This repository provides an implementation of a dummy gym environment to model a simplified version of the PCB problem where a set of 2D rigid bodies marked with points (called pins) are placed in a grid of fixed size
The repository additionally provides agets that can be used to solve this problem using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). Various policy networks for training agents are provided. Additionally, the repository provides a web-app made by streamlit for training, visualizing and comparing the performance of agents.
This repository runs on Python 3.9. Due to compatibility issues with Tensorflow and Windows, the repository is only supported on Linux and MacOS. Additionally, due to compatibility issues with Tensorflow and MacOS separate requirements files are provided for Linux and MacOS.
To install and use the repository on Linux, run the following shell commands:
git clone
cd InstaDeep-Software-Engineering-Project
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/requirements-linux.txt
Download Miniconda
Download Miniconda from the following URL:
Note: If this step doesn't work, you can try to skip it, but it is not guaranteed that the below steps will work.
Next, you should install the xcode-select command-line utilities. Use the following command to install:
xcode-select --install
Warning: If the above command gives an error, you should install XCode from the App Store. You can skip this step (the Jupyter one) if you have it.
Deactivate the Base Environment
First, we need to deactivate the base environment.
conda deactivate
Create the New Environment
Next, we will install the Apple Silicon tensorflow.yml file provided. Run the following command from the same directory that contains tensorflow.yml.
cd requirements
conda env create -f tensorflow.yml
Activate the New Environment
To enter this environment, you must use the following command:
conda activate tensorflow-apple
Install Dependencies from Requirements
Now, install the dependencies from the requirements-macos.txt file.
pip install -r requirements-macos.txt
Note: A separate requirements file is provided for development, requirements/requirements-dev.txt
Extended docummentation for using the repository is provided in the docs/buid/index.html
. This includes guides for creating environments, training and evaluating agents.
This repository was created by Pavel Bozmarov, Kianoosh Ashouritaklimi, Devesh Joshi, Samuel Kelso, Yolanda Yang, and Joshan Dooki at InstaDeep. The contacts of the authors are:
- Pavel Bozmarov: [email protected]
- Kianoosh Ashouritaklimi: [email protected]
- Yolanda Yang: [email protected]
- Devesh Joshi: [email protected]
- Joshan Dooki: [email protected]
- Samuel Kelso: [email protected]