Based upon the Kaalka Encryption Algorithm
To use into your python project first run the following into the terminal
pip install kaalka
from kaalka import Kaalka
from kaalkaNTP import KaalkaNTP
from packet import Packet
# Create an instance of Kaalka
kaalka = Kaalka()
# Create an instance of KaalkaNTP
kaalka_ntp = KaalkaNTP()
# Fetch the current timestamp using KaalkaNTP
timestamp = kaalka_ntp.get_current_time()
# Use the timestamp for encryption and decryption
message = "Hello, world!"
encrypted_message = kaalka.encrypt(message, timestamp)
decrypted_message = kaalka.decrypt(encrypted_message, timestamp)
print("Original Message:", message)
print("Encrypted Message:", encrypted_message)
print("Decrypted Message:", decrypted_message)
# Create a packet with the encrypted message
packet = Packet(encrypted_message)
# Simulate sending the packet over the network
# Simulate receiving the packet over the network
received_data = Packet.receive_data_over_network()
# Create a packet with the received data
received_packet = Packet(received_data)
# Decrypt the received packet using Kaalka
received_decrypted_message = kaalka.decrypt(received_packet.encrypted_data, timestamp)
print("\nReceived and Decrypted Message:", received_decrypted_message)
- For using the node package for Kaalka just run the following into the terminal
npm i kaalka
- Using kaalka for Encryption and Decryption:
const Kaalka = require('kaalka');
// Create an instance of Kaalka
const kaalkaInstance = new Kaalka();
const message = "Hello, world!";
// Encrypt the message
const encryptedMessage = kaalkaInstance.encrypt(message);
// Decrypt the encrypted message
const decryptedMessage = kaalkaInstance.decrypt(encryptedMessage);
console.log("Original Message:", message);
console.log("Encrypted Message:", encryptedMessage);
console.log("Decrypted Message:", decryptedMessage);
- Using kaalka_NTP and Packet for Encryption:
const KaalkaNTP = require('kaalka_NTP'); // Replace with the actual import
const Packet = require('packet'); // Replace with the actual import
// Create an instance of KaalkaNTP
const kaalkaNTPInstance = new KaalkaNTP();
// Create a Packet object with some data
const packet = new Packet("Hello, Kaalka!");
// Encrypt the packet using KaalkaNTP instance
console.log("Original Data:", packet.originalData);
console.log("Encrypted Data:", packet.encryptedData);
- For using the jar into your java project
import com.kaalka.Kaalka;
import com.kaalka.KaalkaNTP;
import com.kaalka.Packet;
import org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeStamp;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Example usage of Kaalka
Kaalka kaalka = new Kaalka();
String originalMessage = "Hello, Kaalka!";
String encryptedMessage = kaalka.encrypt(originalMessage);
String decryptedMessage = kaalka.decrypt(encryptedMessage);
System.out.println("Original Message: " + originalMessage);
System.out.println("Encrypted Message: " + encryptedMessage);
System.out.println("Decrypted Message: " + decryptedMessage);
// Example usage of KaalkaNTP
KaalkaNTP kaalkaNTP = new KaalkaNTP();
String encryptedNTPMessage = kaalkaNTP.encrypt(originalMessage);
String decryptedNTPMessage = kaalkaNTP.decrypt(encryptedNTPMessage);
System.out.println("\nUsing KaalkaNTP:");
System.out.println("Original Message: " + originalMessage);
System.out.println("Encrypted NTP Message: " + encryptedNTPMessage);
System.out.println("Decrypted NTP Message: " + decryptedNTPMessage);
// Example usage of Apache Commons Net
TimeStamp ntpTime = TimeStamp.getCurrentTime();
long secondsSince1999 = ntpTime.getSeconds();
System.out.println("\nCurrent NTP Time (seconds since 1999): " + secondsSince1999);
// Example usage of Packet sending and receiving
Packet packet = new Packet(originalMessage);
// Encrypt the packet using KaalkaNTP
System.out.println("\nEncrypted Packet Data: " + packet.getEncryptedData());
// Simulate sending the encrypted packet over the network
// Simulate receiving the encrypted packet over the network
String receivedData = Packet.receiveDataOverNetwork();
// Create a packet with the received data
Packet receivedPacket = new Packet(receivedData);
// Decrypt the received packet using KaalkaNTP
System.out.println("Received and Decrypted Packet Data: " + receivedPacket.getData());
- Use the jar into your project
dependencies {
- Then the exampler code
import com.kaalkalib.Kaalka
import com.kaalkalib.KaalkaNTP
import com.kaalkalib.Packet
fun main() {
// Example usage of Kaalka
val kaalka = Kaalka()
val originalMessage = "Hello, Kaalka!"
val encryptedMessage = kaalka.encrypt(originalMessage)
val decryptedMessage = kaalka.decrypt(encryptedMessage)
println("Original Message: $originalMessage")
println("Encrypted Message: $encryptedMessage")
println("Decrypted Message: $decryptedMessage")
// Example usage of KaalkaNTP
val kaalkaNTP = KaalkaNTP()
val encryptedNTPMessage = kaalkaNTP.encrypt(originalMessage)
val decryptedNTPMessage = kaalkaNTP.decrypt(encryptedNTPMessage)
println("\nUsing KaalkaNTP:")
println("Original Message: $originalMessage")
println("Encrypted NTP Message: $encryptedNTPMessage")
println("Decrypted NTP Message: $decryptedNTPMessage")
// Example usage of Packet sending and receiving
val packet = Packet("Hello, Kaalka!")
Based upon the Kaalka Encryption Algorithm
Other developers can use your package by adding it as a dependency in their own Dart projects. They need to include the package name and version in their pubspec.yaml file:
kaalka: ^1.0.0
- Importing and Using: Once the package is added as a dependency, developers can import and use its classes, functions, and widgets in their Dart code:
import 'package:kaalka/kaalka.dart';
void main() {
// Use classes, functions, or widgets from the kaalka package
// ...
- Using Widgets: If your package includes widgets, they can be used just like any other Flutter widgets in the user's UI code:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:kaalka/kaalka.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: MyCustomWidget(), // Use the widget from your package