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DOKU PHP SDK Documentation


Welcome to the DOKU PHP SDK! This SDK simplifies access to the DOKU API for your server-side PHP applications, enabling seamless integration with payment and virtual account services.

If your looking for another language Node.js, Go, Python, Java

Table of Contents

1. Getting Started


  • PHP version 7.4 or higher
  • Composer installed


To install the Doku Snap SDK, use Composer:

composer require doku/doku-php-library


Before using the Doku Snap SDK, you need to initialize it with your credentials:

  1. Client ID and Secret Key: Retrieve these from the Integration menu in your Doku Dashboard
  2. Private Key and Public Key : Generate your Private Key and Public Key

How to generate Merchant privateKey and publicKey :

  1. generate private key RSA : openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
  2. set passphrase your private key RSA : openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in private.key -out pkcs8.key -v1 PBE-SHA1-3DES
  3. generate public key RSA : openssl rsa -in private.key -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

The encryption model applied to messages involves both asymmetric and symmetric encryption, utilizing a combination of Private Key and Public Key, adhering to the following standards:

  1. Standard Asymmetric Encryption Signature: SHA256withRSA dengan Private Key ( Kpriv ) dan Public Key ( Kpub ) (256 bits)
  2. Standard Symmetric Encryption Signature HMAC_SHA512 (512 bits)
  3. Standard Symmetric Encryption AES-256 dengan client secret sebagai encryption key.
Parameter Description Required
privateKey The private key for the partner service.
publicKey The public key for the partner service.
clientId The client ID associated with the service.
secretKey The secret key for the partner service.
isProduction Set to true for production environment
issuer Optional issuer for advanced configurations.
authCode Optional authorization code for advanced use.
use Doku\Snap\Snap;

$privateKey = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY";
$publicKey = "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY";
$clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID";
$secretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY";
$isProduction = false;
$issuer = "YOUR_ISSUER"; 
$authCode = "YOUR_AUTH_CODE"; 

$snap = new Snap($privateKey, $publicKey, $clientId, $issuer, $isProduction, $secretKey, $authCode);

2. Usage

Initialization Always start by initializing the Snap object.

$snap = new Snap($privateKey, $publicKey, $clientId, $issuer, $isProduction, $secretKey, $authCode);

Virtual Account

I. Virtual Account (DGPC & MGPC)

  • Description: A pre-generated virtual account provided by DOKU.
  • Use Case: Recommended for one-time transactions.
  • Description: Merchant generated virtual account.
  • Use Case: Recommended for top up business model.

Parameters for createVA and updateVA

Parameter Description Data Type Required
partnerServiceId The unique identifier for the partner service. String(20)
customerNo The customer's identification number. String(20)
virtualAccountNo The virtual account number associated with the customer. String(20)
virtualAccountName The name of the virtual account associated with the customer. String(255)
virtualAccountEmail The email address associated with the virtual account. String(255)
virtualAccountPhone The phone number associated with the virtual account. String(9-30)
trxId Invoice number in Merchants system. String(64)
totalAmount value: Transaction Amount (ISO 4217)
Example: "11500.00"
Currency: Currency
Example: "IDR"
additionalInfo channel: Channel that will be applied for this VA
virtualAccountConfig reusableStatus: Reusable Status For Virtual Account Transaction
value TRUE or FALSE
minAmount: Minimum Amount can be used only if virtualAccountTrxType is Open Amount (O).
Example: "10000.00"
maxAmount: Maximum Amount can be used only if virtualAccountTrxType is Open Amount (O).
Example: "5000000.00"
virtualAccountTrxType Transaction type for this transaction. C (Closed Amount), O (Open Amount) String(1)
expiredDate Expiration date for Virtual Account. ISO-8601
Example: "2023-01-01T10:55:00+07:00"
  1. Create Virtual Account

    • Function: createVa
      use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\Request\CreateVaRequestDto;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\TotalAmount\TotalAmount;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\AdditionalInfo\CreateVaRequestAdditionalInfo;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\VirtualAccountConfig\CreateVaVirtualAccountConfig;
      $createVaRequestDto = new CreateVaRequestDto(
        "8129014",  // partner
        "17223992157",  // customerno
        "812901417223992157",  // virtualAccountNo
        "T_" . time(),  // virtualAccountName
        "test.example." . time() . "",  // virtualAccountEmail
        "621722399214895",  // virtualAccountPhone
        "INV_CIMB_" . time(),  // trxId
        new TotalAmount("12500.00", "IDR"),  // totalAmount
        new CreateVaRequestAdditionalInfo(
              "VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_BANK_CIMB", new CreateVaVirtualAccountConfig(true)
              ), // additionalInfo
        'C',  // virtualAccountTrxType
        "2024-08-31T09:54:04+07:00"  // expiredDate
      $result = $snap->createVa($createVaRequestDto);
      echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
  2. Update Virtual Account

    • Function: updateVa
      use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\Request\UpdateVaRequestDto;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\AdditionalInfo\UpdateVaRequestAdditionalInfo;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\VirtualAccountConfig\UpdateVaVirtualAccountConfig;
      $updateVaRequestDto = new UpdateVaRequestDto(
          "8129014",  // partnerServiceId
          "17223992155",  // customerNo
          "812901417223992155",  // virtualAccountNo
          "T_" . time(),  // virtualAccountName
          "test.example." . time() . "",  // virtualAccountEmail
          "00000062798",  // virtualAccountPhone
          "INV_CIMB_" . time(),  // trxId
          new TotalAmount("14000.00", "IDR"),  // totalAmount
          new UpdateVaRequestAdditionalInfo("VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_BANK_CIMB", new UpdateVaVirtualAccountConfig("ACTIVE", "10000.00", "15000.00")),  // additionalInfo
          "O",  // virtualAccountTrxType
          "2024-08-02T15:54:04+07:00"  // expiredDate
      $result = $snap->updateVa($updateVaRequestDto);
      echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
  3. Delete Virtual Account

    Parameter Description Data Type Required
    partnerServiceId The unique identifier for the partner service. String(8)
    customerNo The customer's identification number. String(20)
    virtualAccountNo The virtual account number associated with the customer. String(20)
    trxId Invoice number in Merchant's system. String(64)
    additionalInfo channel: Channel applied for this VA.
  • Function: deletePaymentCode

    use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\Request\DeleteVaRequestDto;
    use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\Request\DeleteVaRequestDto;
    use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\AdditionalInfo\DeleteVaRequestAdditionalInfo;
    $deleteVaRequestDto = new DeleteVaRequestDto(
        "8129014",  // partnerServiceId
        "17223992155",  // customerNo
        "812901417223992155",  // virtualAccountNo
        "INV_CIMB_" . time(),  // trxId
        new DeleteVaRequestAdditionalInfo("VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_BANK_CIMB")  // additionalInfo
    $result = $snap->deletePaymentCode($deleteVaRequestDto);
    echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

II. Virtual Account (DIPC)

  • Description: The VA number is registered on merchant side and DOKU will forward Acquirer inquiry request to merchant side when the customer make payment at the acquirer channel

  • Function: directInquiryVa

        use Doku\Snap\Models\DirectInquiry\InquiryResponseBodyDto;
        use Doku\Snap\Models\DirectInquiry\InquiryResponseVirtualAccountDataDto;
        use Doku\Snap\Models\DirectInquiry\InquiryReasonDto;
        use Doku\Snap\Models\DirectInquiry\InquiryResponseAdditionalInfoDto;
        use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\VirtualAccountConfig\CreateVaVirtualAccountConfig;
        use Doku\Snap\Models\TotalAmount\TotalAmount;
          $requestBody = $this->request->getJSON(true);
          $authorization = $this->request->getHeaderLine('Authorization');
          $isValid = $this->snap->validateTokenB2B($authorization);
          if($isValid) {
            $responseCode =2002400;
            $responseMessage = 'Successful';
            $inquiryRequestId = $requestBody['inquiryRequestId'];
            $partnerServiceId = $requestBody['partnerServiceId'];
            $customerNo = $requestBody['customerNo'];
            $virtualAccountNo = $requestBody['virtualAccountNo'];
            <!-- validate virtualAccountNo from your database before proccess it -->
            $virtualAccountName = "Nama ". time();
            $trxId =  "INV_MERCHANT_" . time();
            $virtualAccountEmail = "email." . time() . "";
            $virtualAccountPhone =time();
            $totalAmount = new TotalAmount(
            $inquiryStatus = "00";
            $additionalInfo = new InquiryResponseAdditionalInfoDto(
                new CreateVaVirtualAccountConfig(
            $inquiryReason = new InquiryReasonDto(
            $virtualAccountTrxType = "C";
            $freeText = [
                    "english" => "Free text",
                    "indonesia" => "Tulisan Bebas"
            $vaData = new InquiryResponseVirtualAccountDataDto(
            $body = new InquiryResponseBodyDto(
            return $this->respond($body);

III. Check Virtual Account Status

Parameter Description Data Type Required
partnerServiceId The unique identifier for the partner service. String(8)
customerNo The customer's identification number. String(20)
virtualAccountNo The virtual account number associated with the customer. String(20)
inquiryRequestId The customer's identification number. String(128)
paymentRequestId The virtual account number associated with the customer. String(128)
additionalInfo The virtual account number associated with the customer. String
  • Function: checkStatusVa
    use Doku\Snap\Models\VA\Request\CheckStatusVaRequestDto;
    $checkStatusVaRequestDto = new CheckStatusVaRequestDto(
        "8129014",  // partnerServiceId
        "17223992155",  // customerNo
        "812901417223992155",  // virtualAccountNo
    $result = $snap-> ($checkStatusVaRequestDto);
    echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

B. Binding / Registration Operations

The card registration/account binding process must be completed before payment can be processed. The merchant will send the card registration request from the customer to DOKU.

Each card/account can only registered/bind to one customer on one merchant. Customer needs to verify OTP and input PIN.

Services Binding Type Details
Direct Debit Account Binding Supports Allo Bank and CIMB
Direct Debit Card Registration Supports BRI
E-Wallet Account Binding Supports OVO

I. Account Binding

  1. Binding
Parameter Description Data Type Required
phoneNo Phone Number Customer.
Format: 628238748728423
additionalInfo channel: Payment Channel
custIdMerchant: Customer id from merchant String(64)
customerName: Customer name from merchant String(70)
email: Customer email from merchant String(64)
idCard: Customer id card from merchant String(20)
country: Customer country String
address: Customer Address String(255)
dateOfBirth String(YYYYMMDD)
successRegistrationUrl: Redirect URL when binding is success String
failedRegistrationUrl: Redirect URL when binding is success fail String
deviceModel: Device Model customer String
osType: Format: ios/android String
channelId: Format: app/web String
  • Function: doAccountBinding

    use Doku\Snap\Models\AccountBinding\AccountBindingRequestDto;
    use Doku\Snap\Models\AccountBinding\AccountBindingAdditionalInfoRequestDto;
     public function accountBinding()
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $partnerReferenceNo = $requestData['phoneNo'] ?? null;
        $additionalInfo = new AccountBindingAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['customerName']?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['idCard'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['country'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['address'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['dateOfBirth'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['deviceModel'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['osType'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['channelId'] ?? null
        $requestBody = new AccountBindingRequestDto(
        $ipAddress = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-IP-ADDRESS');
        $deviceId = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-DEVICE-ID');
        $response = $this->snap->doAccountBinding($requestBody, $ipAddress, $deviceId);
        if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
            $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
        } else {
            throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
        $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
        $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
        return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);
  1. Unbinding
    • Function: getTokenB2B2C
    public function getTokenB2B2C() {
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $authCode = $requestData['authCode'];
        $tokenData = $this->snap->getTokenB2B2C($authCode);
        return $this->response->setJSON($tokenData);
    • Function: doAccountUnbinding
    use Doku\Snap\Models\AccountUnbinding\AccountUnbindingRequestDto;
    use Doku\Snap\Models\AccountUnbinding\AccountUnbindingAdditionalInfoRequestDto;
     public function accountUnbinding()
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $tokenId =  $requestData['tokenId'] ?? '';
        $additionalInfo = new AccountUnbindingAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
        $requestBody = new AccountUnbindingRequestDto(
        $ipAddress = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-IP-ADDRESS');
        $response = $this->snap->doAccountUnbinding($requestBody, $ipAddress);
        if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
            $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
        } else {
            throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
        $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
        $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
        return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);

II. Card Registration

  1. Registration

    • Function: doCardRegistration
    use Doku\Snap\Models\CardRegistration\CardRegistrationRequestDto;
    use Doku\Snap\Models\CardRegistration\CardRegistrationAdditionalInfoRequestDto;
    use Doku\Snap\Models\CardRegistration\CardRegistrationCardDataRequestDto;
     public function cardRegist()
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $cardData = new CardRegistrationCardDataRequestDto(
        $custIdMerchant = $requestData['custIdMerchant'] ?? null;
        $phoneNo = $requestData['phoneNo'] ?? null;
        $additionalInfo = new CardRegistrationAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['customerName']?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['idCard'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['country'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['address'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['dateOfBirth'] ?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['successRegistrationUrl']?? null,
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['failedRegistrationUrl']?? null
        $requestBody = new CardRegistrationRequestDto(
        $response = $this->snap->doCardRegistration($requestBody);
        if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
            $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
        } else {
            throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
        $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
        $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
        return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);
  2. UnRegistration

    • Function: getTokenB2B2C
    public function getTokenB2B2C() {
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $authCode = $requestData['authCode'];
        $tokenData = $this->snap->getTokenB2B2C($authCode);
        return $this->response->setJSON($tokenData);
    • Function: doCardUnbinding
      use Doku\Snap\Models\AccountUnbinding\AccountUnbindingRequestDto;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\AccountUnbinding\AccountUnbindingAdditionalInfoRequestDto;
      public function cardUnbinding()
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $tokenId =  $requestData['tokenId'] ?? '';
        $additionalInfo = new AccountUnbindingAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
        $requestBody = new AccountUnbindingRequestDto(
        $ipAddress = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-IP-ADDRESS');
        $response = $this->snap->doCardUnbinding($requestBody);
        if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
            $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
        } else {
            throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
        $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
        $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
        return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);

C. Direct Debit and E-Wallet

I. Request Payment

Once a customer’s account or card is successfully register/bind, the merchant can send a payment request. This section describes how to send a unified request that works for both Direct Debit and E-Wallet channels.

Acquirer Channel Name
Common parameter
Parameter Description Data Type Required
partnerReferenceNo Reference No From Partner
Format: 628238748728423
amount value: Transaction Amount (ISO 4217)
Example: "11500.00"
Currency: Currency
Example: "IDR"
additionalInfo channel: payment channel String
remarks:Remarks from Partner String(40)
successPaymentUrl: Redirect Url if payment success String
failedPaymentUrl: Redirect Url if payment fail String
Allo Bank Specific Parameters
Parameter Description Required
additionalInfo.remarks Remarks from the partner Item name (String)
additionalInfo.lineItems.price Item price (ISO 4217)
additionalInfo.lineItems.quantity Item quantity (Integer)
payOptionDetails.payMethod Balance type (options: BALANCE/POINT/PAYLATER)
payOptionDetails.transAmount.value Transaction amount
payOptionDetails.transAmount.currency Currency (ISO 4217, e.g., "IDR")
CIMB Specific Parameters
Parameter Description Required
additionalInfo.remarks Remarks from the partner
OVO Specific Parameters
Parameter Description Required
feeType Fee type from partner (values: OUR, BEN, SHA)
payOptionDetails.payMethod Payment method format: CASH, POINTS
payOptionDetails.transAmount.value Transaction amount (ISO 4217)
payOptionDetails.transAmount.currency Currency (ISO 4217, e.g., "IDR")
payOptionDetails.feeAmount.value Fee amount (if applicable)
payOptionDetails.feeAmount.currency Currency for the fee
additionalInfo.paymentType Transaction type (values: SALE, RECURRING)

Here’s how you can use the doPayment function for both payment types:

  • Function: doPayment

     use Doku\Snap\Models\TotalAmount\TotalAmount;
     use Doku\Snap\Models\Payment\PaymentRequestDto;
     use Doku\Snap\Models\Payment\PaymentAdditionalInfoRequestDto;
     public function payment(){
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $payOptionDetails =json_decode(json_encode($requestData['payOptionDetails'] ?? null));
        $partnerReferenceNo = $requestData['partnerReferenceNo'] ?? null;
        $amount = new TotalAmount(
        $additionalInfo = new PaymentAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
            $requestData['additionalInfo']['paymentType'] ?? null
        $feeType = $requestData['feeType'] ?? '';
        $chargeToken = $requestData['chargeToken'] ?? '';
        $request = new PaymentRequestDto(
        $ipAddress = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-IP-ADDRESS');
        $authCode = $requestData['authCode'];
        $response = $this->snap->doPayment($request, $authCode, $ipAddress);
        if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
            $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
        } else {
            throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
        // var_dump($responseObject);
        // Ambil responseCode
        $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
        // Atur status HTTP berdasarkan tiga angka pertama
        $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
        $this->response->setStatusCode((int)$statusCode); // Set status HTTP
        return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);

II. Request Payment Jump APP

Acquirer Channel Name

The following fields are common across DANA and ShopeePay requests:

Parameter Description Data Type Required
partnerReferenceNo Reference No From Partner
Examplae : INV-0001
validUpto Expired time payment url String
pointOfInitiation Point of initiation from partner,
value: app/pc/mweb
urlParam url: URL after payment sucess String
type: Pay Return
isDeepLink: Is Merchant use deep link or not
Example: "Y/N"
amount value: Transaction Amount (ISO 4217)
Example: "11500.00"
Currency: Currency
Example: "IDR"
additionalInfo channel: payment channel String

DANA spesific parameters

Parameter Description Data Type Required
additionalInfo orderTitle: Order title from merchant String
supportDeepLinkCheckoutUrl : Value 'true' for Jumpapp behaviour, 'false' for webview, false by default String
For Shopeepay and Dana you can use the `doPaymentJumpApp` function for for Jumpapp behaviour
  • Function: doPaymentJumpApp
     use Doku\Snap\Models\TotalAmount\TotalAmount;
     use Doku\Snap\Models\PaymentJumpApp\PaymentJumpAppRequestDto;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\PaymentJumpApp\PaymentJumpAppAdditionalInfoRequestDto;
      use Doku\Snap\Models\PaymentJumpApp\UrlParamDto;

     public function paymentJumpApp()
        $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
        $partnerReferenceNo =  $requestData['partnerReferenceNo'] ?? '';
        $validUpTo =  $requestData['validUpTo'] ?? '';
        $pointOfInitiation =  $requestData['pointOfInitiation'] ?? '';
        $urlParam = new UrlParamDto(
        $amount = new TotalAmount(
        $metadata = isset($requestData['additionalInfo']['metadata']) ? $requestData['additionalInfo']['metadata'] : null;
        $supportDeepLinkCheckoutUrl = isset($requestData['additionalInfo']['supportDeepLinkCheckoutUrl']) ? $requestData['additionalInfo']['supportDeepLinkCheckoutUrl'] : null;
        $additionalInfo = new PaymentJumpAppAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
        $requestBody = new PaymentJumpAppRequestDto(
        $ipAddress = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-IP-ADDRESS');
        $deviceId = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-DEVICE-ID');
        $response = $this->snap->doPaymentJumpApp($requestBody,$deviceId,$ipAddress);

        if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
            $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
        } else {
            throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
        $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
        $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
        return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);

3. Other Operation

A. Check Transaction Status

 public function debitStatus()
      $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
      $originalPartnerReferenceNo =  $requestData['originalPartnerReferenceNo'] ?? '';
      $originalReferenceNo =  $requestData['originalReferenceNo'] ?? '';
      $originalExternalId =  $requestData['originalExternalId'] ?? '';
      $serviceCode =  $requestData['serviceCode'] ?? '';
      $transactionDate =  $requestData['transactionDate'] ?? '';
      $amountValue = $requestData['amount']['value'] ?? '';
      $amountCurrency = $requestData['amount']['currency'] ?? '';
      $amount = new TotalAmount($amountValue, $amountCurrency);
      $merchantId =  $requestData['merchantId'] ?? '';
      $subMerchantId =  $requestData['subMerchantId'] ?? '';
      $externalStoreId =  $requestData['externalStoreId'] ?? '';
      $deviceId = $requestData['additionalInfo']['deviceId'] ?? '';
      $channel = $requestData['additionalInfo']['channel'] ?? '';
      $additionalInfo = new CheckStatusAdditionalInfoRequestDto($deviceId, $channel);
      $requestBody = new DirectDebitCheckStatusRequestDto(

      $response = $this->snap->doCheckStatus($requestBody);

      if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
          $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
      } else {
          throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
      $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
      $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
      return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);

B. Refund

public function refund()
      $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);
      $additionalInfo = new RefundAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
      $originalPartnerReferenceNo =  $requestData['originalPartnerReferenceNo'] ?? '';
      $originalExternalId =  $requestData['originalExternalId'] ?? '';
      $refundAmount = new TotalAmount(
      $reason =  $requestData['reason'] ?? '';
      $partnerRefundNo =  $requestData['partnerRefundNo'] ?? '';
      $ipAddress = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-IP-ADDRESS');
      $authCode = $requestData['authCode'];
      $deviceId = $this->request->getHeaderLine('deviceId');
      $requestBody = new RefundRequestDto(
      $response = $this->snap->doRefund($requestBody, $authCode, $ipAddress, $deviceId);

      if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
          $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
      } else {
          throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
      $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
      $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
      return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);


C. Balance Inquiry

public function checkBalance()
      $requestData = $this->request->getJSON(true);

      $additionalInfo = new BalanceInquiryAdditionalInfoRequestDto(
      $requestBody = new BalanceInquiryRequestDto(
      $ipAddress = $this->request->getHeaderLine('X-IP-ADDRESS');
      $authCode = $requestData['authCode'];
      $response = $this->snap->doBalanceInquiry($requestBody, $authCode, $ipAddress);

      if (is_array($response) || is_object($response)) {
          $responseObject = (array)$response; // Ubah objek ke array jika perlu
      } else {
          throw new \Exception('Unexpected response type');
      $responseCode = $responseObject['responseCode'];
      $statusCode = substr($responseCode, 0, 3);
      return $this->response->setJSON($responseObject);

4. Error Handling and Troubleshooting

The SDK throws exceptions for various error conditions. Always wrap your API calls in try-catch blocks:

 try {
   $result = $snap->createVa($createVaRequestDto);
   // Process successful result
 } catch (Exception $e) {
     echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
     // Handle the error appropriately

This section provides common errors and solutions:

Error Code Description Solution
4010000 Unauthorized Check if Client ID and Secret Key are valid.
4012400 Virtual Account Not Found Verify the virtual account number provided.
2002400 Successful Transaction completed successfully.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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