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Redux Store

Egor Stambakio edited this page Jun 1, 2018 · 1 revision

State Structure

Every view must have "ready" status defined in its constants.js file for onTransition call to work properly.

  common: {
    activeViewName: <"search"|"create"|"edit"|"show"|"error">,
  views: {
    search: {

       * filter used in Search Result
      resultFilter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field>,

       * raw filter as displayed in Search Form
       * (may be equal to or different from "resultFilter")
      formFilter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field>,

       * raw filter as communicated to React Components rendering Search fields
      formatedFilter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field formated to corresponding UI Type>,

      sortParams: {
        field: <string, sort field name>,
        order: <"asc"|"desc", sort order>,
      pageParams: {
        max: <natural number, search result limit>,
        offset: <whole number, search result offset>,
      resultInstances: [{
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
      }, ...],
      selectedInstances: [
        <ref, reference to an object from "instances" array>,
      totalCount: <whole number, total number of filtered entity instances>,
      status: <"uninitialized"|"initializing"|"ready"|"searching"|"deleting"|"redirecting", search view status>,

       * Parsing and Internal Errors -- see relevant subheadings
       * (all other errors are displayed on "error" view)
      errors: {
        fields: {
          <field name>: [<Parsing Error>, ...],
        general: [<Internal Error>, ...]
    create: {
      formInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
      formatedInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value formated to corresponding UI Type>,
      status: <"ready"|"saving", create view status>

       * Parsing, Field/Instance Validation and Internal Errors -- see relevant subheadings
       * (all other errors are displayed on "error" view)
      errors: {
        fields: {
          <field name>: [<Parsing Error or Field Validation Error>, ...],
        general: [<Instance Validation Error or Internal Error>, ...]
    edit: {

       * instance in its "canonical state", i.e. as present on the server
      persistentInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

       * row instance as displayed in Edit Form
      formInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

       * raw instance as communicated to React Components rendering Edit Form fields
      formatedInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value formated to corresponding UI Type>,

       * Either an array of arrays (representing tabs) -- for tabbed layout,
       * or an array of arrays (representing sections) and objects (representing fields) -- otherwise.
      formLayout: [

           * array representing a tab. Its elements are sections/fields. The array also has props:
           * -- "tab", string with tab name,
           * -- "disabled", boolean.
           * -- "component", optional custom React Component, see TabFormComponent subheading.

             * array representing a section. Its elements are fields. The array also has props:
             * -- "section", string with section name.

               * object representing a field.
                field: <string, field name>,
                readOnly: <boolean>,
                component: <function, FieldInputComponent or default React Component for displaying the field>

       * a ref to array representing active tab - for tabbed form layout,
       * undefined - otherwise.
      activeTab: <array|undefined>,

      instanceLabel: <string, entity instance description>,
      status: <"uninitialized"|"initializing"|"ready"|"extracting"|"updating"|"deleting"|"redirecting", edit view status>,

       * Parsing, Field/Instance Validation and Internal Errors -- see relevant subheadings
       * (all other errors are displayed on "error" view)
      errors: {
        fields: {
          <field name>: [<Parsing Error or Field Validation Error>, ...],
        general: [<Instance Validation Error or Internal Error>, ...]
    show: {
      instance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
      tab: <string, active tab name>,
      status: <"uninitialized"|"initializing"|"ready"|"redirecting", show view status>,
    error: {
      errors: [{
        code: <natural number, error code>,
        ?payload: <any, structure is defined by error code>
      status: <"uninitialized"|"ready"|"redirecting", error view status>

Parsing Error and Field/Instance Validation Error

  code: 400,
  id: <string, error id used by translation service>,
  ?message: <string, default error message - in case a translation is not provided>,
  ?args: <object, optional parameters for i18n service>

Both plain objects and instances of Error may be used. The error must not be an instance of system error constructor, like RangeError, SyntaxError, TypeError, etc.

Internal Error

  code: 500,
  id: <string, error id used by translation service>,
  message: <string, default error message in English>

All internal errors are plain objects, not instances of Error, InternalError, TypeError, etc.

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