STATUS: Not Actively Maintained
When I tried to find something on github that displays words in their own cells, I couldn't find anything. This is why I made a view container for displaying tags. It serves a simple purpose so I elected not to let users implement delegate functions, insetad they can just call the built-in functions of the view container to add tags and reset the view.
- Initialize the container with a frame for the container. Note that this is not the frame for an individual tag.
let listView = TagListView(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,100,200))
- Apperance
listView.hashtagsOffset:UIEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 0, right: 0)
listView.rowHeight:CGFloat = 40 //height of rows
listView.tagHorizontalPadding:CGFloat = 5.0 // padding between tags horizontally
listView.tagVerticalPadding:CGFloat = 5.0 // padding between tags vertically
listView.tagCombinedMargin:CGFloat = 10.0 // margin of left and right combined, text in tags are by default centered.
- Add Tags and their corresponding selector
listView.addTag("YOLO", target: self, tapAction: "tap:", longPressAction: "longPress:",backgroundColor: UIColor.whiteColor(),textColor: UIColor.blackColor())
- Remove Tags
listView.removeTagWithIndex() //Remove tag at a given index
listView.removeTagWithName() //Remove tag with a name
listView.removeMultipleTagsWithIndices(indexSet:Set<Int>) //Bulk Remove with a set of Indices.
- Reset View
listView.reset() //Clears the screen
To customize the appearance of the label, you can just dive into the addTag() func to change however you want your UILabel to look like.
This View Container still scrolls poorly when there are large volume of labels on screen, due to the fact that I did not implement some sort of a caching mechanism for the UIScrollView.
#In Action: