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feat: compute distance do target instructions
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alexandreps1123 committed Nov 12, 2024
1 parent b3a25be commit 80d89e1
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 152 deletions.
183 changes: 31 additions & 152 deletions fuzz/alt_distance_orderer.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (


// this is need to be constant
Expand All @@ -20,183 +21,60 @@ func newAltDistanceBasedOrderer(contract *dto.ContractDTO) *altDistanceBasedOrde

func (o *altDistanceBasedOrderer) OrderTransactions(transactions []*dto.TransactionDTO) {
graphToTargetInstructions := o.generatePathsToTargetInstructions(targetInstructions)
g := o.generateOriginalGraph()

sort.SliceStable(transactions, func(i, j int) bool {
graphExecuted := o.generateGraphExecuted(transactions[i])
compareGraphExecutedAndGraphToTargetInstructions(graphExecuted, graphToTargetInstructions)
computeDistance(graphExecuted, targetInstructions)
return o.computeScore(transactions[i]) < o.computeScore(transactions[j])
return o.computeScore(g, transactions[i]) < o.computeScore(g, transactions[j])

func compareGraphExecutedAndGraphToTargetInstructions(graphExecuted common.CFG, graphToTargetInstructions []map[string][]string) map[int]int {
var countMatchKey = make(map[int]int)
for i, path := range graphToTargetInstructions {
for key := range path {
_, ok := graphExecuted.Graph[key]
if ok {

return countMatchKey

// comparar esse grafo com os paths ate instrucao critica
func (o *altDistanceBasedOrderer) generateGraphExecuted(transaction *dto.TransactionDTO) common.CFG {
var graphExecuted common.CFG
graphExecuted.Graph = make(map[string][]string)
func (o *altDistanceBasedOrderer) computeScore(g graph.Graph[string, string], transaction *dto.TransactionDTO) float64 {
targetBlocks := findBlocksContainingTargetInstructions(o.contract.CFG, targetInstructions)
var score float64 = 0
var mapDistanceToTargetInstruction = make(map[string]float64)

for key, value := range o.contract.CFG.Graph {
for _, executedInstruction := range transaction.ExecutedInstructions {
if key == executedInstruction {
graphExecuted.Graph[key] = value
for _, target := range targetBlocks {
mapDistanceToTargetInstruction[target] = computeShortestPathToTarget(g, transaction, target)

return graphExecuted

// preciso (?)
// graphExecuted.Instructions = make(map[string]string)

// graphExecuted.Blocks = make(map[string]common.CFGBlock)
// graphExecuted.Instructions = o.contract.CFG.Instructions

* o grafo representa as associacoes entre blocos (que contem um conjunto de instrucoes)
* exemplo: bloco A -> B -> D
-> C
* a instrucao (key) que identifica o bloco no grafo
* esta contida no conjunto de intrucoes de um blobo
* nesse caso, quando uma instrucao da match com a chave (key)
* no grafo, significa que esse bloco foi executado
* Entao, basicamente, o algoritmo abaixo identifca os blocos que foram executados
* Falta:
* 1) computar a distancia percorrida, os blocos executados que estao relacionados
* caminho mais longo, seria distancia percorrida
* 2) montar os caminhos ate instrucoes criticas
* 3) comparar a distancia percorrida pelo input com os caminhos ate instrucoes criticas
* se der match fazer um calculo
* se nao alcançar avaliar mal o input
* comparar dois map res1 := reflect.DeepEqual(map_1, map_2)
for _, distance := range mapDistanceToTargetInstruction {
score += 1 / distance

return score

// deve montar os caminhos ate instrucoes criticas
func (o *altDistanceBasedOrderer) generatePathsToTargetInstructions(targetInstructions []string) []map[string][]string {
pathsToTargetInstructions := make([]map[string][]string, 0)
func computeShortestPathToTarget(g graph.Graph[string, string], transaction *dto.TransactionDTO, target string) float64 {
var distance = math.MaxFloat64

// identifica os blocos que contem instrucoes criticas
targetBlocks := findBlocksContainingTargetInstructions(o.contract.CFG, targetInstructions)
reversedGraph := o.contract.CFG.GetReverseGraph()

for _, block := range targetBlocks {
for key, value := range reversedGraph {
if key == block {
path := make(map[string][]string)
path[key] = value
pathsToTargetInstructions = append(pathsToTargetInstructions, path)
for _, source := range transaction.ExecutedInstructions {
k, err := graph.ShortestPath(g, source, target)
if err != nil {

// targetBlock (?)
// monta um caminhos ate as intrucoes criticas
// i = 0; pathsToTargetInstructions contem as instrucoes criticas presentes no contrato
// e suas respectivas referencias
for _, path := range pathsToTargetInstructions {
n := 0
for n < 1 {
for k := range reversedGraph {
// if "talvez" desnecessario
if len(path[k]) > 0 {
for _, v := range path[k] {
path[v] = reversedGraph[v]
pathsToTargetInstructions = append(pathsToTargetInstructions, path)

// if len(path[v]) == 0 {
// n++
// }
// condicao para sair do loop
// significa que chegou a instrucao de entrada
} else {

// for _, ref := range path {
// if len(ref) == 0 {
// n++
// }
// }
distance = math.Min(distance, float64(len(k)))

return pathsToTargetInstructions
return distance

func computeTargetInstructionsFrequency(cfg common.CFG, targetInstructions []string) uint64 {
var count uint64 = 0
for _, block := range cfg.Blocks {
for _, instr := range block.Instructions {
if common.Contains(targetInstructions, instr) {
return count

func computeDistance(cfg common.CFG, targetInstructions []string) uint64 {
computeTargetInstructionsFrequency(cfg, targetInstructions)


return 0
func (o *altDistanceBasedOrderer) generateOriginalGraph() graph.Graph[string, string] {
g := graph.New(graph.StringHash, graph.Directed())

func (o *altDistanceBasedOrderer) computeScore(transaction *dto.TransactionDTO) float64 {
var maxDistance map[string]uint32
for _, distance := range o.contract.DistanceMap {
if maxDistance != nil {
maxDistance = make(map[string]uint32, 0)
for pc := range distance {
maxDistance[pc] = 0

for instr := range maxDistance {
if val, ok := distance[instr]; ok {
if val != math.MaxUint32 && val > maxDistance[instr] {
maxDistance[instr] = val
for key := range o.contract.CFG.Graph {
_ = g.AddVertex(key)

var distanceSum int64
for _, distance := range maxDistance {
distanceSum += int64(distance)
for key, value := range o.contract.CFG.Graph {
for _, v := range value {
_ = g.AddEdge(key, v)
distancePercentage := (float64(distanceSum) - float64(transaction.DeltaMinDistance)) / float64(distanceSum)

return distancePercentage
return g

// preciso (?)
func findBlocksContainingTargetInstructions(cfg common.CFG, targetInstructions []string) []string {
targetBlocks := make([]string, 0)
for blockPC, block := range cfg.Blocks {
Expand All @@ -207,5 +85,6 @@ func findBlocksContainingTargetInstructions(cfg common.CFG, targetInstructions [

return targetBlocks

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