Get up and running:
- Install the SUPERFAMILY MySQL database as per these instructions:
- Create the "disorder" MySQL database using the schema found in: sql/database_schema.sql
- Load the dis_assignment table with all.disrange from the website: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/all.disrange' INTO TABLE dis_assignment;
- Load the genomes and proteins in a similar manner into disorder.protein and disorder.genome.
- Install Perl >5.10 and Mojolicious see: and
- $ morbo -l 'http://localhost:3000/' script/disdb
- In your browser go to http://loclahost:3000/ and you should see the site up and running
Known issues:
Currently the SVG diagrams are generated from a separate CGI script that needs to be served from another webserver such as Apache2, these URLs need to be changed in the HTML templates found in template/
The predictor table isn't dumped on the website for you to have annotations this will be changed shortly