An Ansible Role that installs Docker on Linux. No internet required
This role developed and tested with following Ansible versions:
Name | Version |
ansible | >= 2.9.13 |
ansible-base | >= 2.10.1 |
ansible-core | >= 2.11.2 |
Other Ansible versions was not tested but will probably work.
Name | Version |
Debian | buster |
Ubuntu | focal, groovy |
CentOS | 7.4+, 8 |
RedHat | 7.4+, 8 |
openSUSE | 15.3 |
Should work on most distributions that use Systemd, if you get a problem, feel free to open an issue
Use ansible-galaxy install ozarklake.docker_offline
to install the latest stable release of role.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):
# Systemd options.
docker_service_state: started
docker_service_enabled: true
# Filename of the Docker binary package
# You can download from
# example: curl -o docker.tar.gz
docker_binary_name: docker.tar.gz
# Whether to install docker-compose
docker_install_compose: true
# docker-compose binary filename
# download from
docker_compose_binary_name: docker-compose
# Docker daemon options as a dict
docker_daemon_options: {}
You need to download the Docker binaries in advance and put them in your working directory. Also. If you need to install docker-compose.
- hosts: all
- ozarklake.docker_offline