or, more verbosely, Exam Paper Generation and Archivization System.
A project for Team Project 2 course on WUT.
- support for multiple choice closed-ended questions (tasks) only
(there is no required number of correct answers or answers at all – this enables emulation of single choice and open-ended questions as well) - simple authentication and authorization
(users can set created tasks either as public or private, ie. visible for others or not) - division of tasks into categories using mandatory subjects (one per task) and optional tags
- task search based on assigned subject, tasks and content (using trigrams)
- support for HTML, Markdown and LaTeX in task content
- client-side preview and PDF generation
- possibility of answer sheet generation (for easier marking)
- generation of multiple test groups sharing a task pool, but sampled randomly
- automatic archivization of generated exam papers
Presentation Tier
- TypeScript
- React – designing user views
- Bootstrap – user-friendly interface styling
- Jest – unit testing
Logic Tier
- Python
- FastAPI – providing a REST interface
- SQLAlchemy – interacting with the database
- pytest – unit testing
Data Tier
- PostgreSQL
Check out the umbrella repository for details: