MovieFinder is a React Typescript app built with the OMDb REST API to find any movie, and it's detailed information.
Dummy auth credentials used for now, login with:
- email: [email protected] | password: 12345678
- email: [email protected] | password: 12345678
Deployed in Vercel:
- Auth page (with dummy credentials for now), login and logout.
- List searched movies fetched from the OMDb API (, with server-side pagination.
- Typeahead search bar with suggestions by the input.
- View movies information in detail, like the plot, director, main actors and ratings.
- Mark movies as favorite.
- View your favorite movies list.
- Unit testing with jest and react-testing-library of the main components: login form, search bar, movie cards and navigation bar.
- Responsive design.
Install MovieFinder and run with npm
npm install
npm start
Test MovieFinder with npm, jest and react-testing-library
npm test
App: React Typescript
State Management: React Context, React useReducer.
Testing: Jest, React testing library