University project. Main idea is to program Park Sensor based on STM32F4 Discovery.
Hardware used:
- STM32F4 Discovery
- 3x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensors
- Module 4x8-segment display with common anode
- Buzzer TMB12A05
Code based on IRQ procedure.
The goal of the project was to construct a prototype of a park sensor to assist the driver during a backdown.
Each sensor measures the distance about 3 times per second, this distance is calculated on a 4-steps hazard scale by the following rule:
Above 150 cm - 0. level
Between 150 cm and 100 cm - 1st level
Between 100 cm and 40 cm - 2nd level
Below 40 cm - 3rd level
This result is display on the display showing the right number of lines depending on the level of danger on specified side, additionally buzzer inform about it by beeping.
0 level - silence
1st level - 1 Hz beeping
2nd level - 2 Hz beeping
3rd level - 10 Hz beeping
Used software is System WorkBench for STM32 (version 2.2.0)
Code based on Standard Peripheral Library which is not supported on higher version of compiler.
Download the code, build and run it on System WorkBench for STM32 (v. 2.2.0) or other compatible STM32 compiler remembering about the appropriate code adaptation.
Connect following pins:
- Vcc ---> 5V pin
- GND ---> GND pin
Trig ---> PE5
Echo ---> PE4
Trig ---> PA3
Echo ---> PA2
Trig ---> PE1
Echo ---> PE0
- Vcc ---> 3V pin
- 1 ---> PD0
- 2 ---> PD1
- 3 ---> PD2
- 4 ---> PD3
- a ---> PD4
- d ---> PD5
- g ---> PD6
- Short pin ---> GND pin
- Long pin ---> PC1
1) Control of the buzzer through the transistor to protect against short-circuiting.
2) Changing the ultrasonic sensors for a more reliable and weather resistant model.
3) A better and easier to use display.
Rafał Isbrandt
Konrad Grzelczyk
The project was conducted during the Microprocessor Lab course held by the Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology.
Supervisor: Tomasz Mańkowski