weighted minimum set cover problem.
### Arguments
- `solver`: The solver to be used. It can be an instance of `LPSolver` or `IPSolver`.
- `weights::AbstractVector`: The weights of the candidate clauses.
- `candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}`: A vector of CandidateClause structures.
- `weights::AbstractVector`: The weights of the subsets.
- `subsets::Vector{Vector{Int}}`: A vector of subsets.
- `num_items::Int`: The number of elements to cover.
### Returns
A vector of indices of selected clauses.
A vector of indices of selected subsets.
function weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver::LPSolver, weights::AbstractVector, candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}, num_items::Int) where{INT}
nsc = length(candidate_clauses)
function weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver::LPSolver, weights::AbstractVector, subsets::Vector{Vector{Int}}, num_items::Int)
nsc = length(subsets)

sets_id = [Vector{Int}() for _=1:num_items]
for i in 1:nsc
for j in candidate_clauses[i].covered_items
for j in subsets[i]
push!(sets_id[j], i)
Expand All @@ -165,15 +237,15 @@ function weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver::LPSolver, weights::AbstractVector, c

@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
return pick_sets(value.(x), candidate_clauses, num_items)
return pick_sets(value.(x), subsets, num_items)

function weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver::IPSolver, weights::AbstractVector, candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}, num_items::Int) where{INT}
nsc = length(candidate_clauses)
function weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver::IPSolver, weights::AbstractVector, subsets::Vector{Vector{Int}}, num_items::Int)
nsc = length(subsets)

sets_id = [Vector{Int}() for _=1:num_items]
for i in 1:nsc
for j in candidate_clauses[i].covered_items
for j in subsets[i]
push!(sets_id[j], i)
Expand All @@ -191,20 +263,20 @@ function weighted_minimum_set_cover(solver::IPSolver, weights::AbstractVector, c

@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
return pick_sets(value.(x), candidate_clauses, num_items)
return pick_sets(value.(x), subsets, num_items)

# by viewing xs as the probability of being selected, we can use a random algorithm to pick the sets
function pick_sets(xs::Vector{TF}, candidate_clauses::AbstractVector{CandidateClause{INT}}, num_items::Int) where{INT, TF}
function pick_sets(xs::Vector, subsets::Vector{Vector{Int}}, num_items::Int)
picked = Set{Int}()
picked_ids = Set{Int}()
nsc = length(candidate_clauses)
nsc = length(subsets)
flag = true
while flag
for i in 1:nsc
if (rand() < xs[i]) && i picked
push!(picked, i)
picked_ids = union(picked_ids, candidate_clauses[i].covered_items)
picked_ids = union(picked_ids, subsets[i])
if length(picked_ids) == num_items
flag = false
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